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Just finished BG1 final bosses. About to start BG 2. Anything I should know before I start?

superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
So I finally got around to defeating Sarevok and Aec'Letec on the hardest difficulties. Havent played the Black Pits yet, but I figured I might as well start a brand new story. To finally play the game that has been hyped to high heaven.

Is there anything I should know before I go into BG2? Like different mechanics or something?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    The mechanics is the same.

    There's no difference on a major level. BG2 is focused more on magic while BG1 is more about missile/melee hitters. There will be romances with vanilla NPCs in BG2 and romances with the EE characters, as well as their quests, will be more detailed.

    Don't forget to import your character into BG2 and note that several items are transferred from BG1 to BG2. and weapons transfer:
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2015
    Question. I was able to click Export, and then copy the .chr file. However when I go to the BG2EE folder. It doesnt have a sub folder called Characters, like the BG1EE folder did. It only have a .ini file, thats it.

    Should I just create a folder called "Characters" and the put that file in it and start it up? Not sure if thats how this works

    Edit: Apparently that worked. So I am able to successfully import my character. Sweet.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    Do you guys recommend any mods for BG2? Or should I continue to go at it vanilla style?

    I mean, I just looked at Imoens portrait in the introduction, and right off the bat I am horrified, so if there was any type of Quality of Life mods out there, or anything else that might be interesting, Id appreciate it
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    BG2Tweaks is pretty much essential. Have a look through the readme to decide what you want to implement. It also works for BGEE and IWDEE as well as BG2EE.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2015
    Cant believe I have to ask this, apologize in advance, but whats a readme? And where is it again?

    Edit: Nvm. I think I understand. The readme is when I install the mod, to then pick and choose what I want.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    Hmmmm, to turn on the "Wear multiple protecion items" or not. That is the question.

    I mean I dont want to cheat, so I probably wont turn it on, but it does suck having extra gear thats awesome but cant put on. Oh well. Fair is fair
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    If you play BGEE with no mod, I suggest continuing BG2EE with no mods.
    In BG2TWeaks there are components you may still want to use (silence the 'You must gather your party...') but, for a first playthrough, I advise against using any components changing the rules (and even the cosmetics/aesthetics). "Wear multiple protection items" clearly belongs to the latter category.
    The game is already rich and excellent. One of the best games and for many players the best cRPG.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    No mods for me; never saw the need for any.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    Hmmmm, to turn on the "Wear multiple protecion items" or not. That is the question.

    I mean I dont want to cheat, so I probably wont turn it on, but it does suck having extra gear thats awesome but cant put on. Oh well. Fair is fair

    not recommended. there are serious and legitimate reasons why it's disallowed i assure you.

  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I'd stick more with the cosmetic and convenience tweaks rather than rule changes.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited May 2015
    And should you decide toplay with the mods, here is the order you have to install them:
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited May 2015
    Having different gear means making choices. Gee, how terrible! Seriously, you don't need ANY mods if you have decent gear and have trained your character intelligently. Also, you can just carry extra gear in a bag of holding; hit the pause button and pull out whatever weapon or equipment is appropriate for the scenario or combat of the moment.

    In BG2:EE (SoA) there are at least two bags of holding (if you do Hexxat's quests you are left with Dragomire's Respite, which is basically one of them; just leave the coffin inside it) as well as ammo bandoliers that generate +1 arrows and bolts endlessly, potion cases, scroll cases, gem bags and a huge portable ammo storage dump you can shove all your +2 to +4 arrows/bolts/sling stones/darts into. There are also several missile weapons that generate their own ammo, and more +2 and +3 melee weapons than you can possibly need. I even have a couple of +4 weapons that aren't being used. You end up being able to carry around an incredible amount of junk with you; pick and choose whatever is best for the moment.

    Hell, at one point I ended up shaking out and selling several HUNDRED +1 arrows and bolts and sling stones, because even my extremely large capacity portable ammo dump had filled up to the brim. This thing can carry a LOT; at one point I counted over 1400 missiles in it, and it still wasn't full. And yes, I managed to even top this one off.

    I also managed to fill up one bag of holding. I ended up selling off a slew of +2 weapons and extra scrolls. (Both my scroll cases were full, so I was shoving scrolls into the bags also). Can you say "too much gear"?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I would try things vanilla before trying mods, but don't be too afraid of trying out mods that sound interesting after you have tried out the game.

    As noted, BG2 has substantially more powerful/versatile magic users, especially mages. I would consider looking at some 'spell protection' spells, and the various counters. Unless you use mods that enhance AI, this won't be too arduous, but SCS is notorious for forcing you to tediously manage protections and counters, some love it, some don't.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2015
    So I ended up installing those Tweak mods. However the only thing I added in were Quality of Life improvements. Like resting till hp full, not having to identify items, tuning off the you must gather your party, increased banter, bags of holding, increasing stacks of items, making magic items weigh 0, etc etc

    Things that reduce tedium, not give me an edge in combat or anything.

    (Though I think I might have to turn off the extra banter or something like that, because for some reason now my main PC is starting to say the most random things when I click on him)

    Dont worry, I didnt choose to bend the game rules. After all, thats why I play on the hardest difficulties, so I can say I beat w/e the maximum of w/e the game threw at me.

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2015
    Random question. In BG1, I could press the escape key to open the options, but in BG2 I cant.

    I know in both you couldnt assign the escape key, since the escape key exited you out of the option screen, but I was still able to do it in BG1 for some reason.

    Anyway to still do it in BG2?

    Edit: Also, everytime I click my main character, he says in the chatbox one of these 3 things "Immunity: Divination", "Immunity: Enchantment", "Immunity: Evocation"

    I believe I uninstalled the mods and this is still happening, even on a new game. Hmm
    Post edited by superluccix on
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968

    Hmmmm, to turn on the "Wear multiple protecion items" or not. That is the question.

    I mean I dont want to cheat, so I probably wont turn it on, but it does suck having extra gear thats awesome but cant put on. Oh well. Fair is fair

    There's an option to use them with P&P rules. With that selected, you don't get the AC bonus if you also have other enchanted items equipped, but you still get any other bonuses the item may have. For instance, with a Ring of Protection equipped, you not only get an AC bonus but you also get a saving throw bonus. By selecting the P&P rules option, you will still get the added saving throw bonus and gain at least some benefit from the item. I don't consider that cheating myself.

  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    Yeah I saw that rule. Definitely seems like a good alternative. Still allows gear to have some value to it. But I ended up just not turning it on. But still a good alternative nonetheless.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited May 2015
    @superluccix: I don't use that option myself, I have vanilla rules for AC and saving throws from items, BUT considering you can stack everything else (like, magic/slashing/piercing damage reduction etc) even above 100%, I don't see why AC would be any different. The PnP rule that @Belanos mentioned seem quite balanced compared to resistance stacking. (I don't know how PnP handles resistances though, is it the same as in the game?)

    The game already has insanely powerful items and you don't need any changes to become nigh invincible, but it's your game and your own experience and you make the call yourself. So calling someone "Cheater" like @FrdNwsm did above is just childish and completely uncalled for.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    " So calling someone "Cheater" like @FrdNwsm did above is just childish and completely uncalled for."

    I was being facetious; my one word comments usually are intended that way. Clearly, in a game with only one player we can make our own rules to suit ourselves, since no one else is affected. "Cheating" as such doesn't exist in such a case.

    I did, however, want to make the point that such mods weren't really necessary to get a seriously OP CharName.
  • ZalsonZalson Member Posts: 103
    Being facetious IS childish.

    Oh, sorry. Just found my tongue in my cheek.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    FrdNwsm said:

    I was being facetious; my one word comments usually are intended that way. Clearly, in a game with only one player we can make our own rules to suit ourselves, since no one else is affected. "Cheating" as such doesn't exist in such a case.

    Smilies exist for a reason.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    Oh about the Golden Pantaloons. I acquired them in BG1, and imported my character in BG2, but I dont have the Golden Pantaloons in my inventory, does the game know I acquired it?
  • doggydoggy Member Posts: 313
    Those nice pants will show up shortly. And also some of the other items you had on the export. There is a list somewhere on exportable items. I can't remember but maybe someone else here can share.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited May 2015

    Oh about the Golden Pantaloons. I acquired them in BG1, and imported my character in BG2, but I dont have the Golden Pantaloons in my inventory, does the game know I acquired it?

    They are found behind the painting in a room adjacent to where you start out in that dungeon Make sure to get Imoen to check for traps and unlock it.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    Did I need to have the Golden Pantaloons in my main characters inventory before I imported him? Because that painting didnt have it there.

    If so, then I probably had it on another character
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I think they would have needed to be on CHARNAME.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    decado said:

    I think they would have needed to be on CHARNAME.

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Those stupid pants! I carried them all the way, but they are only one of three items you need to combine. I missed getting the silver ones in SoA, so they ended up being useless.

    And I'm pretty sure stuff has to be on your character if you want it exported with you. There are only a few items that you can export, but don't worry if you forget one or more of them. They give CharName a bit of a boost at the start but are in no way necessary. I've created a few folks from scratch in SoA to try out various builds, so of course they have no such things with them. Perfectly viable. The items you start picking up once you are out of Irenicus' lair are as good or better than anything you can import.

    Apparently, if you accumulate all three sets of pants you can construct one of two possible items, but that doesn't happen until you are into ToB. I would have liked to see that stuff, but you certainly can do without them.
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