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How Much XP should Drizzt be worth?

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
edited September 2013 in Archive (General Discussion)
So I just killed Drizzt recently ( oops, have to be more careful for where that sword is swinging, at least that is what I told the priest in Nashkiel before my sword started swinging again...... ) anyway, and I thought, how much easier would it be if he didn't have any magic resistance at all, because the magic resistance he has now is a whopping
and through the years of playing this game ( which number many) I've only ever seen magic missile affect him maybe 5 times, web spell maybe 3 times, and one time, I couldn't believe, hold person ( game over spell for any baddie) so based on that, how much XP do you think Drizzt should be worth if he had no magic resistance?
  1. How Much XP should Drizzt be worth?56 votes
    1. 12 000 isn't enough, he should still be worth more
    2. 12 000 is fine, he is still a tough combatant
    3. 10 000 - 11 999
    4. 8 000 - 9 999
    5. 6 000 - 7 999
    6. 4000 - 5 999
    7. 2 000 - 3 999
    8. Less than 2 000, because you know, he is a complete push over :)
Post edited by sarevok57 on


  • Stargazer5781Stargazer5781 Member Posts: 183
    Over 9000
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2013
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Ohh and FYI you probably want this in the general part of the forum. Not new members :)
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    1 XP and no more.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Actually he's ridiculously difficult. But I don't want the temptation of killing him!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    @elminster thanks for the heads up , and also, mike the tv, HELL YES :3
  • Tysonm1Tysonm1 Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2013

    But yeah,12K of XP for that guy isn't nearly enough when you can solo a demon worth 16K. He should be at least worth around 13...

    Edit: Actually when I come to think about it, the reason that there's only so much XP from that guy might be because of the magical equipment which makes him so tough. Give him normal splint mail and two crappy scimitars with no buffs on them and you're just going to be stood there with a level 16 Ranger with n00b gear.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    @Tysonm1 co-incendently he isn't even using his gear when he battles you ( except for the ac bonus from twinkle and the ac modifiers from his chainmail) and plus I couldn't put over 9000 because vegeta broke my scouter that I lent over to napa, silly saiyans and their shenanigans :)
  • bill_zagoudisbill_zagoudis Member Posts: 207
    i think he should be hasted with an AC of -50 with 100% magic resistance,500 HP and immunue to traps
    as for the XP? 1.

    why? cause it sucks having a hero of legend fall to a bunch of low level scrubs,especially when they rest/trap or kite him for 10 min.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    No matter his AC or amount of health it'll still be possible to cheese him, unless you make him something akin to Arkanis Gath in BG2. A better option might be to just have him teleported away by Harpell when close to dying, thus awarding no exp or items.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    Drizzt should be worth 1 exp if he had no MR. With magic resistance he should be worth maybe about 8 exp, if I'm feeling generous
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    The slaying of Drizzt should be equal to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 062862089986280348253421170679 XP and a free dwarven ale.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    @Kamigoroshi but what happens if I want cake instead of pie with my dwarven ale?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    God said:

    1 XP and no more.

    This. He can't even deal with a bunch of gnolls on his own. That makes him the second worst fighter after the miner who gets killed by kobolds on level 2 of Nashkel Mines. The miner gives 0 XP, so logically, Drizzt should give 1.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    well there is quite a few of them, and I guess they are trying to add some RP element into it ( although you are right, gnolls, LOL ), they should have been a dozen dragons instead, then Drizzt would have some worry :)
  • KoyoteKoyote Member Posts: 89
    It's funny, every time I fight him, his magic resistance is about 18-20%.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited September 2013
    According to the DM guide Drizzt's MR is worth 2000 xp, no matter what it actually is (since his base HD are over 13, every additional effective HD is worth 1,000 xp, and any magic resistance at all is worth +2 effective HD), so even dropping it to a more reasonable (and mechanically accurate) 10 or 20% would be the same as 98% as far as XP value is concerned.

    12k is actually a little low, he should actually be worth 14k as implemented (though a PnP accurate Drizzt is only worth 11k).

    As for Drizzt's stats.

    Number of attacks while dual-wielding -

    Real Drizzt = 3 : BG Drizzt (isn't dual-wielding) = 4.5

    AC (counting Twinkle) -

    Real Drizzt = -7 (-5 vs blunt) : BG Drizzt = -16 (-14 vs Blunt)

    (which for the record, Salvatore has said Twinkle actually supposed to be a +1 Danger-sense scimitar (glows and hums faintly when it detects malicious intent within a 60ft radius, as per the spell), not a defender at all and has no idea why people keep keep saying it's a defending scimitar (when asked about the 3.0 FR campaign setting's implementation of the character and his equipment))

    Max proficiency -

    Real Drizzt - Expertise (ranger) : BG Drizzt GM (due to wielding a creature weapon)

    Passive damage resistance -

    Real Drizzt - 50% fire due to a frostbrand : BG Drizzt 30% physical (Icingdeath isn't equipped)

    Magic resistance -

    Real Drizzt = 20-30% depending on the book : BG Drizzt 98%

    (Drow have a maximum of 80%, but it is reduced by 10% for every week they remain out of the Underdark, and takes an equal amount of time to return).

    Boots of Speed? -

    Real Drizzt = Bracers of blinding strike worn around his ankles : BG Drizzt = Boots of speed

    On-hit effects -

    Real Drizzt = Icingdeath $%#^s the $%#^ of some types of demons or fire elemental as per a normal frostbrand's properties : BG Drizzt = All attacks have a save vs death or take 15 damage.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • blackchimesblackchimes Member Posts: 323

    This. He can't even deal with a bunch of gnolls on his own.

    At no point he says that he cannot deal with them on his own. He only says they've been a "nuisance". I always interpreted the meeting as someone who is surrounded by flies and asks a stranger to help swat them away, basically.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    People kill Drizzt for xp?

    Surely it's for the very fine enchanted swords and armour a thief or ranger can use and still stealth...

    My undead skeletons usually whack him anyway... Why should I get the xp?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    This. He can't even deal with a bunch of gnolls on his own.

    At no point he says that he cannot deal with them on his own. He only says they've been a "nuisance". I always interpreted the meeting as someone who is surrounded by flies and asks a stranger to help swat them away, basically.
    I never asked anyone to swat a fly for me. It's more trouble than doing it myself. Either he likes to make things unneccessarily complicated or he asks for help. Either way, 1 XP will do.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    He should be worth 0xp, the same as any recruitable npc you randomly decide to attack
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    viconia is worth xp if you attack and kill her if she isn't on your team
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Duh, I voted without reading, without MR he should be about 9k?? No?? Maybe 12k is fine.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    ajwz said:

    He should be worth 0xp, the same as any recruitable npc you randomly decide to attack

    But he's not recruitable? Anyways, if it's killable it should give xp. None of this hero of legend crap, if he dies he obviously wasn't hero enough >:)

    I think some of his weird bugs should be fixed, like letting him wield his weapons.

    Also give Elminster some loot!
  • marcerormarceror Member Posts: 577
    1 MILLion dollars!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2013
    nano said:

    Also give Elminster some loot!

    Not that this is on topic but if you are going to do anything like that might as well make him the real deal. None of this lack of continguency, scripted spellcasting (no actual spells memorized), -9 AC business :)
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    elminster said:

    nano said:

    Also give Elminster some loot!

    Not that this is on topic but if you are going to do anything like that might as well make him the real deal. None of this lack of continguency, scripted spellcasting, -9 AC business :)
    Haha, yes. I'm fine with NPCs being nigh unkillable, as long as it's through actual power rather than hacks. Open with timestop and IA and show that he means business :)
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