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PREVIOUSLY UNDISCOVERED way to keep Yoshimo after Spellhold with EEKeeper


I wanted to keep Yoshi after spellhold and I had already saved my game with him in Brynnlaw. So I thought I was in trouble because the "talk to him by the door" trick did not work unless he left the party BEFORE getting to brynnlaw.

So what I did was the following:

1. Leave him in Brynnlaw (should work anywhere else apart from the asylum) inside a building, close to a door.

2. After spellhold, get into the building, pause and talk to him so he joins your party again.

3. WITH THE GAME PAUSED, SAVE! Your save should have Yoshimo ALIVE in your party.

4. In EEKeeper go to global variables and set ASYLUMPLOT to 1.

5. Export the save back to the game and you are golden!

This worked for me and If I'm assuming correctly, ASYLUMPLOT seems to determine, among other possible things, the point when yoshimo dies (it was set at 60 when I saved my game). So setting it to 1 basically resets his progress through this quest. And since there are no triggers after that (as he should be dead) I'm guessing it is a permanent solution.

Now, I do not understand much of the IE, so if anyone knows a reason why setting this variable to 1 might be a bad idea. Please let me know.


  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    You WILL be smitten by Ao.

    Just sayin'!
  • PblackPblack Member Posts: 37
    I don't know if it has anything to do with that, but I could not find Saemon in the Vulgar Monkey afterwards. So I had to get back to the asylum and take the portal.

    But the doors to the asylum should be locked at this stage right? I chose to leave with saemon. Maybe the changed variable did not allow saemon to appear but it also "unlocked" the doors to the asylum. This gets even weirder wth the fact that after I entered the asylum on this trip, I could not leave again due to the "doors being magically sealed" again. So I DO believe there are some consequences, but luckily, the 2 bugs it seems to generate complement each other gracefully.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    So in a nutshell it boils diwn to Cloak of Mirroring or Yoshimo? Sorry Yosh...
  • PblackPblack Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2014

    Yes. Sadly it does.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @Pblack: I am not an EEKEEPER expert, but I suppose that resetting that counter to 1 has broken some triggering in the plot...
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Couldnt you spawn another Yoshi after he died? Or does every Yoshi spawned after Spellhold die automatically?
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Pretty sure you can just C:MoveToArea into the Underdark and it'll move you into the next chapter with Yoshimo in tow. I remember I used to do that when I was much younger, when I thought reading comprehension was for losers. I even remember taking Yoshimo all the way to hell and I think he had his own pre-battle speech like the other party members.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Pecca said:

    Btw, ButtPluggingCumBubble lol. :)

    Epic variable name!

  • BrunachosBrunachos Member Posts: 35
    Why do people keep complainig about yosh's inevitable demise? Couldn't you all just let it go? It is supposed to happen... and he deserves no better, I mean, he was with a geas, ok, but the jerk prefered to save his own neck, not to sacrifice himself like a good friend should... ok, I will ask no one to do such a sacrifice, but he didn't even give a tought about, ahn, let us see, talk to you about his problems, try to remove the geas? Ok, a curse placed by a level 30 wizard is probably not the kind of stuff you could just go and mess with, but couldn't he at least give it a try? In the name of your good friendship? No! beacause he is a selfish idiot and deserves to burn in hell... don't even bother to take his heart to the church I say; just place it in the latrine at Arnise's Keep.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Brunachos said:

    Why do people keep complainig about yosh's inevitable demise? Couldn't you all just let it go? It is supposed to happen... and he deserves no better, I mean, he was with a geas, ok, but the jerk prefered to save his own neck, not to sacrifice himself like a good friend should... ok, I will ask no one to do such a sacrifice, but he didn't even give a tought about, ahn, let us see, talk to you about his problems, try to remove the geas? Ok, a curse placed by a level 30 wizard is probably not the kind of stuff you could just go and mess with, but couldn't he at least give it a try? In the name of your good friendship? No! beacause he is a selfish idiot and deserves to burn in hell... don't even bother to take his heart to the church I say; just place it in the latrine at Arnise's Keep.

    Umm...ok. I'm really not seeing the reason why you are annoyed that people are trying to save yoshimo. He's a quality thief, doesn't get into conflicts with anyone, and is a great character to have around. As for him not looking to sacrifice himself I don't know if Yoshimo is really fully aware of Irenicus's plans. He's just one of many pawns. He's really not in a position to do much of anything and even if he did sacrifice himself it wouldn't stop Irenicus from getting what he wants.
  • noob_mcnoobsternoob_mcnoobster Member Posts: 7
    oh, he IS trolling
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited March 2014
    Yoshimo is under the effects of a geas. Beyond that, nothing more about his "motivations" need be said.
    Some of us accept his fate as integral to a beautifully tragic twist and that's okay. All the more reason to put that bloody rogue elf into the ground where he belongs.
    Others can't get past it and that's okay too. The guy has terrific dialogue, was for years the only single class thief, and remains one of the saga's best and most memorable personalities.
    But to blame him for it? That's just not right, and I mean that in every sense of the word - it's literally incorrect.[/Spoiler]
    Edit: Spoilered
    Post edited by jackjack on
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
    Level: Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
    Casting Time: 10 minutes
    Target: One living creature
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell functions similarly to lesser geas, except that it affects a creature of any HD and allows no saving throw.

    Instead of taking penalties to ability scores (as with lesser geas), the subject takes 3d6 points of damage each day it does not attempt to follow the geas/quest. Additionally, each day it must make a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened. These effects end 24 hours after the creature attempts to resume the geas/quest.

    A remove curse spell ends a geas/quest spell only if its caster level is at least two higher than your caster level. Break enchantment does not end a geas/quest, but limited wish, miracle, and wish do.

    Bards, sorcerers, and wizards usually refer to this spell as geas, while clerics call the same spell quest.
    So normally should be able to break this with limited wish!

    And iirc, there was some condition somewhere where one could not talk about the Geas itself...
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    Skaffen said:

    I think you will have more luck with the Firefly fans to get over it that they cancelled the series... then again, maybe not! THEY CANCELLED FIREFLY! :)


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317


    Its all an alliance conspiracy :)
  • BrunachosBrunachos Member Posts: 35

    oh, he IS trolling


    But to be more serious and honest: I still think Jan Jansen to be a much more competent thief.

  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    elminster said:

    Its all an alliance conspiracy :)
    I hate those blue uniformed freak alliance skummy deceptive jerks. They should all suffer at the hands of the reapers.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Yeah...put them all in a room full of reapers, and close and bar the doors.


    Does anyone really know why they cancelled Firefly? It can't be because of the ratings, because everyone loved the show!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    @Troodon80 OP's question has been answered and this thread is derailing. Maybe its time for it to be closed?
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited March 2014
    Amusing as this might be, I don't think Firefly or Mass Effect has any relation to the current topic, Yoshimo, or Baldur's Gate. Those discussions should be kept to the Off-Topic section.


    Thread closed. If anyone wants to make an appeal on the decision, send me a PM. :-)
    Post edited by Troodon80 on
This discussion has been closed.