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The Undying Mod BG2:EE Compatible

CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
This mod is an NPC/Quest/Store mod. There are two NPCs who will join your party, Callisto and Ninafer.
Callisto is a Chaotic Evil Berserker elf who is looking for action because she is bored with Amn. She has quests that you can take that are not timer dependent.
Ninafer is a Lawful Neutral Fighter/Mage elf who is looking for action as well. She has spent most of her life sheltered in an elven city and she is looking to know more about the world outside her city.
The NPCs will banter with your character and the other joinable NPCs in the party as well as interact with others in the world.
There are a couple of minor quests to under take.
There are a couple of new stores with new items.
A new inn, the Dwarven Hammer can be found in the Slums.
Optional installs include smarter creature scripts and Harder enemies who have been beefed up.



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774

    And here "Y" is already finished:)
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Version 3: Testing Encounter Y, first level and getting majorly gang banged.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Does the optional installation stack with SCS/tactics?
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    If you are referring to the creature scripts I probably wouldn't install that if you have SCS. This option makes beholders, vampires and demilich more smarter with its attacks and spells which SCS already does.
    Now if you are referring to the stronger enemies, that changes their stats, equipment, EXP to make them more powerful. You probably could use that since it patches the creature files and not overwrite them.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    edited September 2014
    Progress, Encounter Y. There is a "guide" who will try and help you out on what to do on the levels and tell information on what you will be fighting.
    Post edited by CoM_Solaufein on
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Its a very painful encounter. Just when I find a Raise Dead spell, my cleric dies. The last two levels are classified, so I'll end it here.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    One of the final five tests in Encounter Y. The test is to survive.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    The other four tests were pushovers. We'll fix that.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Thanks. Hopefully I can get Version 3 before the end of the year.
  • fatnlazyfatnlazy Member Posts: 24
    Don't know if it has anything to do with your mod, but after installing it, the two things I've noticed, are that the Harper getting mugged quest which always triggers early hasn't after 4 full quests, and the old can't kill Nilthiri bug from way back is present again. Prior to this, I've never had theses problems with BGIIEE.

    I have a few mods loaded, in the order from the thread in this forum, (Not all of them though.) yours being out of order, as I have to identify your items. (Which I personally think is helpful, pointing out some of the new stuff.) I did not start a new game, however, but I will now, just to see.

    Really looking forward to Version 3. Your work is sparking a lot of interest in a game that I had put down for a while.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    This mod doesn't do anything with Harpers or their quests.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Encounter Y completed testing. Except the part that would get you there. I would have to play the game and kill the Red and Shade dragons to trigger it. Everything in the encounter ran as it should and my exit from that place. Now I graduated from complex scripting since it was required in a couple of places. Now to make a few tweaks to the treasure and some creature files.
  • fatnlazyfatnlazy Member Posts: 24
    On starting a new game, everything is working fine.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    I love your work ! What should be the average level to start this mod ?
  • jqspinjqspin Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2014
    I downloaded the mod and brought Nina into my party, now she won't stop giving the selection sound(How may I help you).

    It seems to trigger right after Nina talks to Minsc and Jahiera
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    The only thing that I see that may be causing this is in her script file right at the top:

    RESPONSE #100

    Its trying to start a dialog that doesn't exist. If you have Near Infinity you can find her CMNINAF.BCS file in the override folder, find that script command which is right at the top, delete those lines, Compile and then save.
    I'll upload a quick fix version of the mod: 2.51
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Gotural said:

    I love your work ! What should be the average level to start this mod ?

  • jqspinjqspin Member Posts: 7
    I managed to fix the issue by force talking to her.

    Another problem that has come up is that it seems her +3 sword Vigilance causes her to take 2 damage frequently.

    Thanks for the quick reply!
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    You can be any level.
    Gotural said:

    I love your work ! What should be the average level to start this mod ?

  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Well I'm dumbfounded by the damage because the +2 Fire and +2 Electrical are set at Pre-target and not Self (for those who want to torture their characters by taking damage). The bonus against evil character wouldn't have any bearing on her because she isn't evil.
    jqspin said:

    I managed to fix the issue by force talking to her.

    Another problem that has come up is that it seems her +3 sword Vigilance causes her to take 2 damage frequently.

    Thanks for the quick reply!

  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    They did something screwy on how EFF files are handled in EE items compared to BG2 original. This sword is based on Daystar with my own alterations. They moved the EFF effects to a different header of the item.

    Image below is a note to self. Change this item and any others EFF location.
  • fatnlazyfatnlazy Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2014
    Another couple of things...

    1. Callisto wouldn't stop talking when I picked her up. All of her talks with everyone were coming one right after the other. Every second or so.

    2. Not as game breaking, but when Ninafer has something to say, she keeps making her select sound. (I think you addressed this earlier in this thread.)

    3. Upon Ninafer initiating a talk about supplies, the second our of three responses from the main char states "Male, gender,1" or something similar.

    Very much looking forward to your continued work with this. The other NPC's seem very interesting.

    BTW, I installed this mod last. I do have the banter accelerator tweak installed.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    1 Banters with your other NPCs and not you? Her banters with you are on a timer. With NPCs, they go off whenever the game wants them to go off. Banter accelerator is probably making them go crazy.

    Must be EE game handle some checks differently. The gender thing is code to check to see if your character is male of female, its not suppose to show up in game.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Future NPC spotlight: Shi'nayne Auvryndar

    Race: Elf (Drow)
    Class: Wizard
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    STR 14
    DEX 17
    CON 12
    INT 18
    WIS 9
    CHA 14


    When asked about her past SHI'NAYNE says that her mother, Sharillae, died when she was a young child after they were fleeing from a drow hunting party. Shi'nayne was raised by King Hreidmar Stonecrusher and his wife Brynhildr as if she was one of their own. They did this out of honor, Shi'nayne's mother saved their oldest son Magnus from a drow hunting party that was pursuing her and he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sharillae had jumped on top of the young dwarf and took a poison tipped drow bolt in the back which proved to be fatal to her. Shi'nayne grew up in a loving home but she did have hardships, being a drow elf growing up in a dwarven city, step daughter of the king or not. One of the king's human friends, a wizard named Tarlach Velnaar, saw potential for magic in the young drow and took her in as an apprentice. Shi'nayne has become a powerful war wizard and has defended her adopted home many times. Over time she has become curious about adventuring and leaving the Stonecrusher Delve, but does not out of the sake of duty to the Stonecrusher Clan. She may be convinced to join your group if you prove yourselves worthy and get the permission from the king.

    Other notes:

    Her mother fled from the city she was from once her true nature was discovered. She was one of the few that believed drow society was vile and disgusting. She had been influenced by the beliefs of Eilistraee. She took her young daughter with her and left to go to the surface and find followers of Eilistraee. Soon a drow hunting party caught up with her and they battled. A curious dwarf child heard the commotion and went to see what was going on. One of the drow warriors saw him and fired his crossbow at the child, Sharillae jumped on top of the child and saved him and took the poisonous bolt in the back. The dwarf king and his men arrived and saw this happen. They slayed the remaining drow party. Nothing could be done for Sharillae with the drow poison filling her veins. The dwarf king was dumbfounded that a drow would risk their life to save a dwarf so he declared that he would honor her memory and raise her child as one of his own.

    Shi'nayne has a diary that belonged to her mother and knows the hardship and pain she endured when she was part of drow society. She hates evil drow with a passion and may let her temper get the better of her when she encounters them.

    Her fondest memory that she can remember about her mother was her eyes. Her mother may have been physically and emotionally scarred but her violet eyes were always kind.

    Shi'nayne being brought up by dwarves gave her morals, a sense of honor and loyalty, being fair and just, just basically being a good person out to do the right thing. She's not ignorant about her people. Her mother's diary gives her insight into drow as well as any books and tomes she has read, plus any first hand encounters with them.

    She can speak Undercommon, common, elvish and dwarvish. She's smart but not wise, she is young after all and hasn't seen the "world" yet.
  • StefanOStefanO Member Posts: 346
    fatnlazy said:

    Another couple of things...

    1. Callisto wouldn't stop talking when I picked her up. All of her talks with everyone were coming one right after the other. Every second or so.

    I have the same problem. For me it's a showstopper. Maybe caused by some interference with my other installed mods. Is there a known inconsistency with other mods, e. g the banter pack mod?
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I believe banter pack uses some kind of banter accelerator. My banters are based on a timer so it may be conflicting with each other.
  • cwf1986cwf1986 Member Posts: 11

    The only thing that I see that may be causing this is in her script file right at the top:

    RESPONSE #100

    Its trying to start a dialog that doesn't exist. If you have Near Infinity you can find her CMNINAF.BCS file in the override folder, find that script command which is right at the top, delete those lines, Compile and then save.
    I'll upload a quick fix version of the mod: 2.51

    I'm actually having the same problem. I just downloaded the undying mod a couple of days ago. I can't find those scripts in the .bcs file so there's nothing to try to delete. Can you think of anything else that could help fix the problem?

    This happened after her first dialogue with Jaheira. I really wanted to try her out in the party but this is gamebreaking with her in it :(
  • cwf1986cwf1986 Member Posts: 11
    Okay, just in case anyone else is having this issue I tried killing her then reviving and kicking her out then taking her back in but neither worked. All I had to do was use the talk button with someone else from the party lead (I don't know if it would work if you made her talk at herself or someone else from another roster spot) and she started a dialogue and she hasn't been doing that bug since.

    While I'm in here, I think it would be really neat if you could separate the difficulty mod into two different parts you can select individually splitting up the smarter AI and harder opponents.

    I'm just looking for baddies that act smarter, not a firkraag battle with 3 extra red dragons and a couple of liches :) It's one of the reasons I like the new BG2:EE quests so much.
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