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Which Non-Recruitable NPCs Do You Wish Were Recruitable?



  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    The ho-bag with Balduran's cloak is non-pickpocketable (one of the few tweaks they made that I was not happy about), all you need to do is charm her and have her walk up to Kristin, then lead Slythe away and initiate the battle. When Kristin casts Cloudkill you get the cloak with no rep loss.

    Ummm...I just pick pocketed her fine. What was your pick pocketing?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Solaufein (Weimer's mod didn't work for me)
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited March 2014

    Laurel the lady paladin - north of the Knoll stronghold she always seemed cool to me and unlike a lot of other paladins you meet she's actually doing something worthwhile

    Silke - she has got so much character for such a minor npc plus she's a bard

    Endar sai - seems cool to me


    Trademeet tavern bard - she has quite a lot to say and it would be nice to have a proper bard in bg2

    Mook - any shadow thief would be cool I just said Mook because of her awesome name the thief that goes to Spell hold with you would be a good one too.

    TOB - Illasera the quick she seems cool and under utilised
  • KestralKestral Member Posts: 7
    Elrandir said:

    In honor of @enqenq‌ and his bloody brilliant posts on the "If BG were a game of DnD" thread, I say Kangaxx. Romanceable, of course.

    I guess you could say that Charname... really loves the dead.

    God I just got smacked on the head for that terrible pun. The truth is whenever I played a rogue or a cleric they always did something like that. Offer to sell off party members to raise funds for the church!

  • CTKnightOwlCTKnightOwl Member Posts: 88
    elminster said:

    Ummm...I just pick pocketed her fine. What was your pick pocketing?
    It usually says I am not high enough level. Is the new pickpocket rules consistent with AD&D 2nd edition? If so that is pretty cool. Maybe I just didn't try at a high enough level. I think this started with the last patch

  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    The Amazing Oopah. Just because.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Sylph said:

    The Amazing Oopah. Just because.

    This. Because I have a damsel, er, an Ogre-in-distress complex.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359

    Anishai is a very good one. They put a lot into her character compared to Renal's other lackeys and it never really amounted to much. I'd prefer her as neutral Swashbuckler, Shadowdancer or even F/T though (already have a NE thief)

    i've control Qed her more than once. She's not bad as a monk, once I even got her a "custom" portrait (somebody photoshopped a pic of a minor Xena villain I think?) .
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    edited March 2014
    Gandolar Luckyfoot, anyone? It'd be nice to have a good halfling besides Alora on the team. (No offense to Alora, of course.)

    And what about Meilum? There are plenty of parties that could use the "best swordsman on the Sword Coast." Who knows, maybe by traveling with you he might actually take that title.
    Post edited by Elrandir on
  • CTKnightOwlCTKnightOwl Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2014
    fixing this post because it didn't make sense, sorry, wish I could delete
    Post edited by CTKnightOwl on
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I feel like Cabrina might have been an interesting late-stage replacement for Hexxat, especially if the vampire's ToB storyline ends a certain way. She wouldn't even need a quest, but I could see her having some interesting exchanges with the party.

    Going back to the originals, I'll second Durlyle/Delainy and Original!Solaufein (the modded version just feels "off" somehow, and that's setting aside the arbitrary alignment/class change and the Over 9000 empowerment) - they always felt like loose ends to me, like the story was building towards giving them a larger role that never materialized.
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    edited April 2014
    I'd have liked to put Jan, Tiax, Quayle, Dradeel and Golodon the Unmanned in the same party ^_^
  • winterswinters Member Posts: 252
    edited April 2014
    Ender Sai. Actually I was pretty surprised he wasn't recruitable during my first run - I can't remember who my charname was, but I remember him, that says a lot.

    Tamoko. One of my favourite background NPCs, because she added more human feel to the final opponent, confirmed in ToB (and even more in Sarevok's ending).

    The Surgeon.


    Do I need to say more? I stumbled upon him yesterday by pure accident; unlike Tamoko and Ender Sai somehow I managed to forget him completely and he made quite an impact. I think I'll model my neutral aligned charname for the final BG run after him.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    element said:

    Laurel the lady paladin - north of the Knoll stronghold she always seemed cool to me and unlike a lot of other paladins you meet she's actually doing something worthwhile

    Good pick. IIRC, the journal entry for her quest even hints that you'll likely meet her again, but you never do.

    I'd also nominate Gerde, that ranger that you meet in the ankheg area.

    As for BG2, I always wished that there could've been more development for Ehlastra, the slave woman that you free from Yaga Shura's lair. According to her story, she was a renown warrior from the northern lands (seemingly a barbarian, although EE keeper shows that she is considered a berserker), who came down to join Yaga Shura's army, but was instead chained up and used as a pleasure slave. IIRC, there's even a dialogue option for you to offer to let her in your party, but she will refuse and then leave to return north. I always wished that there could've been a dialogue option for her to accept your offer.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    edited April 2014
    Drasus. He's such a funny guy with witty sayings. Plus it sounds like his mead parties would be quite fun as well.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Hmm. I think I can come up with a few ideas...


    Laurel sounds like a good idea to me.
    Larry the Kobold, as a Bounty Hunter since Kobolds like setting traps.
    One of Shandalar's daughters, perhaps, though only after resolving the thief guild mission without getting caught.
    Kirinhale, only joins an evil party and has various succubus powers once or a few times/day. Not sure if she should otherwise work as a fighter or thief.


    Maybe one of the dryads in the Windspear Hills, and they could have some sort of druid kit.
    That other Dao Djinn in Khan Zaraa's tent, but he'll only join if you offer him a sizeable bribe after delivering Ihtafeer's head. Fighter/Mageish, probably.
    Sime, although not the cheesy Cleric/Ranger version that Tortured Souls had (game always bugged out if I tried the Kara-Tur sidequest, so I never got the full measure of things, but that mod just struck me as so munchkiny)
    Coran, who could have been a second female romance for the game. Surely better than Anomen, and fighter/thieves are powerful.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited August 2014
    A bit of an old thread, but I think Reynald de Chatillon in BG2 deserves a special mention. I'm actually surprised no one's made him into a mod yet. He has a decent background to work on - he can start as a good or neutral Fallen Paladin, and you can work your way up to redeeming or corrupting him.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    if they did add Reynald they'd have to change his name I wouldn't really want some one with that name in my party
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited August 2014
    Going along with @Abi_Dalzim‌, I second the coran Idea, and and xan. They should have carried over. Really.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    You know who I would actually like to make joinable? One of the Sverfneblin in the Underdark. Like that kid of the shop owner who you save from being trapped in a mirror.

    Rock gnomes are kinda cool, and would be fun to see a young adventurer make his way to the surface. It would also make for cool dialogue in the Drow city and I'm sure he would have a fun rivalry with Jan. Plus he could say "you wouldn't hurt a gnome now, would you?" when fighting.

    Maybe I'd make him a fighter/illusionist (no fighter/mages exist in the vanilla game) or maybe a shadowdancer or something to make use of the new kit.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited August 2014
    Well, I would want the Candlekeep collection that I've started working on now as a mini-mod in production. :-) Though it will merely install the files needed to play a MP game with them.

    One day as a future project I might try to get some further practice with mod-making by taking the next step with this, and add the characters I created as joinable NPCs. More on that here.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • beaucoupjackbeaucoupjack Member Posts: 5
    It would be great to add Ehlastra, Yaga-Shura's sex slave, to the party for Yaga-Shura's takedown. She has some astonishing proficiencies (axe+++++!) and stats. But these NPCs need portraits and paper dolls to make adding them to the party pay off.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Hurgan Stoneblade

    He's a dwarven warrior! Who is asking you to enter the tower of his father's comrade to fulfill a family oath. He should have volunteered to go with you, hammer in hand, to clear Durlag's Tower out with steel and honor.

    He'd have made a great dwarven defender too. You know he would. Combine him with Yeslick (fighter/cleric) and you've got the perfect front line defense. Make a dwarven fighter/thief or bounty hunter Charname and you can have a perfectly balanced all dwarf party.

    Got traps and locks taken care of
    Got healing taken care of
    Got tanking taken care of
    And more beards than any enemy can handle.

    Yes, I want this to be a reality. And it'd be hard to do any playthrough except the above.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Bub Snikt, the hunter sourh of Beregost.

    I think it was the Dark Side of the Swordcoast that makes him joinable, but it comes at the cost of ridiculously overpowered items added to the game plus Bub doesn't have any voice or banter.
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