Wield 2h Weapons with One hand

Apologies if unrealistic, but what is the possibility of making 2h Weapons able to be wielded in one hand with a shield in the other like the monkey grip feat in NWN2, of course it cannot be overpowered so what if it is only for certain requirements, e.g. must be Half-Orc, or must have a natural strength of at least 18/95, magical girdles don't count etc, any thoughts?
If it's hard coded then it probably wouldn't be worth the effort anyway. But it would be nice to discuss your thoughts all the same!
Spear using two-handed animation and it is not possible to create new animations.
What spear really needs is is improvement damage.
How can staff with a spike doing same injury as staff without spike?
Spear needs to do at least 1-8 DMG.
1-6 DMG is for a two-handed weapon ridiculous.
That said...the 2hded spears are supposed to be 1d8 and have increased range. The 1d6 spears are supposed to be 1hded (but are shorter and only reach normal melee range).
In bg2, spears arent awful, but Ixil is no Ravager or Gram. Impaler is a peach though, and the unicorn one is handy early or as an alternate weapon for its immunity.