(October 28th) New BGII:EE Media

Hi Friends,
There are three new music samples, a collection of new screenshots, and a piece of artwork for a mysterious thief known only as "Hexxat" over on the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition website.
Okay bye!
There are three new music samples, a collection of new screenshots, and a piece of artwork for a mysterious thief known only as "Hexxat" over on the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition website.
Okay bye!
Post edited by PhillipDaigle on
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If you do another screenshot release, it would be really interesting to see the world map. Preferably with most places already discovered of course.
I'm curious about this "Claw of the Black Leopard," whether it's another magical wand (albeit one usable by a Thief given the inventory shot) or perhaps a new weapon (maybe a Club/Mace?) or both.
From Black Pits 2 ?
It turns out the Hexxat has a special move, Wrecking Ball (4d6 in an area, functions as Dispel Magic). Her sole mode of locomotion is twerking.
Yeah, you can just leave my "So Sayeth The Wise Alaundo" Foresight badge anywhere.
New Hexxat image is scary
I wonder why? :$
1. Beamdog's NPCs now give reactions to certain things during fights. As can be seen from the screenshot, Dorn reacts to his own critical miss: "You were lucky, then. But luck runs out."
It also means there're new general phrases of Beamdog's NPCs in BG2:EE (if compared to BG:EE).
I think it's relevant to every Beamdog's NPC, not only to Dorn. I doubt it's relevant to the vanilla NPCs, but maybe...;)
I like the idea about NPC reactions during fights. And I very much like this particular phrase of Dorn. I wonder, however, will it be mute or not. It would be amazing to hear Dorn speaking "But luck runs out" and in the next second seeing him chunking his enemy.
2. Dorn's sword Rancor is in BG2:EE.
I expect it will be upgrated (if compared to BG:EE version) and we'll be able to further upgrate it in ToB (I like to think about new items, particulary those needed to upgrate special Beamdog's NPCs items - I hope it will be available;))
Can't be a coincidence…
I have to say, those attack symbols on the portraits are looking awfully big. Is there any way that one could choose to have them smaller, like in BG:EE?
Also, sometimes they come in from the right and sometimes they come from the left. Why not have them all coming from the same side, so to speak?
I notice that Minscs weapon seems to be placed higher up in the corner than the others, which I'd prefer. It doesn't cover the whole portrait. But it's also a bit inconsistent, isn't it?
As far as I'm aware, everyone has dialogue when they make critical misses. It's part of the expanded voiceset included in BG2.
Frankly, I'd be disappointed if the new NPC's DIDN'T say anything.