Want to do every quest (possible) in game: Which PC?

As the title says, I'm looking for a PC capable of doing every quest in game, and ideally every NPC quest as well, and more to the point I want it to make sense. Since I feel I'd need to be some type of neutral to justify it, I'm thinking some type of bard, however, I am open to the opinions of the forum.
PS: This means in BG1 and BG2.
PS: This means in BG1 and BG2.
Keeping balance by doing one evil quest for every one good one done?
Ps: you can't make all the quests of the game in their every aspect, as for example in the druid grove, the evil approach of the quest only appear if you're evil aligned.
However, with a full party I'd recommend a berserker 9 > Mage or a fighter/Mage multi in order to have the best power combination to get you through areas with a suboptimal party at times from swapping people for their quests. Just know that some npcs have long quests and leave permanently if you drop them like jaheira.
I should have clarified to mean most possible quests. My first instinct would be a blade but I'm already doing an evil party with one =/
I still plan on having a full party, but if they die I prolly won't rez them and I'll just pick up someone else.
Since you're a Bhaalspawn, there's an easy explanation there. Maybe the power of Bhaal is exceptionally strong in you, and once in a while it overwhelms you. You'd have to pretend the helm itself doesn't exist and the alignment change comes from within in this case.
Or maybe you have a good character who made some kind of deal with a devil to stop it from destroying a village. The village will forever be protected from harm but once a day, for the rest of his life, a geas forces him to put on the helmet allowing the devil to take over his body for an hour.
Or maybe an evil character like Viconia, hiding from the wrath of her god. She can sense the servants looking for her, and when they draw close, she puts on the helmet. It changes her thoughts enough to disguise her from them, but for a little while she's good until she has an excuse to remove it again.
I can kinda see Chaotic Good fitting though. In reality, the characters only true aspiration in this case will be knowledge, in general and of those around them. Knowledge after all, is power. And only by understanding the good and the evil, can we come to understand ourselves.
Yes, yes, this idea is starting to take hold. I'm liking it. Still think its best as a Blade or Swashbuckler.......but I like backstabbing =/
Edit: for the love of Bhaal, install Rogue Rebalancing before tackling BG2.
Brilliant I'll do an rrb blade before this run. And if I do it right after my regular blade I can bask in the difference.
Be careful not to collect them all at the same time. I got barred out of the ranger cabin while doing the keep and playhouse, so i missed out on Cerberus and some xp.
Also maybe just do the strongholds that make sense for Blades... Keep is good, maybe planar sphere, playhouse, whatever floats your boat. I did feel pretty weird doing the druid quests as a fighter mage.