impact of game if changing ingame stats?

I am new to BG and i have downloaded the BG2,EE for my mac and i can say i really like the game. Thing is that i have messed up a little bit my stats and i cant create a new character and start from the beginning.
I found out with some googling that there is a tool that can change your stats but since this is a cheat/hack i dont know if it has any negative impact to the game`s mechanisms.
Hence my question is:
IF i change my stats, will there be any problem with the mechanisms of the game? Will the skills/spells/flow of game e.t.c will get messed up?
I am new to BG and i have downloaded the BG2,EE for my mac and i can say i really like the game. Thing is that i have messed up a little bit my stats and i cant create a new character and start from the beginning.
I found out with some googling that there is a tool that can change your stats but since this is a cheat/hack i dont know if it has any negative impact to the game`s mechanisms.
Hence my question is:
IF i change my stats, will there be any problem with the mechanisms of the game? Will the skills/spells/flow of game e.t.c will get messed up?
Yes, you can change what you like, including stats, with a wonderful simple program - EE Keeper, for the details see here:
And no, changing your stats won't have any negative consequences in terms of how the game is going.
Of course, if you give yourself godly stats such as 25-25-25 the game may be much easier for you
Another example: HP has a base amount which then has a constitution bonus added, so you could leave the base amount alone and increase or decrease the constitution stat. That, in turn, will increase or decrease the bonus your character is given.
Provided you don't alter the levels (because then you will need to know what HP, thieving skills, spells, etc. you will need), you can safely change the basic character stats and no negative impact will be felt.
If you give more details as to what you actually want to change, someone can say whether or not there will be a negative impact or what also needs to be changed in order to keep it 'legal' in terms of game rules.
Hi guys
Thanks alot for your quick replays.
All i want to do is to get out some points from cahrisma and add the to dexitery. And some points of wisdom and add them to strenght
I dont want to anything that is beyond the "normalities" of the game because it seems a very nice game and i want to play it as it is.
So basically i will remove stats from some points and add them to others just as if i was creating a new player.
Thanks for your help, appriciated