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Add Tiefling/Aasimar Races



  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    " During the Time of Troubles, when the gods were forced to walk Faerûn, Bhaal was slain, on Eleint 16, by the upstart mortal Cyric using the avatar of Mask, a sword named Godsbane, who then stole Bhaal's divinity and portfolio elements. More importantly, Bhaal foresaw his death and impregnated many mortal women - creating his heirs, the Bhaalspawn. "

    Those women were his priestesses, or his faithful...

    This begs the question:
    " Had Bhaal a lot of priestesses and faithful among Aasimars ? "

    I think the answer is not difficult, Aasimar simply isnt lore friendly.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Edvin said:

    " Had Bhaal a lot of priestesses and faithful among Aasimars ? "

    I think the answer is not difficult, Aasimar simply isnt lore friendly.

    He probably didn't have a lot of Aasimar priestesses, if any. I could think of a few reasons why he'd defile the ones he had, however.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Doesnt Aasimars who succumbed to evil ( such as worship an evil god ) lost their powers?
    In addition, I strongly doubt that Bhaal could take Aasimar form.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Edvin said:

    Doesnt Aasimars who succumbed to evil ( such as worship an evil god ) lost their powers?
    In addition, I strongly doubt that Bhaal could take Aasimar form.

    I should check the rules to be 100% certain, but I'm 90% sure they don't. They are physically, biologically descended from an outsider after all. An Aasimar is free to choose his/her path, since they are for the most part human. Aasimar paladins, clerics, and other divine casters probably *do* lose class powers if they switch allegiance, but they'd still retain their racial powers.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Edvin said:

    " During the Time of Troubles, when the gods were forced to walk Faerûn, Bhaal was slain, on Eleint 16, by the upstart mortal Cyric using the avatar of Mask, a sword named Godsbane, who then stole Bhaal's divinity and portfolio elements. More importantly, Bhaal foresaw his death and impregnated many mortal women - creating his heirs, the Bhaalspawn. "

    Those women were his priestesses, or his faithful...

    This begs the question:
    " Had Bhaal a lot of priestesses and faithful among Aasimars ? "

    I think the answer is not difficult, Aasimar simply isnt lore friendly.

    Aasimars aren't necessary good by nature, as Tieflings aren't necessary evil by nature. They both only have influence toward those patchs. Belueth the Calm for example is an Evil assassin Aasimar NPC companion in NWN2 SoZ.

    By the way, a children between an Aasimar and a Tiefling would be what?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited November 2013
    I always got the impression that tieflings and aasimar usually have their outsider blood a bit further down the genetic line than an immediate parent. I think the Bhaalspawn would technically be closer to half-fiends. I suspect the child Charname can have with Aerie would probably technically class as a tiefling or tiefling analogue (fey'ri?), though they are obviously never referred to as such.

    I'm actually not sure if aasimar can be evil-aligned in 2E, since I don't have access to the sourcebook they were introduced in. Tieflings can be everything but Lawful Good, but aasimar alignment might be one of those things that got opened up later, like Ranger alignments. That said, BG has a bunch of 3E stuff in it anyway, even more now with the new kits, so I don't think it'd be off for them to permit evil aasimar even if it wasn't permitted in 2E rules.

    As for a Charname race, why not? I mean all it takes is for Bhaal to have one female aasimar priestess/worshipper. Tiefling is probably *easier* to explain lore-wise, but aasimar is far from stretching the bounds of credulity.

    @Sjerrie: In EE, Dorn also addresses you by race the first time you speak to him in the FAI, and will correctly call you 'tiefling' if you've set it as Charname's race. I think there are a few others kicking about.

    Now, I'm going to go and edit my Charname back into a tiefling again (I keep flitting too and fro on the matter).
    Post edited by Eudaemonium on
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Edvin @sjerrie @Kamuizin Tieflings are not limited to being Neutral or Evil- they are somewhat inclined like that (the devil on their shoulder is slightly stronger than their angel on the other side), but they do not have to be evil. Likewise, Aasimar do not have to be neutral or good, for the same reason (though their angel is slightly stronger than their devil). Like in Harry Potter, it's the choices they make that define their alignment, far more than their parentage. Bhaal could have mated with an evil or neutral Aasimar and have the child turn out to be good (because of the influence of Gorion or what have you).

    I do have the book Aasimar were introduced in (Planescape Monstrous Compendium Volume 2). Also the Planeswalker's Handbook, in which they were introduced as a PC race. "Members of this race add a +1 bonus to Strength and Wisdom and have a -2 penalty to their Constitution score. Aasimar have infravision to a range of 60 feet. Because of their catlike, keen senses, they add +1 to surprise checks. Though in many ways the aasimar are light of build and even somewhat frail, their celestial heritage protects them from half of the damage normally delivered from heat and cold attacks. Additionally, they gain a +2 bonus to saving throws versus any sort of magical charm, fear, emotion, or domination effect. All nonwizard aasimar have 10% magic resistance on top of all that."

    Personally, I'd drop the Magic Resistance for the game myself, but that's the writeup they get.

    Warriors of Heaven is another book with a writeup of Aasimar with greater detail, along with other celestial races (Aasimon, Guardinals, Eladrin and Asuras). It also gives a list of variable traits for Aasimar (powers, appearance and side effects- these can replace the "standard" powers they get.) Things like six fingered hands, wings or vestigial wingbones, silver or golden hair, and so on.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Ok, but... Tiefling+Aasimar =???, really want to know this answer.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @LadyRhian I am aware of the possible alignments for Aasimar and Tieflings. I am also perfectly fine with the idea of evil Aasimar priestesses. To quote the Shade Lord: "The noblest souls in life make for deliciously evil undead". Of course, in this case only applicable in the way that it can make for a very gratifying experience to play a character totally against social or racial expectations (Evil Aasimar priest, Orc wizard...)
    However, I am very curious about the nature of Bhaal's "form", his DNA if you will, and the effect this has on the progeny. Bhaal wanted offspring among as many races as possible, but would some not be less desirable? Also to get back to @kamuizin, my sources speculated that Tiefling+Aasimar might turn out a simple human, the good and evil cancelling each other out. (Note that I don't know how long ago I read this, how 'official' it was, or even what medium.) So, I am very curious to see how the greater proclivity toward evil (because of Bhaal "dna") and the greater proclivity toward good (from Aasimar dna) would interact.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
    Aasimars cant be EVIL, but they can ACT as evil.

    Do you remember Trias from Planescape Tormen?
    Or Ammon Jerro from NWN2?

    Their goal was good, but the methods by which it wanted to achieve was wrong.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited November 2013
    Except NWN2 actually *has* and Evil-aligned Aasimar, so they clearly can be EVIL as well as ACT it.

    Also, Trias isn't an Aasimar. He's an actual angel.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244

    Also, Trias isn't an Aasimar. He's an actual angel.

    And Ammon Jerro is human.
    Second part wasn't about race.

  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Sadly, I haven't found the time yet to really dive into Torment or NWN2, but in IWD2 Tieflings and Aasimars can be any alignment. Then again, since it is 3.5e they can also be any class...
    Edvin said:

    Their goal was good, but the methods by which it wanted to achieve was wrong.

    I realise Torment deviates a little from this, but one of the drawbacks of an alignment system like DnD's is those pesky labels, like LG, LE, CE...
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Edvin said:

    And Ammon Jerro is human.
    Second part wasn't about race.

    By the way... Asmodeus was an angel once, too!!
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    edited November 2013
    @Sjerre Okay so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "outsider" in terms of good or evil outsiders, but that's not the technical definition of what an Aasimar or a Tiefling is. I've had several convos with people on this forum and even did a little research on this and a Tiefling has FIENDISH blood touching it's bloodline somewhere, while Aasimar has ANGELIC blood touching it's ancestry. Bhaal was NEITHER, he was evil by alignment, but he wasn't Fiendish or Angelic, he was a Deity, and IIRC (History of the dead three) was human before he gained the portfolio of the God of Murder.

    Now logical extension would assume that his children gain some of the essence of the MURDER portfolio, which can be called evil in the most basic sense, but that doesn't make him from a Fiendish race. So whether or not Bhaal CAN transform into an Aasimar would be examined by whether or not he can mimic the race in question, not whether or not he was too evil. This also PROVES that his offspring can't be called Tieflings, due to some of the aforementioned facts.

    Also @Edvin you say that the women that Bhaal had some fun with were his faithful, but I have not seen anywhere that it says that, so if you could please point me in the direction where it DOES say that, it would be very enlightening. CHARNAME's mother was one of his faithful, but that is a bit of a leap to use that as a reason to say that that means that ALL the women were priestesses or followers of Bhaal. This means, that if he CAN transform into Aasimar, I see no reason why one of his offspring CAN be one, since it seems a more reasonable assumption (to me anyway) that not all of the females he used were of his faithful.

    Lastly, @Sjerre your avatar convo confused me a little as well, because during the time of troubles, the gods were made to walk as MORTALS, not avatars, so I would just appreciate a little clarification as to what you said....

    Sorry if I came off too strong, but it seems like half the things people are saying in this thread are a bit contradictory to what I've gleaned from studying and listening to forum members, so PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. Also, @LadyRhian please correct me ANYWHERE I am wrong, you are probably the most knowledgeable person I have seen on here and I trust your ability to lend correction
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    kamuizin said:

    By the way... Asmodeus was an angel once, too!!

    That is great reminder!
    Yes, Asmodeus was an angel ( btw, he is God now :D ) and you think that he still remained the divine power of his race? Certainly not! When beings good becomes true evil, they lost their natural abilities and features. So, truly evil Aasimar is no longer Aasimar.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited November 2013
    Edvin said:

    That is great reminder!
    Yes, Asmodeus was an angel ( btw, he is God now :D ) and you think that he still remained the divine power of his race? Certainly not! When beings good becomes true evil, they lost their natural abilities and features. So, truly evil Aasimar is no longer Aasimar.

    This is a bit of sylogism, by embracing the hell, the nine hells in fact, he changed in something else, wasn't evil that changed him but the infernal influence of the Nine Hells. Planescape Torment has a lot of good lore about the outside worlds that influence and change a person (or being).

    I don't see good tieflings losing their abilities, so i have no reason to presume evil aasimars to lose their ability then.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Evil angel = Fallen angel
    Good demon = Still good demon

    Hell beings have it easier :-)
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Edvin Aasimar aren't angels and Tieflings aren't demons. They are different races. Aasimar and Tieflings are subraces of humans... they aren't a sect of angelic or demonic races.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Sjerrie Bhaal's offspring become the race of the mother. If Bhaal mated with a Dwarf, his child is a Dwarf, not a half-Dwarf (Dwarves Deep says, "Halfbloods Humans, gnomes, and halflings are cross-fertile with dwarves. Elminster says elves and dwarves can have issue as well. Common in Ardeep, Eaerlann, and Myth Drannor of old, this is unheard-of today. Mates who respect dwarven customs and traditions are honored for their courage (in entering a strange society), loyalty (to the customs of dwarves) and aid (in preserving the Folk). "Half-dwarves" are not a distinct race. Save for their height (a head taller than most dwarves) all offspring of unions between dwarves and other races look and act (and are treated in the rules) as pureblood dwarves. Dwarven halfbreeds always have the stocky build and hirsute appearance of purebloods. If halfbloods mate with pureblood dwarves, the offspring will be a pureblood. If halfbloods mate with another halfblood or a nondwarf, the offspring will be a halfblooded."). Likewise, mating with an Elf makes an elf, not a half-elf and mating with a half-elf results in a half-elf. Isn't there a Bhaalspawn mentioned somewhere in the game that was a hare/rabbit? In Throne of Bhaal, maybe? How can a hare/rabbit serve Bhaal as a priestess? @Edvin)

    @Kamuizin In Races of Faerun for 3.5, it's roll to see which parent the child more resembles and go with that. i.e. If a Tiefling and Aasimar married and settled down to raise a family, each child would have a 50% chance to be Aasimar, and 50% to be Tiefling. So, presumably, it's a toss-up. I couldn't find anything about it in 1e or 2e books. Sometimes, though, the child is human, but just has Tiefling or Aasimar in their ancestry (and might produce Tieflings and/or Aasimar further down the line of genetics).

    @Xavloria Tieflings aren't half-fiend or half-celestial, but have those further back in their ancestry. What physical traits they possess is based on what that celestial looked like Solar and Planetar ancestry gives you wings (and is very rare as they almost never leave the outer planes). Guardinal ancestry will leave your Aasimar looking animal-ish (Leonals are Lion, Ursinals are bears, Lupinals are wolves/dogs, Arvorals are Eagle-like, Cervidals Satyrs or Fauns and Equinals are Horselike). Same with Tieflings. There are more variants of half-fiends because those are the side that take pleasure in things like rape. So there are Alu-Fiends (female) and Cambion (male, defined as "Semi-Demons"). An Alu-fiend is half succubus (although the Demon Lord Graz'zt's daughter in Greyhawk, Thraxxia, looks like an Alu-Fiend, as does Asmodeus' daughter Glasya) and half human male. Fiends that mated with Sun elves (in 3e) were called Fey'ri, and with Orcs, a race called Tanarukks. If an Alu-Fiend or Cambion mated with a human, those children were Demonic Tieflings. Duergar are, according to Dwarves Deep (a sourcebook for FR), a degenerate non-dwarven race made by the Illithids by breeding captive Shield Dwarves from Clan Duergar with fiends. Other sources claim that the Duergar summoned the Demons themselves because they believed Moradin had abandoned them and worshipped and interbred with the Demons/Devils as a means to become more powerful than their illithid captors. This was achieved and eventually they broke free and slaughtered their captors. Derro (depending on the game world) are also claimed to be half-Dwarf and Half human (as far back as 1e). So you are pretty much correct here. :)
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    Thanks @LadyRhian and @Xavioria... Totally overlooked the fact that Bhaal was once human *stands in the corner, ashamed*. But as I posted earlier, the nature of his child depends partly on the nature of Bhaal himself. Which touches on my 'avatar-convo'. A dragon child of Bhaal (several sources contradict this, but wasn't Abazigal full dragon?) as the best example, but also elves, can not have been conceived *during* the time of troubles for it to be matured during BG. Before the time of troubles Bhaal was still immortal so his nature was different. Anyhow, point conceded about him not giving the Tiefling-gene though. :)

    @Xavioria, I used the term "good outsider" and "evil outsider" on purpose to generalize. As I understand it, Guardinals are not Angels, but both are Celestials. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting says Aasimar are "carrying the blood of celestials" and Tieflings are "descended from evil outsiders". Both are 'native outsiders'.

    And you're not coming off too strong, I love a good discussion. We're going slightly off-topic but I'm not complaining. ;) I think the trouble usually is which sources to use (only Forgotten Realms? Only 2e?) and how to fill in the blanks...
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Sjerrie Celestials are good outsiders. Aasimar, according to Warriors of Heaven are considered mortal Celestials, along with Asuras, Eladrin and Guardinals. Aasimon and Archons are Immortal Celestials.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @LadyRhian, that was my point. ;) However I did not know that Guardinals were considered mortal... I will check out Warriors of Heaven. Most of my sources are actually 3rd ed...
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Sjerrie You can probably get a copy on E-bay.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I think the entire reason for the defensiveness though is that IF it makes more sense that Aasimar can't be a child of Bhaal, then I wouldn't want to play it. It's basically the same thing with Drow. In my eyes, it makes absolutely no sense to be able to play the same way as any other race as Drow. I'm shifting the topic a little, and I will switch back, but i'm just trying to use an example.

    If it makes no roleplay sense to play, I will end up refusing to play it. Granted, I think people are going to be a little weirded out by Aasimar, since they have unique features that many won't be able to place, but they are a hell of a lot less likely to attack you on sight if you were.... say Drow or any other such race that is generally hated among these people.

    Although I am a bit curious about paper dolls... Having them just look like elves feels like cheating
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Baldur said:

    They all pretty much look like this:

    ..In other words, 'cambion' has now replaced 'tiefling' in 4th Ed. Hell, I think there's even multiple occasions where they just outright call Tieflings 'half-demons'. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that they stupidly ditched the entire Planescape cosmology, and the idea that demons/devils were embodiments of concepts such as 'Chaos' and 'Law', instead turning devils into 'fallen angels', and demons into 'evil elementals'.

    Incorrect. On multiple accounts.

    1. Cambions still exist. They're half-devils in core 4E.

    2. Tieflings came to be, in the 4E core setting (which is not so much a setting itself as a guideline for a points-of-light-in-the-dark type of world that uses a healthy mix of both Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk deities), when the ancient human empire of Bael Turath made a deal with Asmodeus for their power to last forever. In typical devil fashion, Asmodeus gave them power that would last forever, but in the form of a curse that rendered their offspring into tieflings. Their empire crumbled several generations later, but because tieflings breed true their race has gone forth and multiplied.

    3. They didn't ditch Planescape cosmology. They just didn't cover it in core manuals, the same way 3E and 2E didn't. There are supplemental materials for Planescape-type shenanigans.

    4. At their core, demons and devils are still what they have always been, the former a horde of merciless destroyers of all that is beautiful and orderly in the universe, and the latter a malevolent race of soul-bartering bureaucrats. All 4E did was make a few alterations to give them an origin story (which may not even necessarily be true thanks to the machinations of Asmodeus and other gods) and more clearly differentiate their means and motivations. For instance, the devils are manipulators, so the succubus was made a devil since that's also her shtick.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    edited November 2013
    @Xavioria, if it feels wrong to you to play an Aasimar or Drow, then you don't have to. :) I personally feel that if an Aasimar is possible, it is still less likely than a human. I feel that a drow PC is even less likely because of the general hatred you mentioned. Maybe a little bit more likely if evil (don't care if bystanders attack, because was gonna kill them anyway), wizard (disguise spell?) or rogue (disguise skill).

    As far as the paperdoll is concerned, I think either the elf or human one is fine. A slightly "off" colour for hair and/or skin and you're good to go. Most other common facial features (markings, small horns) will not be visible in play anyway for it to bother me at least. Don't go looking at the 4e Tieflings. They are way too uniform to be 3e lore friendly. Can't find a picture online, but the one in 3e Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting looks more like my idea of a Tiefling...

    This is also one of the reasons I mostly ignore 4e @Schneidend. Another is that the spellplague takes place years after the Bhaal crisis. Oh, let's not forget they killed Mystra. Unforgivable.
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