Here's how to use custom portraits in IWDEE

Having seen this question several times already (see for e.g. here and here), I've decided to make a thread about this subject.
Image file format
Portraits for IWDEE are 24-bit bitmaps (.BMP). You can save images in this format using practically any image editor such as MSPaint, Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
Image file dimensions
You can use a single large portrait, which will be resized to fit the other screens. The optimal size is 420x660 pixels. Keep it at a minimum of 169x266, to prevent blurred images.
Images can be larger than that, but no wider than 1024 pixels. Also try to keep it proportional to the dimensions that have just been mentioned, otherwise, the image will be "squeezed" and may look distorted.
To use a custom portrait, you need 2 versions of an image (only 1 is required, though) with different dimensions (width x height, in pixels):
Large - 420x660 (character creation and character record screens)
Medium - 169x266 (for the right sidebar of the game screen)
Image file naming conventions
You can name your portraits however you want, as long as you follow these rules:
· NO spaces.
· Between 1 and 7 characters (not counting the size letter, see below)
· End with the letter L or M, according to size.
e.g.: AlveusL.bmp (large), AlveusM.bmp (medium).
In order for your portraits to show up in IWDEE, you must place them in an specific folder, named "Portraits" (without quotes). This folder is not created when the game is installed, so you must create it yourself.
Where to create your "Portraits" folder
On Windows: go to your User(s) folder - the one that has My Music, My Pictures, and so on. Now follow this path: My Documents > Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition. That's where you must create your Portraits folder.
Mac OSX: create a folder named "Portraits" on /Users//Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition.
Linux: ~/.local/share/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition/ Create a folder called portraits (must be lower case) there.
On a new character
Once you have the right files on the right folder, all you have to do is select the portrait inside the game.
When creating a new character, once you're prompted to select his or her portrait, you will notice a button labeled "CUSTOM" now shows up on the screen.
This button will take you to the next screen, where you'll be able to select the Large and Medium portraits. They're not required to match - you can use different L and M portraits for one character if you so desire.
The Large portrait will be selected automatically according to the Medium one, or ignored (if there is no L version).
On a previously created character
If you're already playing a character and want to change it's portrait, go to his/her Record screen and hit the button labeled "CUSTOMIZE", then "APPEARANCE".
Once you're prompted to select his or her portrait, you will notice a button labeled "CUSTOM" now shows up on the screen.
This button will take you to the next screen, where you'll be able to select the Large and Medium portraits. They're not required to match - you can use different L and M portraits for one character if you so desire.
The Large portrait will be selected automatically according to the Medium one, or ignored (if there is no L version).
Great thanks goes to @Kilivitz , @AlexT and @Jalily
Image file format
Portraits for IWDEE are 24-bit bitmaps (.BMP). You can save images in this format using practically any image editor such as MSPaint, Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
Image file dimensions
You can use a single large portrait, which will be resized to fit the other screens. The optimal size is 420x660 pixels. Keep it at a minimum of 169x266, to prevent blurred images.
Images can be larger than that, but no wider than 1024 pixels. Also try to keep it proportional to the dimensions that have just been mentioned, otherwise, the image will be "squeezed" and may look distorted.
To use a custom portrait, you need 2 versions of an image (only 1 is required, though) with different dimensions (width x height, in pixels):
Large - 420x660 (character creation and character record screens)
Medium - 169x266 (for the right sidebar of the game screen)
Image file naming conventions
You can name your portraits however you want, as long as you follow these rules:
· NO spaces.
· Between 1 and 7 characters (not counting the size letter, see below)
· End with the letter L or M, according to size.
e.g.: AlveusL.bmp (large), AlveusM.bmp (medium).
In order for your portraits to show up in IWDEE, you must place them in an specific folder, named "Portraits" (without quotes). This folder is not created when the game is installed, so you must create it yourself.
Where to create your "Portraits" folder
On Windows: go to your User(s) folder - the one that has My Music, My Pictures, and so on. Now follow this path: My Documents > Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition. That's where you must create your Portraits folder.
Mac OSX: create a folder named "Portraits" on /Users//Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition.
Linux: ~/.local/share/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition/ Create a folder called portraits (must be lower case) there.
On a new character
Once you have the right files on the right folder, all you have to do is select the portrait inside the game.
When creating a new character, once you're prompted to select his or her portrait, you will notice a button labeled "CUSTOM" now shows up on the screen.
This button will take you to the next screen, where you'll be able to select the Large and Medium portraits. They're not required to match - you can use different L and M portraits for one character if you so desire.
The Large portrait will be selected automatically according to the Medium one, or ignored (if there is no L version).
On a previously created character
If you're already playing a character and want to change it's portrait, go to his/her Record screen and hit the button labeled "CUSTOMIZE", then "APPEARANCE".
Once you're prompted to select his or her portrait, you will notice a button labeled "CUSTOM" now shows up on the screen.
This button will take you to the next screen, where you'll be able to select the Large and Medium portraits. They're not required to match - you can use different L and M portraits for one character if you so desire.
The Large portrait will be selected automatically according to the Medium one, or ignored (if there is no L version).
Great thanks goes to @Kilivitz , @AlexT and @Jalily
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
This discussion has been closed.
~/.local/share/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition/
Create a folder called portraits (must be lower case) there.
Since there are no Charnames and no hard-coded npc's, you can also change portraits, clothing, skin, and hair colors in game, without quitting and going to Keeper, which is nice.
EDIT: The 420x660 double size is for high definition, if you want that. I think that merely expanding an existing 210x330 picture won't give you the high definition.
It just won't look that crisp in hi-res.
In case you didn't know it, I updated my tool for Icewind Dale EE. You only need to upload your picture, crop it, and the tool will create an image with the right format (BMP 24bits) and size (only 620x440 for the moment).
Don't forget to click on "Icewind Dale EE" radio button before uploading your image !
PS : It's in french, but it's easily understandable.
PPS : I didn't try it, so feel free to tell if there any problem.
the portraits are in correct size, place and everything but I only get a black picture when accepting.
.. how can they be converted wrong?
If you have a BMP but still see only a black field in game, it means you're using the wrong bitrate on the BMP. IWDEE needs 24-bit BMPs, not 36; those won't be displayed.
The standard Paint will work just fine - open an image you want and save it to .bmp file with the Paint program. It will be a 24-bit bmp
You can also use the online converter, for Mac-users as well:
I jest, on google image you can search for "Justin Sweet" (it might help if you also key in "-bieber", lol) and you may find some (not all) high/original resolution IWDII portraits.
[spoiler=links to the images]
You may find these Justin Sweet's artworks that were not included in IWDII fitting, as well:
[spoiler=more links]
The other way is to take screenshots of the original IWDII games (lower resolution, but still works) as you browse through the portraits in character creation.
Simply press ctrl + print screen at the portrait you like
Open MS Paint, paste (ctrl + v), and save as a new file
You'll then need to use some image editing program to then crop the saved file, or use the website: I personally do not know how to actually extract the image file from the IWDII game itself, but I'm sure a modder around here somewhere might just know how... provided copy rights concerns may impede upon such request.
24 large and small bmp's
It was just for personal use, but if any of you can use it, here it is.... :
OK.. re-sized using directions above... and... keeps saying picture to large.
Threw up hands after very time consuming effort, and went to plan B... the french tool above
(awesome BTW), its just that my IWD EE is just decided that I can't have a custom picture (same error as plan A). I know the site converted them perfectly, by looking at properties.
Sooo... in the past EE keeper has done me right, will that work to add custom portraits in IWD EE?
Odd... because it saw them before.
Off to do the rest... Merci for awesome tool!
Just like with BGEE,
~/Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition
Your save games and the .ini are located there, extra portraits are stored there as well, although you'll need to create a "Portraits" folder.
I updated my tool to generate the large image and the medium one, so you can have 2 differents crops.
That's all, folks ! (and select "Icewind Dale EE" button)