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Lawful enemies

Does anyone know of a list of which monsters are lawful in the game?

I am wondering b/c i found the Mace of weal and woe (+2 to lawful) and i have no idea who it will be most effective against


  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Pretty sure the end boss is, but you'll probably want more than +2 against him. No clue about most of the rest, I'm afraid. Knowing gaming trends, probably not a lot until you get to major villains.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    Thanks for the reply.

    I want to roleplay going to the town library and researching, but i can't find this information anywhere on the web. MikesRPGcenter has a bestiary list but it doesn't include alignment.

    I'm afraid this information just isn't available outside of a game editor or tedious trial and error, which surprises me considering they added this item to the game apparently for a reason.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    You rock @dustbubsy‌ !

    Some of those things don't appear on Mikes rpg, so i'm assuming either they were never implemented or they are HoW enemies.

  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Sadly, it won't matter unless you have some mod that fixes that mace or you fixed it yourself--it doesn't actually have any bonus to hit or damage versus lawful opponents. I suspect IWDEE will fix these sorts of problems.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Wait, the orcs and goblins are lawful?

    What madness is this?
  • dustbubsydustbubsy Member Posts: 249
    Back in the day, yes. They were organised, unlike the chaotic Ogres and such.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Drugar said:

    Wait, the orcs and goblins are lawful?

    What madness is this?

    Most of them really just want to be cheapskate merchants. Killing people on the side is a hobby, as long as no one sees them do it, because they don't want to ruin their reputation.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Drugar said:

    Wait, the orcs and goblins are lawful?

    What madness is this?

    Goblins are usually neutral or lawful evil, yeah. They worship Bane or the lesser goblinoid deities that serve him. Especially if groups of goblinoids start working together, the hobgoblins will set things into a rigid hierarchy that can pretty much only be overturned by an especially clever/powerful bugbear.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    It's kind of weird how Belhifet is always called a demon in-game even though he is clearly a devil (if Belhifet was a demon, the cornugons that come out of the portal would probably attack him on sight).
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