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Ask the Bhaalspawn (Warning: Major spoilers and crude language)

ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
edited March 2015 in Fan Creations
ask the bhaalspawn
Hello everybody ~

I started a new ask blog (a hybrid between webcomic and roleplaying blog) about a bunch of my Bhaalspawns.
If you checked the fanart thread here, you might have seen one or the other of them by now. However, I can only run this blog if people send me questions/ messages for the characters. So please check out the blog and send the Bhaalspawn messages. Thank you!

- The Characters -


Name: Anabell
Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Lathander
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Lathander
Drive: Helping
Personality: Shy, prude, friendly, pacifist, romantic, tries to avoid problems

Name: Cassandra
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: Faithless
Drive: Power
Personality: Manipulative, stuck-up, sadistic, seductive

Name: Clarissa
Race: Human
Class: Paladin of Torm
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Torm
Drive: Helping, justice and adventure
Personality: Open-minded, a bit naive, adventurous, reckless, a bit clumsy, heroic, energetic

Name: Dia
Race: Half human and half wild-elf
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Mielikki
Drive: Living in peace
Personality: Loner, doesn’t like civilization (or other people in general), doesn’t talk much

Name: Hildur
Race: Shield Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (later Chaotic Evil)
Deity: None specific
Drive: Money, fame and adventure
Personality: Racist, hates everyone taller than her, greedy, short temper, bloodthirsty, likes everything “dwarven” (drinking, axes, etc.)

Name: Marikal
Race: Half human and half mountain-orc
Class: Thief
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: None specific
Drive: Adventure
Personality: Pragmatic, “no-nonsense”, slightly sadistic, pokerfaced, enjoys having different kinds of people around her, moderately curious, likes to play it safe if she can

Name: Mothiniel
Race: Gold-elf
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: None specific (tendencies towards Hanali Celanil)
Drive: Seeing the world
Personality: Unemotional, pragmatic, enjoys art (especially poetry), curious, insensitive

Name: Namirelda
Race: Moon-elf
Class: Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Mask
Drive: Money
Personality: Cocky, greedy, likes playing pranks, can’t be serious, carefree

Name: Primula
Race: Lightfoot-halfling
Class: Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Tymora
Drive: Fun and art (specifically music and acting)
Personality: Carefree on the outside, loves to sing and to quote, always has something wise/ clever to say, relatively lazy

- Ask the Bhaalspawn No. 1 -

Post edited by Buttercheese on


  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    My question for the Bhaalspawn is: Who do you see yourself settling down with in the event that you decide to remain mortal after defeating the other Bhaalspawn?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Buttercheese I can't wait. :)
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I'm nitpicking, and you can ignore me, but an atheist is someone who denies the existence of any god(s). I would have listed it as none, but I understand.

    Also, I don't see the Beyoncé resemblance, but I try not to look at Beyoncé, so I wouldn't know.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited June 2014
    @meagloth‌: Yeah, I know what you mean, but I really lack of a better term. Also, I am kinda used to calling them atheists because of a bunch of Mask of the Betrayer related stuff I read. If you haven't played the game, it is all about the theme of afterlife, morality and not worshiping any deities in the Forgotten Realms (I highly recommend it).
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Brings back... memories of Dungeoncrawl Inc

    Except then we'ed have to ask Arudin.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I think the point with a romance with Edwin is never get involved with someone to talks to himself out loud. ;)
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Never heard of it, gonna look it up.

    The point is to have one of the most hilarious characters first turn into a seductive beast and then into a lovestuck whimp. He loses all of his fire as soon as he falls in love with Charname. Laaaaaaaame.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    I havn't played the mod in ages, so my memory of it might be blurry. But it's actually great, at least the first half. It gets cheesy after the last fight against Bhodi ... but yeah, till then it's a blast with some seriously hilarious dialouges. And Edwina gets basically her own subplot, which is really interesting!
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    Never heard of it, gonna look it up.

    The point is to have one of the most hilarious characters first turn into a seductive beast and then into a lovestuck whimp. He loses all of his fire as soon as he falls in love with Charname. Laaaaaaaame.

    It was a webcomic back in the day that used BG for art early on. The crestors computer died right when the arc was finishing. Was very funny at times, ending up more dnd based after the author started doing his own art.

    As to Edwin mushing out, this CAN happen irl.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    True, that can happen. But the problem is when you fall in love with certain aspects of a person and suddenly it turns out, that this was just the surface. And I like my Edwin snarky and grumpy UvU
    But that may be just me.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited June 2014
    Hey, I want to do another art meme, this one, but I don't know with which character.
    Could you please click here and and tell me which one you want?

    Thank you :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Would you pick to remain mortal or would you become the new Godess of Murder?
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    Slightly off topic - I think there are two Eddybabes romances. I've only tried the Laufey one - and I laughed myself silly all the way through it. Playing it with the ToB Irenicus Redemption mod is a must as the interactions are brilliant. Eddybabes stays an arrogant snarky, sarcastic asshole to the end but he ends up being YOUR arrogant snarky, sarcastic asshole!

    On Topic.
    Dear Bhaalspawn - if you choose to be a god (or goddess) which if any of the numerous other deities floating about Faerun would you like to strike up a more than platonic relationship?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited August 2014
    Oh, hehe. You have to blame my friend Luna for this one.
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