***[COMPLETE]*** Pure Necromancer solo challenge (Restricted to using only necromancy spells)

Had a blast playing BG 1 & 2 again (you guys did a great job with these enhanced editions!). But before I retire the game away and move on to other things again, I fancy one last challenge.
Has anyone tried playing through as a pure specialist mage, i.e. a Necromancer who can only use necromancy, or an Evoker restricted to spells from the school of evocation.
I've done the whole solo sorcerer in the past, along with a wide range of other classes. I'd like to do one last mage solo, but this time make it a little more challenging.
Thought I'd get some opinions on what school of magic you guys would go for if completing such a challenge? Personally I'm torn between a necromancer (Has a lot of my favorite spells) and an Conjurer (Some summoned creatures can spell cast, giving you access to useful non-conjuration spells like dispel for a little more utility).
Has anyone tried playing through as a pure specialist mage, i.e. a Necromancer who can only use necromancy, or an Evoker restricted to spells from the school of evocation.
I've done the whole solo sorcerer in the past, along with a wide range of other classes. I'd like to do one last mage solo, but this time make it a little more challenging.
Thought I'd get some opinions on what school of magic you guys would go for if completing such a challenge? Personally I'm torn between a necromancer (Has a lot of my favorite spells) and an Conjurer (Some summoned creatures can spell cast, giving you access to useful non-conjuration spells like dispel for a little more utility).
UPDATE 26/5/15:
I'm currently running an Icewind Dale edition of this challenge, which can be found here: Zuzhul Plaguebringer ReturnsPost edited by Genryu on
Managed to roll a 91 in character generation, I don't usually min/max and never drop any stat below 10 but this time I'm going to make an exception.
Str:18 Dex:18 Con:18 Int:18 Wis:16 Cha:3
Playthrough rules. (Revised for clarification)
* Can only use spells/scrolls belonging to the school of necromancy.
* Green scrolls are allowed.
* Wands and other magical items are allowed.
Anyway I guess there's no ideal specialist school for a playthrough with a restriction as the one you're applying. Your Necromancer will have damage (skull traps, adhw), summons (skeletons), and some physical protection (spirit armor), but will be vulnerable against casters. I would focus on potions, green scrolls and other protective items that protect against missile attacks (especially in BG1) and against status effects.
I'll be following this thread. You could btw consider posting in this thread, where you're likely to get more exposure (and more people commenting and maybe giving advice), or you could move your current thread to the General Discussions section of the forums.
We were ambushed last night, and the old man went and got him self killed, bah good riddance! He had restricted my studies into the dark arts for far too long. He can no longer hold me back and I can now act on my urges, there is beauty in death and I am finally free to fully explore my craft more ......to hone my art to perfection.
Before we were ambushed Gorion suggested meeting up with friends at the Friendly Arm Inn, I suppose it would be best to go and find them, the armored attacker seemed to know me, they may be able to shed some light on my would be assassins.
2 Mirtul 1368
That fool girl Imoen followed us last night, so irritably cheery as always. Yes! Why didn't I think of it earlier? What a fitting first test subject, out here all alone in the wilderness. I drained the lifeforce from her very soul, she barely put up a fight, I watched as the life slowly faded from her eyes, there was no fear in her face, no anger, just an expression of disbelief and great sadness ....exquisite.
Unfortunately despite my best efforts, I wasn't able to raise her. She would have made a fine servant, how much more agreeable she would have been as a silent zombie. She was carrying a wand of missiles and a number of potions, these will come in handy.
Further down the road a met a peculiar pair, another Necromancer and a Halfling. I was tempted to resume my experiments on them, but my assault on Imoen had drained me. Best to let these two go for now.
3 Mirtul 1368
I encountered a strange man on my way to Friendly Arm Inn. He claimed to be a simple traveler, but I could sense the magical energies that surrounded him, a wizard no doubt. He seemed very interested in me, from all his nosey probing, it wouldn't surprise me if he was a harper agent. I told the old fool to mind his business and went on my way.
4 Mirtul 1368
I finally made it to the Friendly Arm Inn, it is not what I was expecting the place is a Fortress! However as I approached the gates a sensed a powerful magic emanating from the east, upon further inspection I found a magical ring buried at the base of a tree.
The local cleric appraised the item for me and confirmed my suspicions, a Ring of Wizardry! I don't know if the item had been purposely hidden, or dropped and lost at some point, however it got there it is now mine, the original owner should have taken much better care of such a valuable item.
Upon the approaching the Inns main entrance, I was ambushed by a mage named Tarnesh. My spells drained, I could have been in real trouble if the fool hadn't attacked me in broad daylight! The guards made short work of the idiot, I looted his corpse, it appears I have a bounty on my head. Just who was that Armoured figure who cut down Gorion, and why does he want me?
Inside, I met with Gorions friends, a whiny elf named Khalid who would jump at his own shadow, and a stuck up half breed named Jaheira. They could offer no insight into my pursuers, but offered to travel with me, if I assisted them to Nashkel. I promptly declined, I couldn't stomach the thought of travelling with those two for five minutes, let alone all the way to Nashkel. If the Inn was not so 'public' I'd have liked to resume my experimentation on them, but alas its too dangerous here, there will be other opportunities.
7 Mirtul 1368
I finally found my way to Beregost, a quiet but eventful little town. Shortly after entering the town I was approached by a bard named Garrick about a possible employment opportunity. If I am going to survive out on the road I am going to need money.
My employer Silke wanted me to strike down some 'thieves' who had stolen some precious gemstones from her. It was obvious she was lying, these men were obviously innocent. However she was paying well, so I played along with her little deception.
There were three men, I drained the life force from the first one, and he went down easily. However between the barrage of attacks from the other two I lost my concentration and my remaining spells fizzled to nothing. If it wasn't for the life force of their friend coursing through my veins I would have been quickly overwhelmed.
As things were looking grim, I noticed the dead man I had beaten clutching a bottle of a familiar silvery liquid. I instantly recognized this from my lessons with Gorion, it was a potion of defense! Quickly breaking away from combat I rushed to the fallen man, taking the potion from his cold dead fingers I quickly glugged it down. Suddenly the tables were turned, and they were hard pressed to strike me, I made short work of the two men and then claimed my reward.
There is also a component that moves some of higher levelled scrolls that you dont obtain until later on, and makes them accessible earlier on.
I also have the skull trap damage cap installed, so it now caps out at 12d6 I believe. It could very well be that I don't make it all the way to the end, I'm just curious how far I can get.
One thing I've always disliked about specialist mages is I invariably always end up using the same spell sets (opposing school restrictions allowing) on every mage, I never really specialize towards their school. For once I'd like to play a Necromancer as a Necromancer, or an enchanter as an enchanter. Instead of an Invoker whose most used spells end up being Death Spell, Haste and Wilting Horror for example.
After my battle with Silkes 'Thieves', I decided to retire to the nearby Inn the Red Sheaf. I must be popular for I was accosted by another Bounty Hunter, this time a dwarf by the name of Karlat. The little runt was tough, and he quickly overwhelmed me, I escaped the Inn but he followed me outside. Luckily I still had the potion of speed I looted off Imoen, and I managed to lose him down a side alley. I'll remember him, we will see who is chases who next time I visit Beregost!
8 Mirtul 1368
After recuperating in the Red Sheaf, it was time to explore the rest of Beregost. Just around the corner I encountered a little brat named Neera, who despite my refusal and protests dragged me unwillingly into a battle with the Red wizards of Thay! She is lucky that she fell in the battle, because her fate at my hands would have been much much worse.....
8 Mirtul 1368
My encounters In Beregost have quickly drained me of my supply of healing potions. If I am going to investigate the rumours of trouble down in Nashkel, I'm going to need a resupply. As a child Gorion often told stories of local legends, one of which spoke of a secret cache of treasure, and the siren queen and golems that guard it. If memory serves, the treasure is rumored to be hidden in a cave near the ruined lighthouse south of Candlekeep. If there is any truth to the story then this secret cache could help equip and prepare me for the journey ahead, this could be worth investigating.
The stories were true! After over a week of searching, fighting through knolls, skeletons and stinking Amnian messengers I have finally found the cave. Complete with Siren guardians on the outside, and traps and golems on the inside.
The Sirens are predictable, they stop to cast invisibility spells on themselves before engaging, giving me ample time to safely run through them and avoid direct conflict with these dangerous foes. Inside the cave network proved to be more tricky, I am no match for the powerful Golems, but the passageways are much too narrow to effectively avoid them completely.
With my last couple of healing potions in hand, I made a run through the cave, the first Golem hit me squarely in the chest, blasting the air from my lungs and nearly dropping me to my knees, somehow I manage to amble past the slow moving brute, whilst chugging down a healing potion. In the next chamber I saw it, the hidden treasure, guarded by another golem. Ignoring the hulking construct, I made a dash for the loot, grabbing what I could carry whilst the lumbering monster bore down on me. A dusty old tome, a cloak, some kind of wand, a small pouch of darts and some potions and gold coins, With my arms full I made a break back for the cave entrance, somehow avoiding the first golem.
Running outside I remember about the Sirens, now completely invisible! Oh boy I didn't think this through, what I wouldn't do for a potion of invisibility right now! A split second after leaving the cave I hear the familiar sound of a spell casters chant, if I wasn't mistaken the Sirens were planning to charm me.
Instinctively I reached for one of the darts I had looted from the cave. There forms now vaguely visible thanks to their spell casting, I launched one at the nearest Siren, THUMP! The siren was hit squarely in the chest, and whats more it seems like these darts are coated in poison! I quickly retreated back into the cave, narrowly avoiding the barrage of charm spells coming my way. I waited patiently for the poison to do its work, and then exited the cave. The siren was still standing but was visibly weakened, and what's more all 3 Sirens were now completely visible.
In unison they all began spell casting again, I throw another dart and ......miss. I quickly back off back into the 'safety' of the cave again narrowly avoiding a barrage of spells. However this time one (The injured one) of the sirens decides to follow me. No longer casting spells throwing her self at me an a frenzied melee attack I try to land another dart, Miss, Miss, STRIKE! Once again the Siren is poisoned, I switch to my staff, and start to cast Lylochs Minor drain and siren falls!
I chug my last healing potion, and count my remaining darts, only 5 remaining....
I step back outside, but this time they fire on me, POISONED ARROWS! Ain't Karma a b**ch! Fortunately my newly acquired treasure trove contained a poison antidote and an elixir of health. I retreat back into my cave, only this time both sirens follow me inside. Fortunately both are now out of spells, and are too close to fire their bows. I quaff my last potion of defense and potion of speed, and go on the offensive, I land only of my 5 remaining darts of wounding, but manage to poison a siren, whom I finish off with lylochs minor drain spells. The final siren is not to much of a problem, succumbing to my final few drain spells and finally my trusty quarter staff.
By now I'm in bad shape, I'm all out of spells and I'm pretty beaten up. I also know there are at least 3 other sirens further down the beach. I decide to quit whilst I am ahead, and before my potion of speed expires I make a dash for the exit, and wearily head back to Beregost.
I took a detour through High Hedge on my way back to Beregost to appraise my new acquisitions. A worthy haul indeed! Along with the gold and miscellaneous potions, I have found a Manual of Bodily Health, A wand of Paralization, and a magical cloak that allows me to transform into a Wolf! These should all prove useful.
Thalantyr the mage at High Hedge also stocks an assortment of magical scrolls. I have purchased the Horror spell, now my enemies will know true terror and flee before me like the ants they are mwhahaha.
23 Mirtul 1368
I made that Dwarven bounty hunter Karlat a promise, that I would pay him a visit the next time I made my way through Beregost. With my newly acquired wand of paralyzation, he was powerless as I bashed his thick skull in with the end of my staff. It seems my bounty has now reached 350 gold. A higher bounty will attract more powerful hunters, and stronger hunters invariably have the best equipment. Let them come I say, I will take their equipment and use their lifeless corpses for my experiments...
In wolf form, I can now quickly move from area to area. I figure I will spend a few days exploring the areas around Beregost before heading to Nashkel.
24 Mirtul 1368
Today has proven eventful, whilst exploring the area south of High Hedge, imagine surprise at finding a talking chicken. Though I can guarantee the chicken was much more surprised and terrified at coming face to face with me ....in wolf form. After transforming back to my true form and dispatching the other hungry wolf that was chasing the poor chicken, I discovered he was actually a mages apprentice, transmuted by playing with powers beyond his limit. I agreed to take him to High Hedge, maybe there is a reward.
On my way back to High Hedge I encountered a Cleric named Bassilus. He must have been powerful indeed for he had a score of undead under his control, I'm sure there was much I could have learned from him if he was not so obviously insane. He mistook me for his father and I played along, in his poor emotional state I managed to confuse him and he lost control of his small army of skeletons, and they crumbled to dust.
He tried to attack me, luckily I still had my wand of Paralyzation, which froze him in his tracks. I'm almost certain a cleric of his obvious power would have caused me problems. I dispatched him with relative ease, and claimed his holy symbol, maybe one of the local temples will pay me a bounty for it?
25 Mirtul 1368
I returned Melicamp the chicken to Thalantyr, but despite our best efforts he couldn't be saved. During the transmutation he exploaded into a million chunks of chicken. If I had known this would have happened in advance I'd have left him for the wolf, at least he wouldn't have gone to waste. Before leaving I invested in a scroll of Skull Trap. The runes on the scroll are a little beyond my comprehension just yet, but soon.....
I headed to the temple east of Beregost after Highhedge. I was right, the temple offered me 5,000gp for the unholy symbol! All in all not a bad days work.
28 Mirtul 1368
I finally arrived at Naskel. Heading to the nearest Inn I was accosted by yet another bounty hunter, this is getting old now. Once again my trusty wand of paralyzation proved invaluable, I'll have to be careful in future. This wand wont last for ever..
Further into Nashkel I met a fat bounty officer named Oublek. He confused me for some bounty hunter named greywolf and paid me for some bounty or another, well they do say never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Before heading out, I spent some more time trying to understand my new scroll. Success! I have finally successfully transcribed the runes into my spell book, and can now cast Skull Trap. About time, Lyloch's minor drain was starting to outgrow its usefulness.
28 Mirtul 1368
I made my way to the Nashkel Mines, the place is swarming with kobolds! Fortunately they are so weak even my lylochs minor drain takes them down instantly. I made my way down to the deeper levels of the mine without any major incidents, and eventually found my way to an underground cave. Inside I found half orc, obviously the leader of these Kobolds.
Luckily he hadn't spotted me, time to play with my new toy! I fired off a few skull traps into the room, and then made my presence known. The Half Orc spotted me and approached, setting off my traps and blowing him off his feet! He quickly begged for his life, but I refused the pitiful creature. I pinned him into place with my wand of paralyzation, but not before he had a chance to call for reinforcements.
With Mulahey immobile, I turned my attention to the new threat of Kobolds and ...Skeletons (Can everyone on this godforsaken sword coast raise the dead but me?!?). The kobolds are cowards, a well placed horror spell and they all went running. That left 4 skeletons, a few well placed whacks of my staff and all that remained was a pile of bones at my feet. I quickly finish off Mulahey and then pick off the fleeing kobolds one by one.
Inside Mulaheys quarters I find correspondence between himself, and someone named Tazok, and a man named Tranzig who can apparently be found staying at Feldposts Inn. I'll pay this Tranzig a visit.
3 Kythorn 1368
The mage tranzig proved to be of little challenge, he even tried to flee. I ended him but not before learning of a bandit camp where I could find his superiors. Before leaving I noticed a man named Algernon, or rather I noticed the very nice cloak he was wearing, so much nicer than my flea ridden wolf cloak. I put the fat old man out of his misery and relieved him of his enchanted cloak, this will come in very handy indeed.
After several weeks of minor errands, and fighting bandits in the woods, I managed to infiltrate the Bandit camp. After exploring the camp, I made my way to the leaders tent where I faced my first real challenge, four of the bandit leaders!
Hakt, Venkt, Britik and Raemon. They saw through my facade and knew I was a spy, I had no time to prepare before they were upon me. I quickly used Algernons cloak to charm the pesky mage. After ordering him to haste us both, I sent him to distract the hobgoblin with the poisoned arrows.
The gnoll and the thief were quickly beating me down, but I managed to fire off two shots with my wand of paralyzation (Only 2 charges left now!), taking them both out of the fight. With his friends either charmed or immobile the Hobgoblin went down first, followed by the rogue and then gnoll. My new 'friend' the mage then happily stood there whilst I blasted him to smithereens with my remaining spells.
Upon taking the leaders down, a prisoner named Endar sai informed me of a hidden base in the Cloakwood, letters found in a nearby chest confirmed the prisoners story. It looks like my next stop is the Cloakwood, if memory serves, I should stock up on poison antidotes before heading there.
I guess the challenge with such a run is to make it feel like a true Necromancers experience but at the same time provide a variety of experiences to keep the game fresh.
Currently I kind of expect bg2 will be a slugfest of summoned skeletons with little in the way of back up options besides damage spells.
Furthermore, what's the difference in using the wand of paralysation compared to casting a hold spell?
I wonder, though, what's your approach to reloads and level-up HPs, @Genryu ?
This has been great to read! Thanks for doing it! n_n
As for wands, it was more to give me a little utility and survivability early on in the game until I start to come into my own at later levels, especially as I am not save scumming my resting time and continually get ambushed whilst my spells are expended. If I allowed myself the use of scrolls (Though I plan to use green scrolls), I'd have access to pretty much every spell in the game, it would kind of go against the point of my run. As for my justification for using wands, its pretty much what @joluv said. Reloads on death are fine (I've died a number of times already, and will again before the end). I'm just trying to avoid cheesy save scumming (I.e save before resting, and then hitting reload over and over until I manage to rest uninterrupted (A PITA in cloakwood, let me tell you!).
As for HP, I'm not opposed to maxing out each level. Though to be honest it probably wasn't needed (Though I may change my mind on that late game), with all the lylochs minor drains I've been casting early on I've been walking around with some ridiculous hitpoints.
I guess I have earned a nasty reputation these past few months. As if the constant waves of bounty hunters were not troubling enough, I now have to contend with Flaming Fist mercenaries. I barely escaped their last ambush with my life.
These ambushes are getting too dangerous, I still need time to unlock the hidden potential my dreams tell me about. Tomorrow I will visit the local temple and make a sizable donation, I will play the part of the charitable fool for now, if only to buy my self a reprieve from the constant interruptions. But once I master the art of reanimation those fools will rue the day they crossed paths with Zuzul Plaguebringer.
5 Elesias 1368
I've accumulated a significant amount of gold since my journey begin, its only weighing me down. I suppose now would be a good time to resupply and prepare for my assault on the hidden base at cloak wood. Taerom sold me a poisoned dagger, much more wieldy than my cumbersome staff, I picked up some healing potions and antidotes at the local temple before finally purchasing a wand of sleep, a scroll of hold undead, and a protection from poison scroll from Thalantyr.
16 Eleint 1368
Cloakwood was dangerous indeed! I've spent the last several weeks fighting through druids, poisonous spiders and wyvern nests. A lot of my supplies have been expended, my antidotes and the few potions of explosions I had managed to hang on to are now gone, and my healing potions are nearly spent. But I have finally reached the bandits hidden mine.
16 Eleint 1368
I was ambushed by another group of well armed mercenaries, but not before I managed to set a few skull traps. The cloak I stole from Algernon once again proved its weight in gold, charming one of the mages who then proceeded to drop a fireball into the middle of his allies, before escaping through a dimensional door. His mage friend fell where he stood, and one of the other fighters was badly injured, however the leader escaped unharmed, he was fast, unnaturally so! Running right through my skull traps without setting a single one off.
He was on me in the blink of an eye, ZAP! I struck him with a blast from my wand of paralyzation, and it failed to take effect. He struck me several times with his morning star, and my vision went blury. ZAP! And he suddenly froze in mid swing, I looked down the wand in my hand, now nothing but a pile of dust falling through my fingers.
I turned my attention back to remaining fighter. He was throwing a number of hefty looking axes my way, wondering just how far he could launch those things I ran off in the opposite direction and forced him to give chase KABOOOM! Right through my waiting skull traps.
With that I turned my attention, along with my new mage ally to the now frozen mercenary leader. Helpless to resist, I stuck my new poisoned dagger into his belly several times, and watched as the life drained from his eyes. I turned to face my new found ally, that well placed fireball had really saved my neck, how could I ever repay him? Ah yes, I casually walked over and slipped my dagger of venom through his ribs...
The mines were swarming with bandits and mercenaries, my newly acquired wand of sleep came in handy in some of the more congested rooms. But I still found my self hard pressed as I made my way down to the lower levels.
At the very bottom level of the complex I found my way into Davaeorns maze like quarters. Down a passageway I could see the mage pottering about his personal study, but more alarming were the pair of towering Battle Horrors guarding the entrance into the room, aren't these things magic resistant?
Considering my options, I set a few skull traps down close to where the horrors stood guard, fortunately no one seemed to notice, would this be enough? I cant risk it, those things would eat me alive. With that I retreated back to one of the side rooms, sat down and prepared to rememorize my spells, Tymora don't let them discover me before I am fully prepared.
Disaster! I was attacked by a passing guard! I dispatched him as quickly as I could and luckily the noise hadn't attracted the attention of Davaeorn or his horrors. I sat down and rememorized my Skull Trap spells. Returning to the passageway, I placed another 3 traps, maybe pressing my luck I returned to my previous campsite and rememorized my spells one last time.
Looking through my potion case found a couple of potions of magic blocking, one of which I quaffed. Making my way down back to Davaeorns study, I fired off one more skull trap, this time directly into the room, it exploaded blasting both the horrors, but missing Daevorn. The Horrors sprung to life, pursuing me down the corridor, right into my waiting trap. Hit by such a high concentration of spells, even the Horrors were powerless to resist and were blown to bits.
I chased Davaeorn into his study, he hit me with some spell or another but my magical defenses held. He then teleported away. This game of cat and mouse continued for a while, him using his guerilla tactics of launching a spell before teleporting off to safety. My magic defenses held strong and he quickly blew through his arsenal, after which he went down easily.
Among his personal effects, I found a robe of the Evil Arch Magi a wonderful little garment, and several letters incriminating the Iron Throne as the ones behind the current Iron crisis, it looks like I will be paying Baldurs Gate a visit.
29 Uktar 1368
I made my way to Baldurs Gate and was ambushed yet again! This time it wasn't mercenaries or bounty hunters, but some fool named Dabron Sashenstar. Apparently he was the brother of one of the hunters I murdered in the Cloakwood, well now they are reunited.
Paid a visit to Sorcerous Sundries and fleshed out my Spell Tome a little. I have now added Vampiric Touch, Contagion and Spirit armour to my arsenal (Used in conjunction with my shiny new Robe of the Evil Archmagi I feel like an armoured Knight, only much less noble!).
I picked up a couple of new wands too, this monster summoning wand looks interesting, they should make suitable cannon fodder to tide me over until I have my own undead army at my finger tips.
11 Nightal 1368
I made it to the Iron Throne Headquarters without incident, at least until I reached the topmost floor. I ended up going toe to toe with some of the Iron Thrones Higher ups. I tried bluffing my way through, the merchants downstairs had spoken of a visiting ambassador, whom I attempted to impersonate, but they saw through my deception (Unbeknownst to me, they had already executed the ambassador in the room next door).
I was vastly outnumbered, and these guys looked tough. I took out my new wand of summoning and evened the playing field slightly, thanks to the commotion caused by a pack of vicious dogs suddenly appearing in the room I was able to quickly slip away to the rooms to the south.
I knew the dogs wouldn't keep this group tied up for long. So I took the opportunity to turn the tide of battle in my favour, from my hidden vantage point, I fired a series of skull traps into the room, and waited for the battle with the dogs to end.
As soon as things quietened down, I utilized another of my necromantic abilities, the Horror Spell! From my hidden vantage point, I blindly cast the spell into the next room, I could hear their screams almost immediately as they ran around in terror setting off my carefully placed skull traps. I fired of another Horror Spell to make sure everyone was affected and then rushed into the room.
They made easy pickings, I drained their lifeforce with my Lyloch Drains, whilst blasting them similtanously with my newly acquired wand of fire, and before long the room stood still.
I was approached by another flaming fist mercenary upon leaving the Iron Throne HQ. I would have flayed the flesh from his bones, but this one didn't attack. Apparently Duke Eltan wishes to speak to me.
12 Nightal 1368
Well that certainly didn't go as I expected. Firstly he paid me 2,000gp for the destruction I wrought at the Iron Throne (I thought this guy was supposed to uphold the law?). He also supplied me with a Valuable tome that will secure my passage into Candlekeep where the Iron Throne leaders await.
17 Nightal 1368
I never expected to return to Candlekeep again, but something is amiss, the people I was raised amongst no longer recognize me, surely I haven't been away that long? I'm Zuzhul Plaguebringer hardly a forgettable commoner. Inside Candlekeep I met a suspicious fellow named Koveras, who urged me into a confrontation with Rieltar and his Cohorts, I didn't trust him, he knew more about Gorions murder than he should have.
17 Nightal 1368
I can scarcely believe it! Yet I know it to be true, it all makes sense now! I discovered a letter in Gorions old chambers, addressed to me in case he should ever meet an untimely end. Apparently my real father was not some unknown but Bhaal the Lord of Murder! The dark urges, the voice that haunts my dreams, I finally understand! I will be a force to be reckoned with, with this god blood coursing through my veins my ambitions will be realized.
17 Nightal 1368
I found them, the Iron Throne Leaders huddled inside a meeting room like fish in a barrel. They thought they were safe inside the confines of Candlekeep, with the citadel guard not a stones throw away. But I am Zuzhul, Spawn of Bhaal and future Lord of Murder. They barely had time to scream...
18 Nightal 1368
Bah the fight Rieltar must have drained me, I was apprehended by a guard shortly after and thrown in a jail cell. A single lousy guard.. I was almost worried until that fool Tethtoril came to visit, I lied through my teeth professing my innocence and he let me go, teleporting me to the catacombs beneath Candlekeep. Before he warped me he imparted a curious bit of information, Koveras is Sarevok spelt backwards just like the name I keep seeing on the Iron throne documents, if this is the same man then why would he have us attack the Iron Throne Leadership, a ploy to seize control?
18 Nightal 1368
This place is immense, these tombs obviously hold powerful treasures I can sense them. But alas I have neither the strength of arm to open them, or the skills of a locksmith. This treasure will have to remain buried.
23 Nightal 1368
On my way back to the surface I encountered Gorion, Elminster and Tethtoril. Gorion is dead, do these Mirror Kin take me for a fool? I didn't have time for their games and so blasted them with everything I had before making good my escape to the surface.
5 Hammer 1369
Upon my arrival back in Baldurs Gate I was arrested on suspicion of murder, Ha! suspicion! I went along with the guard, I had an appointment with Duke Eltan at the barracks afterall.
Apparently much had changed in my absence, their leader Scar lies dead, and Eltan is bed ridden with a mysterious sickness. A sadistic b**tard named Angelo is now in charge, I'd probabally like the guy if he wasn't so intent on sending me to the gallows.
5 Hammer 1369
My new cell mate is a delightful little Gnome named Neb, he recognized me as a kindred spirit and helped me escape through a tunnel he was working on. I could have left, but I still had unfinished business with the fist. I stormed the front door, sending the merceneries running in terror with my horror magicks.
Upstairs I found Eltan being 'cared' for by another doppleganger, by now I'd know their stench anywhere. I dispatched the shapeshifter and agreed to take Eltan to his friend the harbor master.
Oh well looks like I'm sticking with the wand of summoning for now.
I have to mention that a well-known no-reload player from the Bioware forums, @Alesia_BH , completed the game with a solo transmuter mage that relied heavily on the Alteration school with spells like Polymorph Self, Teleport Field, Tensor's Transformation and Shapechange.
In BG1, this mage would rely on Burning Hands, Colour Spray, Shocking Grasp, Strength, Haste and Slow, Dimension Door, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Polymorph Other and Polymorph Self.
So, I think a mage of the Alteration school (a Transmuter) is an excellent choice for a challenge that is mentioned in this thread (not majorly, but ONLY spells of her school), offering a chance to try really unique mage build: instead of many usual crowd-control spells, instead of summons, instead of damage spells this mage would concentrate on the Alteration. And don't forget the lack of Abjuration spells:)
The city is in turmoil, so I figured I could learn more by returning to the Iron Throne HQ. I was attacked by a conjurer named Cythandria. She quickly realized her mistake and begged for mercy, offering information in exchange for her life, she gave me Sarevoks diary along with a number of letters. It seems Sarevok is planning to take control of the city, and he plans to murder the two remaining grand dukes. More alarming he to is a spawn of Bhaal, now his interest in me makes sense, he sees me as a rival to our fathers portfolio as the lord of Murder ....and so he should.
Apparently a pair of his assassins are staying in the undercellar, I'll have to pay them a visit.
Sarevok spoke highly of these assassins, to assault the Grand Dukes in their own Palace, these guys must be good. As such I left nothing to chance, upon entering the undercellar I prepared myself by casting my protective spirit armour, and then calling forth a Gnoll Warband with my summoning wand.
I could see the assassins in the central chamber, surrounded by countless other clientele of the establishment. This was no time for tact, I summoned forth a skull trap and flung it into the room, zapping assassin and peasant alike. Before they knew what hit them, my gnolls were upon them. The assassins speed was incredible, striking the gnolls down like they were nothing. I retreated back, and cast another skull trap into the room, the remaining gnolls all fell where they stood, but the assassin was still standing, barely.
I retreated back to the entrance and he chased me down, gaining on me despite my boots of speed. I managed to call forth a hobgoblin warband between us to by myself some time for my next attack. Circling around the ensuing melee that broke out I crept up behind him, and used my vampiric touch to drain the last of his life force.
But where was the other assassin? I sent my hobgoblins back into the central chamber, as soon as they entered, the remaining mage dropped her invisibility spell, as she began to cast. I fired off a drain spell, but to no effect, she was completely protected from my magics. Her dispel spell went off landing near my hobgoblins who were unaffected, I rushed in with my venomous dagger whilst she was busy with the hobgoblins.
She began to cast again, and an arrow struck her in the leg, but her concentration held and she released a cloud of poisonous gas into the room, killing every creature in sight, well almost every creature. Her magic globe of protection kept her alive, whilst my fathers divine blood must have granted me the strength to keep standing. My lungs burned, but the assassin was wounded, blood pouring down her leg from the hobgoblins leg I knew I would only need one well placed blow with my poisonous dagger.
We stuggled for what seemed an eternity my lungs on fire from the toxic fumes, but somehow I managed to thrust my dagger through her belly, and with that the room went quiet.
I cant get past the Ducal Palace. If the Dopplegangers kill both the dukes its game over, and I cant seem to take them down fast enough and I'm too flimsy to try soaking up their damage myself.
Skull trap is worthless, as I cannot use it without hitting a friendly and turning the whole room hostile. On top of that if I accidentally hit a duke, a mage warps in and insta kills me.
I've tried crowd control, horror lands like a treat every time. Unfortunately they seem to be programmed to go after the dukes relentlessly, and rather than run around aimlessly, they carry on attacking as if unaffected.
Wand of paralyzation I cant seem to successfully land on any of them, and summons don't last 2 seconds. I have come close a couple of times, but just cant seem to get to the end of the fight with at least one duke still standing.
I've even dropped the difficulty right down, to reduce enemy damage and hopefully buy myself some time, but to no avail.