Who else thinks Hexxat's voice is sexy? (Possible spoilers)

Talking about the real H here. I find her voice set to be awesome, believable, and what's more, sexy - in an eerie, witch doctor sort of way. She's also quite attractive physically, but I feel sorry for her spine with that neck stretching thing going on.
Seems like a lot of people have been disappointed with her. Anyone else find her enthralling like I do?
Seems like a lot of people have been disappointed with her. Anyone else find her enthralling like I do?
I agree that there is something very noble about her appearance, and would say the same about her voice actually. When she talks she sounds so intentional, as if she is saying exactly what she means to, exactly what she should.
My male PC would get down with her in a heartbeat, if she were playing for a different team, that is.
Personally I like Jaheira's voice and accent. Find it sexy.
Hexxat's voice fits her character, but her voice isn't sexy IMO.
edit - at least your edit was closer to the point.
As for her voice, I don't like it, her accent sounds fake. But her pic is attractive, well done.
Portrait is nice tough. I like it.
You've got the wrong guy, I'm not Hexxat's hater.
Hexxat's voice isn't charming. A vampire women should sound charming I think, like Valen...
It would be sort of awesome if it ended up that I'm the only person on the forum who feels this way about Hexxat's voice (just so I can say I'm different :P ). So far the pendulum seems to be swinging pretty far in the other direction. Interesting.
I think Hexxat's exotic and different, and brings some flavor. What flavor you ask? Why blood flavor of course! Seriously, though she's distinct from any of the existing characters, and fills the role of evil thief that was left gaping in the original.
I'm also kind of glad they have set race and sex restrictions for romancing characters. It's a little too weird having everyone bisexual and into interspecies love.
I'm liking Hexxat's PlayNice attitude, though, definitely an apex predator right there.