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No restrictions (deprecated)

AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
edited September 2023 in IWD:EE Mods
Tweaks anthology has components that do this better. Use that instead

After having to do manually remove the race & alignment restrictions once again, I decided to do a little weidu mod to do it for me and upload it for future use. Feel free to make use of it.

1st component removes class/alignment restrictions. As far as I can tell, creating evil/neutral rangers/paladins doesn't make them fallen. Should work on every IE game.

2nd component removes race/class restrictions. This extends to allowing humans to multi-class and others to dual-class. Should work on every IE game.

3rd component unlocks (at lvl 21 for all classes) all of the ToB high level abilities in IWD:EE. Might cause issues if installed in other IE games.


Extract in your game folder, run setup-norest.exe


Won't modify kits from mods. 3rd component probably will clash with anything that adds HLAs to vanilla classes.
Post edited by Allbrother on


  • CrusismCrusism Member Posts: 6
    Thanks. :) Was looking to play around with several combos.
  • reivisionreivision Member Posts: 21
    This is just what I was looking for! Seems to work fine too. Thanks!
  • FandraxxFandraxx Member Posts: 194
    My dream of a 16 intelligence half-orc mage may finally come true!
  • VeskoVesko Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2015
    Note: I noticed when i install NR after some custom modes (Rune Berserk, Bladesinger, Improved Archer, Morituri Kit) it grays them out. Options 1 & 2 mainly, gray out morituri, rune & bladesinger, didnt check archer. Option 3 is safe and actualy only HLA mod i found that imports them into the iwdee, bg2, hob, sob didnt work, at least for me. For anyone interested...
    Not a problem if u use eekeeper to change class (all of them are still available via eekeper), but if you want it straight for choosing ingame be warned.
    Btw those kits are AWESOME, also sniper thief, d/c kits hivemaster, purifier, battleguard, painbearer...

    PS TY author for the mod! :-D
  • T2avT2av Member Posts: 202
    Great mod, love it.. I can make elf paladins :)
  • KilliKilli Member Posts: 14
    Just what I was looking for :)
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    The file is in the game directory but it doesn't work.
  • T2avT2av Member Posts: 202
    Lvl21 for multiclasses is a bit high don't you think?

  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    Heya! Can someone please explain to me what are the mayor differences between THIS mod and BG2 Tweak Pack version of "no restrictions"? Because with BG2 TP, NPCs seems to have a problem with recognising the race/class of my character, like when I'm playing a Gnome-Bard they are giving me only 'race' options of dialogues, without the 'class' ones... What about THIS one?
  • scorchdelta62scorchdelta62 Member Posts: 1
    Whenever I try to make a dwarf paladin, the game crashes as soon as I click ok in the class selection screen, before showing me the kits. I have no custom kits installed. Any ideas what might be causing that?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Whenever I try to make a dwarf paladin, the game crashes as soon as I click ok in the class selection screen, before showing me the kits. I have no custom kits installed. Any ideas what might be causing that?

    My guess - paladins require 17 Charisma, but dwarves have a -2 Charisma penalty, i.e. max 16 Charisma. The game can’t roll up the character, so it crashes.
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