Cloak of the Sewers, wasted opportunity?

I love the concept of this item, but seriously, a rat...
Troll, love it! Mustard jelly, good, but already covered by polymorph self. I think they wasted 2 of the 3 forms.
I know the cheese with the rat being resistant to physical damage, but does anyone seriously fight their way across faerun in the form of a bloody rat?!
Troll, love it! Mustard jelly, good, but already covered by polymorph self. I think they wasted 2 of the 3 forms.
I know the cheese with the rat being resistant to physical damage, but does anyone seriously fight their way across faerun in the form of a bloody rat?!
But the gimmick of it, the shapechange abilities, that's my gripe. Throw in a form like minotaur, or some other form that isn't covered by existing spells/abilities
Cloak of the Labyrinth, yes. Sewers not so much.
Continuing the theme of interesting thread necromancy, this one from 2013 caught my eye.
Is such a thing still possible? And if rat form gives 90% physical immunity can a rat with Defender of Easthaven reach 100+?
These guys are saying The Defender of Easthaven stacks with Rat Resistances. Never tried it myself.
Doesn't sound like you even need to do the dispelling trick for that.
I don't know. This rat looks pretty scary to me!
Except to me it looks more like a rabbit than a rat? A short-eared, long-tailed, scary rabbit but a rabbit all the same.
So I guess that rats are not to be underestimated.
If the DoE won’t work, I guess Hardiness and the DD defensive stance could. That could put the rat over the top.
Ok, how about this one then? And don't even get me started about Vorpal Bunnies...
Okay, that's one scary rat.
Unfortunately I can't confirm that. Actually when transformed to a rat you are basically naked so none of the items abilities remain. So for it to work you would have to reequip all the items, which weapons are not allowed in that form "You cannot equip weapons while shapechanged". The things that do seams to stack are abilities and spells such as hardiness and armor of faith. Here an example with armor of faith applied before shapechanging into a rat:
And it seems as they capped the resistance of physical damage at 100 so that you couldn't heal anymore by going above it
you have to equip the defender of e. in the OH weapon slot as the MH weapon is replaced by the rat weapon so if it is there its effect is lost.
i confirm that the resistance is capped at 100%, but i have no problem to get that value with the cloak and flail, thing that makes to have the best possible tank against only physical damage dealing enemies quite easy as soon as the party has some money and is able to beat the owner of the cloak.
Gives a new twist to the classic "Kill 10 Rats" starter quest in RPGs.
I consider it a lost opportunity that the rat form in BG can't hide on its own the way a thief can. If anything, it should be better than a thief at disappearing, and it would make the form vastly more useful.
i don't know if it is a bug or it is intended, but is probably related to the way EE managed to deal with the offhand weapon.
in the original you ccan not equip a 2H weapon, like ie a bow, if you have an off hand equipped, you have to go to the inventory, unequip there the OH weapon and then swithch to the 2H MH weapon.
EE cange this and now there you can equip a bow directly, without having to switch to the inventory page.
and this makes possible things that in the original are not possible, like shifting to a form that has its MH weapon, like the rat, while still using the OH one and keeping its effects when equipped, like the damage reduction from the defender or the str from crom, as well as DW a BBOD and a previously equipped OH weapon or a returning MH weapon set for mlee attack and an OH weapon, to get 4 attacks/round with 2 not fighters even before UAI, 3 with UAI, equipping the 2 daggers and the axe MH and the regular +1apr weapons, belm, kundane and scarlet, OH.
it is not the first or the only time that EE fixing something messed up with something other...
if you regard it as an abuse remember to unequip the OH weapon, other way have fun with it.
EDIT: a quite powerful use of the thing is to shapeshift into golem, and there is a trick to have it at will, while equipping crom OH, jan can do it, aerie even better, the added str and thac0 make the golem much stronger and give it a way better thac0.
i consider a bug, or a bad design decision, that a toon that is shapeshifted in some other creature can still use a weapon created for humanoids, imho he should stick to the claws or whatever weapon that form uses, and the fact that his armor becomes not effective as long as he is shapeshifted seems to confirm the thing, at least for me.
also i don't like the idea that a rat can weld a flail, maybe a troll or a golem could, but a rat or a jelly? how it is supposed to be able to do such thing? well, in game it can.
that told i gladly use the bug-bad implementation-whatever extensively in my playing, even if from a strict RP perspective i should probably not do it.
there is absolutely no morale judgment on the players that do it, as long as they have fun doing it. and i have a lot of fun doing it, i don't use often the rat form, but my aerie uses often the troll form from the cloack, always DW and always buffing herself trough sequencers and contingiency, as well as she uses often the golem form when she is at much higher level in the same way.