Little help with Multiclass Kits and EEKeeper

So, after I completed my BG1EE run with my Half-Orc Inquisitor, I decided to tackle on something new, namely a Cleric/Stalker Half-Elf-boss-ass-bitch-who-has-had-enough-of-your-nonsense, however, I've tried every possible method to try and make the class work, but it never does, I've changed the kit from a Cleric/Ranger to no avail, I've started a Stalker and then add cleric to the class, but again to no avail. It seems I'm running short of options here, which is pretty bad.
What I cannot get to work is the ever-so-important Stalker Backstab and Haste, which even if I had before, I lose when adding the multiclass. Which is a shame really, since Sanctuary + Dual-Club Backstab (only backstab weapon available to Clerics other than Quarterstaves) is so very very cheesy, and would be pretty fun to run with Rasaad and Imoen.
I even had rolled for 95 points, which makes it all the more infuriating. Ech.
Can I get some help from a transient with some experience with EEKeeping, such as @CrevsDaak?
Or even a mod that allows me to pick kits from Multiclasses, anyone?
*quarter hour later, still only 1 thread view*
*in a low voice* Anyone?
"Half an hour later"
Oh good, a like. Oh yes little like, mock me all you want, you have contributed so much to this discussion I don't even require any more assistance...
*drops to the ground in defeat*
Seriously, anyone?
What I cannot get to work is the ever-so-important Stalker Backstab and Haste, which even if I had before, I lose when adding the multiclass. Which is a shame really, since Sanctuary + Dual-Club Backstab (only backstab weapon available to Clerics other than Quarterstaves) is so very very cheesy, and would be pretty fun to run with Rasaad and Imoen.
I even had rolled for 95 points, which makes it all the more infuriating. Ech.
Can I get some help from a transient with some experience with EEKeeping, such as @CrevsDaak?
Or even a mod that allows me to pick kits from Multiclasses, anyone?
*quarter hour later, still only 1 thread view*
*in a low voice* Anyone?
"Half an hour later"
Oh good, a like. Oh yes little like, mock me all you want, you have contributed so much to this discussion I don't even require any more assistance...
*drops to the ground in defeat*
Seriously, anyone?
Post edited by Loub on
1. Create a Stalker so you get the kit's innate abilities. Start and save your game.
2. EEKeeper your class to Ranger/Cleric, (Don't mess with the kit field - leave it at Stalker).
3. There are 3 fields for class levels in EEKeeper - set your Stalker (1st field) level to 0, Cleric (2nd field) should be 1, (I think you have to change it from 0 to 1), and obviously leave the 3rd field at 0. Save your game in and exit EEKeeper.
4. Open Baldur's Gate - upon loading your save in the game itself, your character should be ready to "level up" from level 0 to 1 in Stalker - go through the process just as if you were going from level 1 to 2. Now you should be a level 1 Stalker / level 1 Cleric.
5. ????
6. Profit!
Edit: I forgot to capitalize Stalker - OCD is a bitch.
Honestly, I'm sort of hopeless.
Wait, maybe I should take a Potion of Mind Focusing. You've tried that already, haven't you?
Also, I am having trouble uploading pictures to this site, which is why they are absent.
Ugh, why does nothing in this withered leaf of an ephemeral existance work?!
Picture for @jackjack no.1, after 15 minutes of uploading
Pic no. 2
As I said, my knowledge is quite limited - Jerrol remains my only kitted multiclass experiment. I do know that the backstab modifier seems to be the recurring tricky thing in these setups. It would be nice to have a directly editable field…
Perhaps @Troodon80 can shed some light on the subject? Otherwise, maybe Crevs knows something I don't, (I'd put money on it, actually).
I may have created a Fighter/Thief, EEKeepered my kit to Shadowdancer, set my thief level to 0, loaded my modified save, and "leveled up". In fact, mechanically, what you said makes more sense. If that's the case, I apologize for the misinformation and will edit my post to reflect the correct process.
Like I said, limited knowledge. Perhaps I should stop trying to help people until I learn to stop hindering them…
For example, an Assassin's Poison Weapon ability is given the the class abilities file for Assassins, but the skill points per level is in a different file that is a table of thief classes/kits with the # of skill points they get per level. In this file, there are entries for THIEF, ASSASSIN, SWASHBUCKLER, etc.. and FIGHTER_THIEF (among other multi-classes). If you use EE Keeper to make a Fighter/Assassin, he can get the poison weapon abilities of an Assassin, but he'll still get the 25 skill points per level of a Fighter/Thief.
For the Stalker, the backstab modified is controlled by special file. When the game checks it, your Stalker/Cleric checks out as a RANGER_CLERIC instead of STALKER and gets no modifier.
The thing is, it is not only that I am not gaining the Backstab modifier, but also that I am not gaining haste and the other spells once my cleric level reaches 7 (which I should). Basically, my character is for all intents and purposes a normal Cleric/Ranger Hmm... That must be why my Lvl 1 Npcs Coran (Swashbuckler/Fighter) progressed in backstab
Makes sense. Is there any mod or whatever that changes that, if such a feat is possible?
I know I would have to re-edit them for levels 9 and 17, but it would be a quick fix.
Go to the Affects tab for your PC in EE Keeper. Add a new effect.
Set the following:
Type: 0x107
Target: Self
Value: 2
Modifier Type: 1
Flags: Instant, Permanent
Probability: 100
That should give you a x2 backstab modifier.
Okay, jokes aside, I will still be restricted to backstabbing with Clubs and Staves while wearing studded leather or lower, right? And I will gain my stalker spells upon hitting ranger level 12 (2400000 exp), okay?
Edit: I cannot seem to find 0x107 under any of the available tabs, nor am I able to manually add it, what gives?
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the armor restriction. You might only have the Ranger/Cleric restrictions there. If so, you'll have to roleplay it.
Yes, the spells should be added at 12th level.
I cannot seem to find or add 0x107 under the affects tab, what gives?
Even if I type it, it just reverts back to the default tab... Huh?
In short, the editor doesn't let me add backstab, due to the fact it seems to read it as an invalid value. And then reverts to 0xFFFFFFF.
In order to give the correct abilities, without modifying 2DA files (which will then affect the standard variations of the class), you will need to first create a character with those abilities.
Stalker, for example:
- First and foremost, ensure your current game is not an Auto Save or Quick Save, if they are then load that up in-game and save it with a unique name.
- Start a new game with a single class Stalker kit.
- Save the game (it will probably be an Auto Save already).
- In Keeper, open both the old saved game and the new game with your single class Stalker.
- Copy the effects currently on your new character from the Affects tab to your old multi-class Cleric/Stalker. This will ensure you get all available effects for the kit.
- Once all effects are copied from one character to the other, go to the Innate tab.
- Press the Kit button, select Stalker and the level you want to add to, then press OK.
NoteAlso, the affects tab is lacking the 0x107 effect, which governs backstab, even on a pure Stalker. And I'm unable to add it manually since EEKeeper auto-corrects it to 0x + a string of Fs. What gives? Such thing would surely be simple to add, but I cannot get the editor to work correctly. Which is also why I added my file a few posts prior to this, so people with a little more luck can get it to work ( @CrevsDaak ?), since I cannot.
And no, I am restricted to Studded Leather just as it should be.
Seriously, I own the game, I should be able to do what the *bleep* I want with it. If I want to change the character models to MLP characters so be it, you don't have to stick your nose where you weren't even called. So get your "rules-lawyer" talk away from me, because any attempts to convert me to your side are futile. Also, get your nosey Baatezu self back to whichever floor of the Nine Hells you belong to, that would be great, thanks.
I will look at it when I find a way to enter the intermet fron the computer, something weird is going on.
For any item that is not on the list, double click on the 'Type' line in the edit effect dialog:
0x008 DWORD 4 [Your value in hex format, e.g. 0x00000107] Type
In the pop-up dialog box, enter your value (hex 0x107 or decimal 263) into the textbox, then press OK. I specifically left that in as a fail-safe. Not every effect is covered, and will be dealt with in a future version. If 0x107 is something you really want then you can add it yourself via the Settings→Lists→Affects option. Click Add, then add a readable name (such as "Backstab Modifier"), enter the value (0x107), and click OK. It will then appear in the list under that name.
Older versions are no longer supported in case something goes wrong (there have been plenty of bugs fixed since the initial release (and plenty before that from Shadow Keeper)).
Edit: Nvm, found it.