Why JRPG fans hate Western RPGs?

It kinda bugs me.
JRPG fans utterly despise anything related to D&D and western videogames or they simply don't care. I wonder why.
JRPG fans utterly despise anything related to D&D and western videogames or they simply don't care. I wonder why.
Post edited by ShapiroKeatsDarkMage on
Personally, I like both as they offer me different things.
"Your game lacks prose and a deep, immersive story," accused the western RPG fans, hatred in their eyes.
"We have mechanics AND a novel's worth of dialogue, and all you have are mindless battles. How can you even like that unless you have the mentality of a child?" they derisively and rhetorically asked.
"Who even are you and what are you doing in my house," the JRPG players asked, frightened. "Gah, you're so pretentious and mean to me, I hate you," they growled.
And thus it was...
This is just my own opinion on JRPG's and there's probably games out there that can prove me wrong. But its just where I stand.
Never ever played any JRPG whatsoever. They don't exactly attract my eye, but who am I to judge. It's like judging Twilight before seeing it. Deep inside, it's not THAT bad
There are some diamonds among both genres :]
Games like JRPGs and Diablo have been called RPGs for well over a decade now. I don't really see a point in insisting that they aren't RPGs.
Diablo don't really have any rpg in it but fine I can live with it since it at least have some story and world interaction but games like Leauge of Legends being called a rpg is just silly.
In my opinion, most of the production lacks the quality of the gems you can find in both categories. For me, those would be FF VI and VII, and BG 1 and 2.
Quality here is not a matter of genres.
If you really want to RP, no computer beats gathering a couple of friends and playing a tabletop RPG.
Personally, I can enjoy both genres as long as the game is good.
If you wish to know more about how these genres came to be and what makes them so different, you might find this video interesting (note that there is a second and third part):
You're right. Not an rpg. I didn't get into any of the roles of the game at all. plus, i didn't play the game, and it's not a game, so obviously, no possible way that it's an rpg.
I enjoy the story elements in a lot of JRPG's, it feels like playing a character in a strong novel(the good ones of course) whereas WRPG's are a slight create your own adventure with some good imposed story elements(the goods ones of course). I do feel like good JRPG's have interesting and varied characters that i enjoy trying to equip to the death and i like the gear and differing magic and class systems the have. WRPG's have great characters aswell but many do not have very much that make them unique. BG has alot of great voice acting but for example the old school(and to an extent new) fallouts have companions that i did not give a damn about and were only used as mules and the majority of WRPG's I'd rather solo.
They both have pro's and cons but saying they are not truley rpg's is nitpicking and elitist. What matters is if they are enjoyable, I still think just a fondly of FF2 aquiring Gordon whose stats were a fraction of your weakest party member and beefing him to a death machine as I did finding Gorions letter in the return to Candlekeep.
This feels like arguing the merits of beef and pork. Who cares! They both taste good on a sandwich to me.
I've never played the original Dragon Quest, but in Final Fantasy you can clearly see how it drew inspiration from DnD in its monsters and how the spell system functioned.