Finish the game with every character in your save folder before starting a new character

Evil, I know! I recently decided to finish off all my BGEE saves before trying something new.
So far I've managed to complete runs with Assassin, Archer, Cavalier, Fighter/Illusionist, A Dwarven Defender led all Lawful Good party, Level 2 Conjurer dualled to Fighter with staff specialization (fighter with scrolls and wands, woohoo!), and a two character run with just Ranger/Cleric and Wild Mage.
Still to complete: An evil party led by a Dark Moon Monk, a party consisting of every Druid kit, an all mage party (Good & Neutral), an all mage party (Evil & Neutral), A Swashbuckler, and a Mage/Thief.
After that I have to debate whether or not unfinished Roleplay characters should be included. I've started Paladin, Bard, Cleric, and Fighter RP games, but I've yet to devote the time to any of them that the endeavor requires (much less consider whether to post the results here as other brave souls do).
If I added in all my old saves from pre EE games it would take me much much longer. So, for those with many many unfinished runs, perhaps the challenge should be to complete ten of them before starting a new character.
How many "limbo characters" do you have?
So far I've managed to complete runs with Assassin, Archer, Cavalier, Fighter/Illusionist, A Dwarven Defender led all Lawful Good party, Level 2 Conjurer dualled to Fighter with staff specialization (fighter with scrolls and wands, woohoo!), and a two character run with just Ranger/Cleric and Wild Mage.
Still to complete: An evil party led by a Dark Moon Monk, a party consisting of every Druid kit, an all mage party (Good & Neutral), an all mage party (Evil & Neutral), A Swashbuckler, and a Mage/Thief.
After that I have to debate whether or not unfinished Roleplay characters should be included. I've started Paladin, Bard, Cleric, and Fighter RP games, but I've yet to devote the time to any of them that the endeavor requires (much less consider whether to post the results here as other brave souls do).
If I added in all my old saves from pre EE games it would take me much much longer. So, for those with many many unfinished runs, perhaps the challenge should be to complete ten of them before starting a new character.
How many "limbo characters" do you have?
I only ever play No-reload when it comes to my Infinity games and when people normally 'drop' a character it's because they get bored of them or want to try something new. When that happens to me i tend to get sloppy and my character dies because of silly mistakes. I can't even count on both of my hands the amount of times I've had a character die because i got somewhat bored, put on auto pilot and made a dumb mistake like getting held by a cleric.
Then you look at my brother, the complete opposite, i didn't even think you could have as many different saves as he got with different parties!
I can't let a new character wait till 2115.
I have around a dozen PCs standing over the recently slain Gorion, after graduating Candleekeep but not yet set out on their grand adventure. Rerollitis will do that to you
This would certainly maximize my flexibility when BG2 finally becomes playable from the Mac store - although do I really need 20+ characters raring to go at Irenicus? Surely I am just moving my rerollitis up one level, and will never get to see ToB!
I've discovered a few things I've never noticed before. For one, the townsfolk in Baldur's Gate know after you defeat Sarevok at the palace and comment on it. It's a fun collection of dialogs I've never noticed before because usually at that point I go right for the end game. This time I wandered around a bit just for fun, and also looted the palace for the first time. Completely unnecessary at that point, but amusing.
It's also fun, I've found, to go straight for the main plot and then right before Sarevok go back out and finish clearing all the maps. I thought it would be boring, but it's surprisingly fun to see how powerful the team is at that point. Nothing stands in their way!
Now I'm on to team Druid. I'm sure Jaheira and Cernd would approve.