Barbarian Weapon Mastery Please

It seems odd to me that Barbarians can only specialize. (Two pips **)
What do you all think of allowing Barbarians to achieve Mastery, that is, three pips? (***)
I feel like this would allow the kit to stand out a bit more than it currently does.
What do you all think of allowing Barbarians to achieve Mastery, that is, three pips? (***)
I feel like this would allow the kit to stand out a bit more than it currently does.
Sure and why not allow mages using two-handed swords and full plate armors?
Your first request was reasonable, Barbarians are born warriors and they should have appropriate skills.
However, some limitations have a purpose, it regulates that certain class are not too strong.
Right now, is Kensai class with worst working mechanics.
For a start, should not be prohibited from wearing armor, but should lose all special skills if wear any armor (like all duals for mages and thieves). The question of weapons is highly speculative, but due to kensai fighting style, I find things like the using of clubs or hammers totally unsuitable for his class.
I'd actually be totally fine with letting mages use two-handed swords and heavy armor. They get a -5 penalty to any weapon they're not proficient in anyway, and armor prevents them from casting spells, so taking away the option to use those suboptimal pieces of equipment is a bit overkill from a design perspective.
On topic, I don't see any reason for barbarians to get more than specialization when paladins and rangers are limited to the same thing. Weapon mastery is the fighter's shtick, and even though the barbarian uses the same code base, its absence from the fighter kit list means that it's not a fighter.
That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a mod that changed that. The question I would have, though, is at what point does the barbarian start to look too much like the berserker? (Trick question, I know; the answer is "about fifteen years ago"...)
It's not that I envy the Berserker kit; it's a dead boring kit that I never use. Press a button for immunity to everything whoOooOo!! On the other hand, Barbarian genuinely seems kind of underpowered. Rangers and Paladins give up Mastery, sure, but they also have a few spells and other such abilities. Barbarians get some cool bonuses but I wouldn't say they totally come into their own, you know? The d12 is sweet though; gives them a bit of an edge towards tanking. Until, of course, the abominable Dwarven Defender, but I pretend that doesn't exist.
I enjoy Barbarian, regardless.
Barbarians are actually only one who should be able use full power weapons like clubs. Well you see that you agree with me!
Pure mage, or mage/something cant cast spell in any armor (Even mage with "Use All Items").
Pure thief, or thief/something cant use thief skills, in better that Studded leather (even with "Use All Items").
Kensai/thief with "Use All Items", CAN use all his skills and bonuses for not wearing armor even when wearing armor.
Is not that a bit stupid?
And in all fairness....Specialization isn't implemented properly.
ONLY true class fighters can go beyond specialization. It says so directly in the book that created the expanded proficiency chart (and there's a level requirement on it. Mastery requires at least lvl 9. High Mastery requires at least level 12, and Grand mastery requires at least lvl 15).
Mastery and above is restricted only to true fighters, kits are unable to progress beyond specialization since their other abilities have already granted them increased flavor, while the plain fighter only gets enhanced specialization.
And rangers, paladins, and multi-classed fighters don't specialization at all. They get expertise, which costs the game amount of proficiency but only gives the +1/2 attack, and not the +1 hit or +2 damage of normal specialization.
Not only that, but Fighter>Class duals can no longer specialize after switching classes (though they retain any specialization they spent prior to dualing) since they're advancing only as their new class, while Class> Fighter can't specialize at all (though they can get expertise like a paladin or ranger), since specialization specifically requires a Single Class fighter are a requirement, and specialization is part of fighter advancement, not a class feature.
And don't even get me started on whats wrong with the berserker...I've covered it several times already. Overpowered AND Under-penalized.
If you want an example of underpowered class it would be the Beastmaster, the ranger kit.
Besides, Barbarians are powerfull in BG2 due to damage resistance. They are very good tanks.
The only class in BG that is better adapted is the Wild Mage, which is PnP-perfect.
And as I always say, you fix whats wrong (the classes MORE POWERFUL (or in a handful cases (druids and bards in general), weaker) then they should be), not break something else that isn't.
Since if you have zero frame of reference to compare to, nothing is wrong with it. It's just a different playstyle with different needs and goals.
You can solo the game with any class. You can party the game as any class. All classes are therefore technically working as intended, just with occasionally vastly different playstyles.
Otherwise they just need to remove all the classes except the Berserker or put a big disclaimer up on creation "If you pick anything besides the berserker you fail at life and should just stop playing now, because you are a noob that is trying to roleplay in a roleplaying game, fool".