Trap Detection

Can someone please explain to me, how the trap detection mechanism works?
i always need to stand right in front of a trap, to be able to detect it.
this way it is pretty much worthless to train that skill, unless you already know where the traps are.
and wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
does the radius increase with the skill, or does the rate at which a find trap roll is rolled increase somehow?
at it's current state this skill is only for deactivating traps, not for finding them.
and i could just summon something or prepare to activate the trap instead of using the find trap skill.
would safe a lot skill points in the beginning.
if i could at least use stealth and find traps at the same time, to use a thief as a scout, that can deactivate all traps beforehand.
but that is also not possible.
maybe i missed something, can someone please explain this to me?
i always need to stand right in front of a trap, to be able to detect it.
this way it is pretty much worthless to train that skill, unless you already know where the traps are.
and wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
does the radius increase with the skill, or does the rate at which a find trap roll is rolled increase somehow?
at it's current state this skill is only for deactivating traps, not for finding them.
and i could just summon something or prepare to activate the trap instead of using the find trap skill.
would safe a lot skill points in the beginning.
if i could at least use stealth and find traps at the same time, to use a thief as a scout, that can deactivate all traps beforehand.
but that is also not possible.
maybe i missed something, can someone please explain this to me?
so either i go through a dungeon with baby steps, or i trigger traps.
pretty annoying.
is there something planned to improve that mechanic?
at least one of the three things should happen:
1.the radius for the detection should be improved
2.the frequency at which the rolls are made should increase (more often then once in 6 seconds)
3.make stealth and find traps possible at the same time, without the help of a mage.
i hope they do something about that. in it's current state i just walk and trigger all the traps, and if one of the traps was too much, i load and deactivate the exact trap, because i know where it is...
but that pretty much beats the purpose of the skill.
or maybe is there a mod, that improves this mechanic?
If the skill found traps at a much bigger range, where would be the thrill?
Of course, you do need to be careful when entering unknown territory, such as a dungeon.
It's a hell of a fun, if you run into a trap just because you are not careful enough. It's also entertaining when you turn off the AI to prevent your party from running towards enemies and into already detected traps.
Much about the game is about learning while playing the first time, then doing better at a later playthrough. The same can be said about dialogues in the game, letters, scrolls, journal entries, which you need to read carefully to spot the hints.
i find it pretty frustrating and not entertaining at all. so in other words, when you already know where the traps are...
taking two steps and then waiting another 6 seconds is much to slow for me, and i don't want to wait half of the time in one spot, just that the system can take another roll at detecting traps...
a better system (for me) would be, if you enter the map, and the system already rolls a trap detection for every trap on the map.
and as soon as you are in line of sight, and the previous detection roll was successfull you see the trap.
there are many better ways to do this...
maybe i should over encumber every party char, to walk slower in dungeons... atleast then i don't have to stop every two steps.
Rest assured, if you rush through a dungeon without any caution, you also miss secret doors, and you run into enemies you cannot handle. Sometimes it may be necessary to flee, but sometimes they follow you. Much also depends on whether you want to role-play your party -- including resurrecting killed ones! -- and choosing answers/options without saving/retrying. What do you do if your familiar gets killed? Do you reload? What do you do if you get denied a reward or item? Games like these base a lot on trying again, doing better, choosing different strategies and answers, getting in love with a different character.
If you only aim at speed, it will be less entertaining. You could also turn off the in-game music, listen to your own one, kill the atmosphere.
Knowing which dungeons are trapped can be helpful. In the same way you may want to know which enchanted weapons you can find till the end, or whether entering tombs will free a Beholder or Lich that's too strong for you. Once you know, you will take your time to visit that place again.
You want the 100% safe route without any effort from yourself. Some traps can be found, but not disarmed if the skill is not high enough. If you found all traps upon entering a room, you would still need to move slowly and carefully to disarm them, without boots of speed, perhaps being invisible and with your party in the distance. Little benefit.
it would be effort, if i have to think about, a strategy, or having some kind of thinking process involved.
but this way it is just time consumin, and nothing else.
absolutly no effort with this mechanic.
they could just slow the movement speed of the whole party while trap find is on, and it would be the same amount of effort.
and what is the problem of reloading?
is it called cheating in these forums, if i reload the game, if something bad happened, that i don't want?
no detection of the trap:
still no detection of the trap:
finally detection:
you have to be really fucking close to detect a trap, which means, that my two step example is pretty straight forward.
two steps, wait a round, two steps, wait a round.
in other words, just an anoying mechanic, thats all.
thats unfortunate...
the way it is right now is just annoying, that is all.
otherwise it is just lucky guessing.
i waited at least 10 secondes between every three of those...
the trap skill was 100 at this moment...
did something change, that you now nee more than 100 to detect all traps?