New NPCs you'd like to see

BG: EE already has 4 new NPCs and it seems the sequel will have a much needed evil thief. BG 2 is superior to its predecessor in almost every way, but it's definitely more limited when it comes to NPC choices. Are there any other NPCs you'd like for the BG 2: EE?
For me, I'd like a chaotic neutral barbarian. Other than Jaheira, there aren't any frontline neutral warriors in either game. Yea, neutral PCs can supposedly get along with any alignment, but it really makes more sense for people of similar morality and temperament to hang out together. I also don't find the barbarian interesting enough to ever play as one for my PC, so having a barbarian NPC will give me the chance to play as one.
A skald NPC would also be nice. Other than the blade, bards are generally support characters. The PC is the child of a god. Fuck supporting. While I may not be interested in the PC supporting the party, a NPC that is very good at buffing the party would be perfect.
For me, I'd like a chaotic neutral barbarian. Other than Jaheira, there aren't any frontline neutral warriors in either game. Yea, neutral PCs can supposedly get along with any alignment, but it really makes more sense for people of similar morality and temperament to hang out together. I also don't find the barbarian interesting enough to ever play as one for my PC, so having a barbarian NPC will give me the chance to play as one.
A skald NPC would also be nice. Other than the blade, bards are generally support characters. The PC is the child of a god. Fuck supporting. While I may not be interested in the PC supporting the party, a NPC that is very good at buffing the party would be perfect.
Neera, Rasaad, and Dorn...? Who else?
The most important factor for any new NPC's for me is that they have 'unique' personalities, as well as three or four screws loose to make them interesting. Whenever they are useful in battle isn't that important imho.
Speaking of vampires though, I wouldn't mind meeting an Undead Hunter. Not only would he/she come in very handy when taking an Bohdi's claim, but it also fits in well with the story, i.e.: you both share a common goal to wipe out Bodhi's vampires.
Well, it has to be a Gnome, lets make it a Chaotic Evil Cleric/Thief..oh I know! We shall call him Tiax! He who rules all!
But if that's not possible, I'll settle for a Gnome Wizard Slayer, Dwarf Fighter/Cleric or a Hafling Barbarian
Artemis Entrieri ( Assassin ) LE Human
Cadderly ( Priest ) LG Human
Dianca ( Monk ) NG Human
Wulfgar ( Barbarian ) CG Human
Catti-brie ( Archer ) " "
Bruneor ( Fighter ) LG Dwarf
Jarlaxle ( Fighter / Mage ) NE Drow..
Regis ( Thief ) CG Halfling
But I wouldn't mind partying with these people.
I do believe that every party ( good or evil ) should have access to every primary class ( especially thief ) as a joinable NPC.
The in fighting while novel get's old too fast.
good aligned Half-Orc, preferably Cleric.
More single class theives.
If you do add new NPC's Beamdog, please don't add these ones... they've been done to death in tons of books and other games and the fact that many of them already have an unnecessary cameo in the game is more than enough.
I'd like to see a CE Halfling Barbarian, a NE Half-Orc Cleric/Thief, or a LE Elf Fighter/Mage. Obviously any new NPC's added should be evil since currently there aren't enough evil NPC's to fill the other 5 slots alongside Charname. As the game is now you have Edwin, Korgan, and Viconia in SoA, so that means a 4 man party through BG2 and if your Charname isn't a Thief well, have fun with all those traps. Once ToB comes along you can get Sarevok and have a 5 man party... still 1 short. The inclusion of Dorn will mean you can have a 5 man party in SoA and a full group (finally) in ToB. Fingers crossed that the new rumored Thief NPC is in fact evil.