Is the Yeti Armor worth the price?

In Kuldahar, you can turn in 10 yeti pelts and 2500 gold for the yeti armor. Is it worth doing this, or is it something that will be replaced for sure down the road?
How do you say it in English?
Sorry but sòla it's not sola.
It means shoe "sole" .
Remember Donald Duck? He used to go fishing, and instead of fish he got sole.
That's the meaning of it.
Hide armor is made from the thick hide of a very large animal (yeti, in this case) or from many layers of normal leather from common animals, like cows. Hide armor is far too bulky, inflexible and heavy to be used much in advanced human cultures. However, among the barbaric humanoid masses throughout the dark forests and misty jungles of the world, hide armor is common. Even though it does offer more protection than leather armor, one must get by the offensive odor and shoddy appearance in order to wear it effectively. Even though Thieves can wear this armor, it has a negative effect on their abilities.
This particular set of armor was cured by Conlan and enchanted by Orrick. Orrick was not able to quite get rid of its inherited weakness against fire, though it offers some natural protection against cold.
Equipped abilities:
– Cold Resistance: +15%
– Fire Resistance: -3%
– Open Locks: -10%
– Find Traps: -10%
– Pick Pockets: -10%
– Move Silently: -20%
– Hide In Shadows: -20%
Armor Class: 5 (7 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 28
I've never studied Italian, but I can see where it would be very easy for a non-native speaker to get tripped up on "sola" with an accent for "shoe sole", and "sola" without accent meaning "only; alone". Also, the literal translation of "It's a shoe sole" is the kind of street slang that would be obvious to a native speaker and baffling to a foreigner.
I always liked that mod.
I have 10 pelts in general inventory, not in the Bag of Holding so I don't know what the issue is.