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PaintBG for all BG platforms



  • scorpiovascorpiova Member Posts: 87
    Right on, yeah I had that for pc ports. But yeah I noticed the pack with the individual character named folders had the NPC files... so I copied them into my override for my NPC'S (NJaheirL, and what not). Which is what I was looking for.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    for EE you should use EE package, for other platforms use the other version.
  • scorpiovascorpiova Member Posts: 87
    Yep got it all setup... now im gathering all the NPC's I want in my game!
  • scorpiovascorpiova Member Posts: 87

    Do you know what name is needed to use to replace Hexxat's portraits in the override? Is it just HexxatL, HexxatM, HexxatS? Or is it different?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    uhm, isn't the Hexxat portrait there?
  • Princess_SarahPrincess_Sarah Member Posts: 39
    thanks so much for sharing - these portraits are beautiful.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    edited April 2014
    In meantime i have created batch of portraits for most prominents NPCs in Baldur's Gate I. I have noticed that NPCProject have option to add portraits to NPCs you cant recruit, but if you use artastrophe portraits they dont match to her style. So i adjusted few of her and added them to only 13 in my opinion the most important NPCs (NPCProject adds over 100 which is too many for me). To use this pack you have to use NPCProject option to add NPC portraits and paste this 13 ones to override folder. Also i recommend deleting rest, since they will contrast in style.

    PS: Any chance for WeiDu version for BG:EE in close time?

    Post edited by Etamin on
  • hagerhager Member Posts: 1
    Thank you for sharing these portraits! They are truly awesome.

    Is it possible to download bigger pictures for the non-playable characters somewhere (Abazigal, Gromnir, etc)? The batch in the portrait pack have sizes 38x60 while both the extended editions seem to use size 54x84 for the smallest portraits. It would be lovely to see them with more detail in game!
  • sascha_m_bsascha_m_b Member Posts: 11
    Thanks for the mod, @LavaDelVortel‌. It's much appreciated.

    I wanted to mention though - as I don't think this has been, - an alternative package provided by @artastrophe on her deviantart gallery ( which also has BG:EE resized portraits, in particular alternative Edwin and a few more PC portraits.

    I liked the consistent looks so much that went as far as copy some of the PC-character suitable portrais as MANLEY??.BMP-s to override the bonus DLC portraits available on character creation in my PC version.

    Great job, once again.
  • sascha_m_bsascha_m_b Member Posts: 11
    Actually, I've made an attempt at tweaking existing tp2 for use with BG:EE.

    So far PC and NPC portraits seem to work, as well as creature portraits for e.g. Gorion.

    Haven't checked BG:EE bonus NPCs and can't test mods or BG2:EE.

    @LavaDelVortel‌ please have a look - is this of any use to you?
  • CrowCrow Member Posts: 48
    I really love all of them but Dorn just dosen't seem as badass D:
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Does anyone have file i uploaded few posts above (from 20 April)? It seems the link expired.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2015
    Since last link expired i have created new package with PaintBG work for BG1:EE (a bit larger now). It contains two folders:
    First one is "override" folder with two kinds of portraits. First ones are those overwriting 29 joinable NPCs. Few of them (like Edwin or Minsc) had few versions of appearance, so i chose the best looking ones (in my opinion of course). Next ones are portraits added to non-joinable, plot NPCs (like for BG2:EE). To use it you have to install first component from NPCProject: (Add Non-Joinable NPC Portraits to Quests and Dialogues ). This component adds over 100 portraits for NPCs and i highly recommend it. Unfortunately >100 is too many for me (also arta didn't create enough portraits to cover all of them), so I chose 14 the most significants. Install it ->enter "override" folder->delete all added bmp files-> paste 14 bmps from this file. Preview here:

    Angelo Image and video hosting by TinyPic Belt Image and video hosting by TinyPic Davaeorn Image and video hosting by TinyPic Drizzt Image and video hosting by TinyPic Elminster Image and video hosting by TinyPic Eltan Image and video hosting by TinyPic Gorion Image and video hosting by TinyPic Liia Image and video hosting by TinyPic Mulahey Image and video hosting by TinyPic Rieltar Image and video hosting by TinyPic Sarevok Image and video hosting by TinyPic Scar Image and video hosting by TinyPic Tamoko Image and video hosting by TinyPic Tazok Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Second folder is "Portraits" folder containing several dozens portraits in artastrophe style (31 males and 51 females) to use while creating your own character. They were scattered among few separate files. I gathered them all in one place. I didn't include those for non-playable races (like illithids or dark elves), those from BG2 NPCs and joinable NPCs. The last portraits with exclamation mark are those used by me for plot NPCs. If you don't use this component mentioned above, feel free to use them for you own char. But if so, don't be surprised when you will meet you own doppelganger :)
    To install it just paste this folder into C:\Users\username\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.


    PS: I will try to create later similar package for BG2:EE.
    EDIT: I just created this BG2:EE package i promised, so it's already included in this file. Portraits goes to folders in "documents" (either BG1:EE or BG2:EE, depends in which game you create new character), contents of "override(BG1EE)" to Baldur's Gate:Enhanced Edition override folder, and contents of "override(BG2EE)" to Baldur's Gate 2:Enhanced Edition override folder. I tried to keep the same portraits for NPCs existing in both games.
    Post edited by Etamin on
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    well, wow :)
  • GuboGubo Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2014
    Awesome work! I want more!!!

    Edit: If I download earlier versions, will I be able to choose the variation I prefer or am I stuck with what is there till the next update?

    2nd Edit: I downloaded the other 2 archives from spellhold but only found the Edwin and Viconia portrait I liked. Still missing the others I prefer of Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, and Dynaheir. I guess I'll still have to wait for an update.
    Post edited by Gubo on
  • PeLLeT_RSDPeLLeT_RSD Member Posts: 55
    Can`t wait for your BG2EE version
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    Where can I find Artastrophe's 210x330 sized portraits of Abazigal, Ellesime, Gorion, Gromnir, Illisara, Melissan, Sendai and Solar?
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    Nihilus said:

    Where can I find Artastrophe's 210x330 sized portraits of Abazigal, Ellesime, Gorion, Gromnir, Illisara, Melissan, Sendai and Solar?

    Bump! Can anyone help me with this?
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I remember reading they weren't released, though I can't remember where. Maybe the deviantart page.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    Hudzy said:

    I remember reading they weren't released, though I can't remember where. Maybe the deviantart page.

    Depressing :(

  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    @Nihilus I just noticed those portraits were since released on the deviantart page. If you're still looking.
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Hey @LavaDelVortel & @artastrophe, many thanks for this portrait pack, it's far superior to anything else I've seen and I just used it in my BGEE playthrough and had a blast.

    Now I'm starting BGIIEE it took a bit more fiddling around to get it to work so wanted to share with everyone here in case someone else has the same issue. First, I (so far) can only use the NMinscL, NMinscM, etc portraits. I discovered I had to place them in my Portraits folder where my save games are (BGEE I just put them in override folder and away we go).

    I firstly got it to kinda work but when the characters were speaking and the portraits on the right hand side of the screen were smaller than normal and on the character record they were the smaller portraits but stretched to fit so they were pretty blurry. To fix this I had to delete all the NxxxxS portraits and then rename NxxxxM to NxxxxS and NxxxxL to NxxxxM and now it works perfectly! (The 'xxxx' being the character name). Hope this helps if anyone else is having trouble trying to set it up.

    Once again thanks heaps for all your hard work guys, much appreciated!
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    @LavaDelVortel, @artastrophe: While I'm not using this portrait pack in BG, I am using it in Pillars of Eternity. More portraits of their unique races are desperately needed and I hope to see a PoE Pack in the future! Thanks for your hard work! :)
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone, the archive V2.1 where leads the link doesn't open. Computer says that it is damaged.((
    Can anybody, who has v2.1, share it please? The portraits are super, i would like to have them very much).
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 51
    I found another links in this topic (sorry for inattention), but the archives on spellhold are still damaged((.
  • GuboGubo Member Posts: 77

    uhm, isn't the Hexxat portrait there?

    I downloaded several verisons trying to find variations for certain NPC's that I like. ie Imoen, Minsc, Khalid, Jaheria.

    However in all of them I never found a Hexxat portrait. Unless its suppose to be 'OHHEXM' or 'lk#nindM'.

    About to start playing BG2:EE for the first time and kinda bummed that I am either missing it or its not created. Tough luck on the latter but I hope its not the case.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I'm fairly sure there isn't one. 'lk#nindM' sounds like it's for Ninde, a mod NPC.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    There are portraits for Hexxat. OHHEX[LMS].bmp for Clara and OHHEXX[LMS].BMP for Hexxat.

    Be sure you have v2.1 for EE.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    Somehow I completely missed 2.1.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Do you plan to make portraits for Siege of Dragonspear NCPs?
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