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Just some things I've noticed.

YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
edited July 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
Now, all of these bugs are from BP2. I've been playing that a lot lately, and a few issues have come up. I don't know whether these are known issues or not, so just merge or shut this thread down if they are. Was hoping fixes would be included into the next patch, whenever that may be.

1. Elemental Summoning and Greater Elemental Summoning spells.
-Initially everything is normal, just the usual 2 elementals or 1 prince. When the gaming session progresses, however, the spells start behaving weirdly. Sometimes they summon 2 elementals AND a prince, or 1 elemental + prince, or sometimes even 3 elementals. In the case of the greater summoning, sometimes 2 princes appear. I get the feeling this is not supposed to happen. Btw, sometimes you summon Zaaman Rul and Chan, Chan's Globe of Blades hits Z immediately, and they start fighting each other. -.-

2. Triggers and Sequencers
-They are sometimes interrupted, I thought triggers were uninterruptible?
-When they are interrupted, the trigger doesn't launch but you can't use it anymore either. This results in a situation where you can't use the trigger but cannot cast a new one either. It gives the no-2-triggers message.
-It can be resolved by getting the character killed but in the main game in the case of the protagonist, it CAN'T be done. Reloading or closing the game doesn't help, btw.

3. Cutscenes
-Some of the BP2 cutscenes are bugged. They sometimes get stuck while the game clock is still running. Everything moves, spells start running out, you just can't do anything. The ones involving Brodle and Dennaton, as well as the intro-cutscene, are fine but the others are not.


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