Lawful enemies

Does anyone know of a list of which monsters are lawful in the game?
I am wondering b/c i found the Mace of weal and woe (+2 to lawful) and i have no idea who it will be most effective against
I want to roleplay going to the town library and researching, but i can't find this information anywhere on the web. MikesRPGcenter has a bestiary list but it doesn't include alignment.
I'm afraid this information just isn't available outside of a game editor or tedious trial and error, which surprises me considering they added this item to the game apparently for a reason.
Red and Blue Myconids, Beholders, Cornugons, Mummies, Greater Mummies, Ghosts, nearly all Goblins, Fire Giants, all Neo Orogs, the Kraken Society Mages, Wights, Imbued Wights, Ghouls, all Orcs, Wraith Spiders, Rakshasa, Sahuaguin, and Shadowed, Severed, and Shattered Souls.
And one of a kind characters you have to fight:
Fleezum, The Idol, Maiden Ilmadia, Kelly, Marketh, Krilag, Seth, and the final boss (and penultimate boss, the one who uses mirrors)
Some of those things don't appear on Mikes rpg, so i'm assuming either they were never implemented or they are HoW enemies.
What madness is this?