PaintBG for all BG platforms

Not sure if it should be here or in the 'fan creations' section. We - artastrophe and me - have just released a portrait mod. All of the portraits were done by artastrophe from scratch. I did the scalling and WeiDU installer for BG1/BG2/BGT/Tutu (EE version is manual). The pack is available at SHS and here is the sample poster.
EDIT: version 2 poster
EDIT: version 2 poster

Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
Not sure about the worldmap, though. I may ask her, but I'm afraid that would mean new area icons while I'm not good when dealing with these etc... and we're planning to expand the project and do some mod NPCs, so... But still, will pass the message.
She's not my lover :P But I love her work ^^ We're kinda soulmates ^^
Thanks for wishes! The same to you!
Not sure about the Tylenol after drinking... would suggest more non-alcoholic drink :P +no bread!
Thanks for the hearts and hugs... :P I think... :P
Have fun
My only wish is that there were more! The 'portrait packs' that add portraits to non-joinable NPCs in BG1/2 often use a garish mix of styles. I know that's an impossible task for anything short of an artist-army, but here's wishing.
If you want a stylistic critique, I'll offer it: some of the cheeks / skin around cheek bones (esp. for females) is too smooth / made-up. It's a tiny thing, and most artists like hearing something other than "perfect!", so there ya go. (BG1/Tutu/BGT/BG2 download) (BGEE)
Well, using this package won't crash the game, they just should use 210x330 portraits and they won't need to select smaller versions at all. I think it would need to stay like that anyway because there are people who do not update the EE version. At least I heard about them.
Sylvus - I doubt it will happen and there is a reason. It's not just about the worldmap, but also about the fact it would need all the icons for all areas. And that's not all. Do you remember BG2 and BG1 area icons? When the cursor is on the icon, it starts to glow, there is a blue version if you did not visit the area... all the glowing/different shades, everything is a seperated image. One icon has like 10 images. It's jus too much and it's not worth it. I had to deal with that when I worked on my other mod -- Innershade -- and even though I did my best, it's still a bit awkward (the icon). It's not as easy as it seems. And drawing a map without new icons...I'm not sure if there's any point in it.
Oh, btw -- not sure if you saw it, but EE version includes Isra and White NPCs
Yet, cannot access shsforums for an unknown reason (website temporary down?). Can anybody kindly share v2 for BGEE?
My only (small) (little) gripe would be that I don't think the dorn/rasaad portraits don't fit.
Rasaad feels like he's a sadistic guy ready to buttkick toddlers, and Dorn looks like a tree-lovin hippie... but maybe I'm slightly exaggerating
The only portrait I really dont like is Viconia 1.
Also, Hexxat is missing.
Dorn and Rasaad were prepared before EE was released. That's mostly why we could base only on their portraits which were official before EE was available.
I think Rasaad's conveys that smug superiority you know he feels in his heart =P
BTW, will you release similar package for BG2:EE?