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Dissapointed with enhanced editions.

enhancedBSenhancedBS Member Posts: 2
Filled with bugs (rather ironic that an enhanced edition introduced so many new ones) and the only real "enhancements" are new characters and load times.

I know it's still based on the broken D&D rules, but I thought they would IMPROVE important things like classes and current NPCs and bugs.

- Fighters have so many items that make them OP. In addition to a strength bonus to hit / MASSIVE damage.

- Archers are still trash end game. And why is the only ranged class limited to being "good"?

- Monks... let's make more items for fighters, not to help poor monks. YEAH good idea!

- Wizard slayer, Beast Master etc... trash.

- Shapeshifter improvement (scaled paw damage/hit), nope. Can't be bothered.

- Thieves, Bards... can't hit anything.

and so on.


OK, a thief was added (thankfully a single class)

But the game is still filled with MAGE/THIEVES everywhere. And no other thief to fit in with good or nature groups. Why no way to bring Yoshi back, or change Nalia to be a pure thief? Nope, we gotta have 3 ****ing mage/thief.

Still can't dual-class Rangers etc to anything but their "multi-class" combos.


  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    My bard hits on everything. Wait (…)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    The EE developers never claimed to be looking into rebalancing kits. If you want that, mod.

    BGEE and BG2EE have been among my most satisfying video game purchases in recent memory. I'm getting a huge amount of bang for my buck. Sure as hell beats shelling out 60$ USD each year for the newest Madden or Assassin's Creed. (I actually love AC, but I wish they put more effort into the yearly releases).
  • mackosmackos Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2013
    EE is the best thing could actually happen to BG series. It is still my old BG, i like the way how it is enhanced. If you want balance play neverwinter mmo. Every class is "balanced" there and i feel no difference in playing various classes . Everyone has the same abilities which just look different.
  • althoralthor Member Posts: 67
    It amazes me how many crybabies there are....

    Best game ever...
  • Big_MurrayBig_Murray Member Posts: 69
    I am very interested in your opinions and would like to subscribe to your newsletter and/or blog.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I don't even know where to start with this. What classes are is rooted in the rule set, which makes that a silly objection. BG makes you play differently with different classes, so that you have to adjust to strengths and limitations of your choice. Fighters do a lot of damage, but are highly susceptible to mages; monks are amazing mage slayers, but have trouble against some tanks. Clerics fear no undead, but don't fight as fighters do. That's how 2nd ed runs.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Aranthys said:


    Funniest thing about your message is that it shows how little you know about the game :p
    Yea thats what I noticed as well.
  • EvilSchmevilEvilSchmevil Member Posts: 15
    That will be all.
  • EvilSchmevilEvilSchmevil Member Posts: 15
    @enhancedBS - Enhanced is a great update and cosmetic overhaul of a classic that kicks the ass of 99% of modern releases - and you're COMPLAINING?! yeesh.
  • enhancedBSenhancedBS Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2013
    @EvilSchmevil Yeah! Because it introduced a whole bunch of bugs that were never present. (hell you can't even complete the VERY FIRST QUEST with Firebead in BG1) You need to CLUA console the scroll in.

    The only real "enhancement" is loading times. Everything else is just standard MOD support that's been available for yonks. A few "NPCs" is not an "enhancement", it just another MOD

    An enhancement is IMPROVING THE ****ING GAME!

    This is the same game with new BUGS and a few DLC BS thrown in. I already had the game, this = waste of money
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I find it hilarious that you created a new account just to whine about this.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Just a point of clarification: the quest with Firebead at the start of BG:EE has been fixed as of the last patch. If you haven't applied it yet, you'll definitely want to do so.
  • FoggyFoggy Member Posts: 297

    I know it's still based on the broken D&D rules,

    - Fighters have so many items that make them OP. In addition to a strength bonus to hit / MASSIVE damage.

    - Archers are still trash end game. And why is the only ranged class limited to being "good"?

    - Monks... let's make more items for fighters, not to help poor monks. YEAH good idea!

    - Thieves, Bards... can't hit anything.


    - broken D&D rules:
    - Archers can solo the game in insane difficulty, and you can make very efficient evil thieves using bows and crossbows or fighters with grand masters in archery
    - Monks are powerhouses starting lvl 8, they need nothing but their uber OP magic fists and immunities
    - Thieves backstabs for insane damage and bards are best support and most versatile class in the game.

    Judging by your post I doubt you have enough knowledge of the vanilla game, to go and compare to the enhanced edition and discard the work and efforts of a magnificent team of developers that offer a second life to one, if not the best game of all times.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Khoryace said:

    Broken rules? AD&D 2nd edition is the best of all time.

    I'm honestly not sure which statements are more ridiculous, yours or the OP's.

  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    I hope this has taught you a lesson about doing research before making a purchase.

    Beamdog never claimed to be balancing classes. They never claimed to improve existing NPCs (on the contrary, they have pointed out many times they're not allowed to touch much original content).

    I'll give you the bugs part. There are plenty of bugs. But they're working on improving them.

    In short, stop complaining that the enhancements you wanted are not and were not promised.
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