Intelligence stat for non arcane characters

I never got to do the expansion packs in IWD. Waiting for my laptop to come back from the shop so I can get IWDEE. My question; Do non-mage types need that minimum of 11 intelligence like they did in BG for mind flayers and such?
- lead character's charisma also affects for starting reputation. minimum you can start the game with is 8 (for CE) and maximum is 12 (LG)
- lead character's charisma also affects morale, but i don't know the mechanics of that. i'm pretty sure that low charisma doesn't produce penalties on morale however
turn undead is not affected by charisma
but if you don't care about such roleplaying, sure, reroll.
For example you can save the drunk guy from his drinking habits but I believe you need a character with Intelligence AND Charisma above like 15 to do it?
It's not "THAT" important but it offers some flavor and role playing benefits having different characters with combinations of higher secondary stats. I still try to get roles as high as possible so that I have high secondary characteristics just in case. I also keep my potions of +4 int just in case my pally needs to quaff one for some dialog options.
I think it's so silly to say that you have to have average scores if you care about role playing, adventurers are the definition of unlikely characters in both positive and negative aspects.
My Paladin has the best stats in my entire party - 18/58 strength, 18 dexterity, 18 constitution, 10 intelligence, 13 wisdom, and 18 charisma. A total of 95, and it didn't take me all that long to get.
Yup I was right, Wisdom has no effect on a Paladins spell casting abilities.
i've said it in response to "should i go lower then 10?" and i've given a roleplaying reason why you shouldn't lest you want that character to be socially maladapted / unattractive (8 and below).
i'm not saying anything about what's *likely* for fantasyland invented characters as i just don't think in those terms.
You need at least 16 intelligence (and 15 charisma) in order to complete the quest in Easthaven where you can get the elderly drunken sailor, named Old Jed, off the sauce for good.
The dialogue options that will show Old Jed the error of his ways and lead him to retake control of his life are only available if you meet those requirements. No true hero would turn their back on a man in need!
Reputation and charisma both affect your reaction score. Reaction is what ultimately affects store prices.
but what i said about starting reputation is also true.
Alignment - Starting Reputation
Lawful Good - 12
Neutral Good - 11
Chaotic Good - 11
Lawful Neutral - 10
Neutral - 10
Chaotic Neutral - 10
Lawful Evil - 9
Neutral Evil - 9
Chaotic Evil - 8
@Ancalagon44 It's not possible to improve your reputation other than through donation but you cannot raise your reputation above 8 by donating to temples.
Your reputation may let you benefit from additional store discounts.
Reputation - Price Adjustment
1 +900%
2 +900%
3 +100%
4 +50%
5 +40%
6 +30%
7,8 +20%
9 +10%
10-14 0%
15 -5%
16 -10%
17 -15%
18 -20%
19 -25%
20 -30%
An additional modifier to store prices is based on CHA. A high CHA will yield characters better prices when purchasing equipment.
Score - Store Discount
(1-15) - 0%
16 - 5%
17 -10%
18 -15%
19 -20%
(20-25) -25%