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New kits

Are there going to be new kits and / or race (moon elf, drow, wood elf, godkin, half orge) ?

lets share our kit ideas

Kit ideas

Warrior - Duskblade (its in a great mod that I can no longer get to work) spells that are all cast on your weapon to be applied to the enemy. sucha cool kit.

Weapon Master (can only use 1 weapon with only specialization, but gets special attacks with it) one of the spells could be lock in combat so enemies have to fight

Crusader - that casts

Arcane Archer (Arcane Archer would be worth a $2.99 download)

Lightfoot Druid (uses animal friends or druid transform represented in the form of innate spells) charms mouse to open lock for him/her, transform into a bird to stealthy explore, transform into a dog to sniff out traps, summon a snake to backstab ( and poison the target)

a wizard that summons a golem and all spells go through the golem in some way

I think the shaman looks cool too.


  • WinterisleWinterisle Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2015
    I'm hopping for a few new kits. From what I read in this forum, I got the idea that the ones included in BGEE and BGEE2 weren't highly appreciated, except maybe the Blackguard.

    I would like to see some new cleric kits. It makes no sense to have to follow a god just for been of a certain alignment. The ones in the original IWD2 where pretty good.

    I think that another bard kit would be very interesting too. Maybe one that's a bit more rogue and a bit less mage, with more thief-orientated abilities and a bit less magic.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    The hour is way too late to be making suggestions...

    It's possible the IWDEE cleric kits could be imported, but that would necessitate changes to the BG2 cleric stronghold plots.
  • WinterisleWinterisle Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2015
    I think it has always been to late to make suggestions. SoD is going to be whatever it's authors have in mind, no matter how many petitions and suggestions we make.
  • IdahoIdaho Member Posts: 608
    Well, i think there is already enough of kits and classes anyway. What we really need is content which we should get in SoD and then, hopefully, in another project, mayabe even BG3
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2015
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  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    Possibly a Deathbringer fighter kit, although that is mainly because I think it's ''kewl''

    Since it's a rather simplistic kit overall, I'm not entirely sure what inherent disadvantages it would have though.

    I can't recall ever seeing any kit mods having been made for it either.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I know someone here posted something different, but I would be interested in a bard that is more Mage focused than anything else. Blades are melee, while jesters are... (I can't really tell) and skalds look like more of a support, but bards are underwhelming to a fault IMO.
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    edited July 2015
    Some kind of evil ranger kit.

    Half-Orc Headhunter
    Favored enemy: Elf, humans, gnomes and halfling.
    Abilities: poison, charm lesser monsters (gibberlings, carrion crawlers, etc)
    Summon wolves 1/day per 5 levels
    +1 to hit/dmg with bows and spears; cannot dual-wield.
    Reputation will never go above 7.
  • ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
    oo i like the detective one.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Warrior kit: Samurai
    May achieve grand mastery in katanas, Scimitars/wakizashi/Ninja-to, May only specialize in other weapons.
    Gets an additionnal 1/2 APR ( wielding Katanas, Wakizashi or ninja-to only) at level 10
    Can use Iai once every 10 level (one use level 1). Iai deals Xd6 where X is the level of the samurai, capped at 10, halved per a save vs death. From level 10, it grants an extra 1/2 APR for 3(+1 per 3 levels) rounds. Available only if wieilding a katana, ninja-to or Wakizashi. Not stackable.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Xavioria said:

    I know someone here posted something different, but I would be interested in a bard that is more Mage focused than anything else. Blades are melee, while jesters are... (I can't really tell) and skalds look like more of a support, but bards are underwhelming to a fault IMO.

    I had an idea for this that I drafted a thread for a long while back but never released.
    LOREMASTER: (No background yet.)


    +2 spell slots per level
    Bard Song 'Recital':
    Level 1: +1 INT, +20 Lore. (may or may not induce 1% sleep chance just for laughs)
    Level 11: +2 INT, +25 Lore, immunity to confusion
    Level 21: +3 INT, +30 Lore, immunity to mind-affecting spells

    (mostly useless in battle, it's mainly used for out-of-battle utility e.g. helping mages learn scrolls successfully, identifying items)

    May use 'Empower Spell' starting at level 5.

    EMPOWER SPELL: For 2 rounds, spells cast by the Loremaster are cast as though 1.5x the caster's level.

    May only be proficient in quarterstaffs, slings, clubs, crossbows and darts
    THAC0 progresses as that of a mage (or just -1 THAC0 per x level, haven't decided)
    May not take the following HLAs: Use Any Item, Magic Flute, Set Exploding Trap, Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Enhanced Bard Song.

    Unique HLAs:

    Arcane Fountain: The loremaster may use his knowledge of magic to cast any arcane spell of his choice. However, there is a 20% (30%? 50%?) chance this spell will fail. The loremaster must take a round to channel, then cast the spell (with whatever casting time the spell has) (may or may not include HLAs)

    Extra 6,7,8 Spell Slots: Same as Mage.

    And below is another idea of mine, a paladin of Mystra:
    MYSTIC FIRE: Knights of the Mystic Fire are paladins dedicated to the church of Mystra, goddess of magic. Aside from traditional virtues of paladinhood, Mystic Fire Knights devote part of their lives in the discovery and study of ancient magic.

    - +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
    - +2 bonus to lore per level.
    - At level 9 onward, gains two spell slots per spell level.
    - May cast the following spells as priest spells:

    Level 1: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Shield
    Level 2: Mirror Image, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Strength
    Level 3: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Remove Magic
    Level 4: Minor Sequencer, Fire Shield (Red), Secret Word, Stoneskin

    - 10th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
    - 13th level: May cast 'Shatter Spell' once per day.

    SHATTER SPELL: Knights of the Mystic Fire are able to smite spellcasters and disrupt their defensive spells as well as their ability to cast magic. For the next 2 rounds, attacks made by the Mystic Fire dispel combat protections and cause spell disruption for one round if the target fails a save vs. spell.

    - 19th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
    - 20th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
    - 25th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
    - 30th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.


    - -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
    - May not use the following High Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Hardiness, Summon Deva
    - May not use Protection From Evil.
    - May not Turn Undead.
    - May not use Lay on Hands.


    Arcane Knowledge
    An experienced Mystic Fire Knight develops more knowledge of arcane spells closer to that of an actual wizard. The Mystic Fire Knight gains -1 to spell casting time permanently and learns Spell Immunity, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability and Mordenkainen's Sword as fourth level priest spells.

    Extra 1st-4th level spells
    Choosing this ability allows the mystic fire to cast one additional Level 1st-4th level spell.

    Additional ideas:
    - Ability to use wands and scrolls. Tried to implement this myself, didn't work. I'd love for this to be possible, but I'd need help on how to do it.

    This one's... really underpowered, in my opinion, but could be fun. I never finished my ideas for balancing them.

    Actually could anyone with free time make these kits into a mod pretty please??? :smiley:
  • ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
    I think a Monk kit that uses all thief abilities while suffering a little combat weakness would be cool or bard some deal. I dont like either class cause I'm not super great at the combat and need my core classes and 2 mages.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Kit seems pretty well balanced. Weaker earlier on but it makes up for it later.
  • bron2794bron2794 Member Posts: 13
    Let rangers dual/multi class with rouges. Cant be any better then a fighter/rouge and would be great for role play purposes.
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    Fardragon said:

    The hour is way too late to be making suggestions...

    Are you aware of a release date that you would care to share with the rest of us?
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    I'd quite like a Druid kit that functions more like Druids in PnP or later editions, with wildshape being a versatile tool rather than an ignorable ability. The Shapeshifter is pretty underpowered and while the Avenger gets some neat shapeshifting tools most are still fairly irrelevant beyond BG1. Tradeoffs would probably be more limited weapon/shield selection or possibly fewer spells per level - though tbh this isn't a massive buff to vanilla Druids, and more or less functions like standard wildshape in most editions.

    The obvious shifts would be:
    A small critter (ferret?) - good stealth and pick pocket skills
    A big beast (polar bear?) - melee tank sort, ideally scaling with stats, level & gear
    Some some of magical beastie (Ankheg/Umber Hulk?) - Has a specific set of immunities or resistances in this form, okay in melee too

    Having a set of elemental shifts like this might make a useful Jack-of-all-Trades:
    Air Elemental - Fast movement and can become invisible for scouting
    Earth Elemental - Has good AC or some physical resistance to act as a melee tank
    Fire Elemental - Limited selection of blasting special abilities
    All have appropriate Elemental resistances
  • BladesBlades Member Posts: 167
    Why din't they add more kits in the EE games? Cleric should have more choices as the FR basically has an incredible amount of deities.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Blades said:

    Why din't they add more kits in the EE games? Cleric should have more choices as the FR basically has an incredible amount of deities.

    I'm still waiting for a Death Deity Kit :(
    We have some good mod ones but It'd be cool to have a Velsharoon/Kiaransalee/Jergal death deity kit made official as a part of the base game.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    RAM021 said:

    Are you aware of a release date that you would care to share with the rest of us?
    it's no secret that they are targeting 4Q 2015, but are allowing for slippage to 1Q 2016.

    If they where at the stage of planning new kits to include, then the release date would be 2017.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Fardragon said:

    it's no secret that they are targeting 4Q 2015, but are allowing for slippage to 1Q 2016.

    If they where at the stage of planning new kits to include, then the release date would be 2017.
    Huh, I must have missed the part that they want it out at beginning 2016 at the latest, good to know,
    thanks =)

    But yeah, as I understand it they are in the alpha stage. The game is mostly complete, but they need
    fine tuning, waves of bugfixing, oiling some gears and maybe getting some (minor) parts to work.

  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited July 2015
    They didn't specify "beginning" of 2016, but it's likely that any slippage beyond six months would put Beamdog in deep financial trouble.

    But it's clear from what has been released the game is in late-alpha and approching feature lock. Which is what you would expect, since "Adventure Y" has been talked about for over a year, which is a pretty long development time for an expansion pack.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Ah, well makes sense. Still, an info worth remembering, even if it is conjecture ^_^
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    Fardragon said:

    it's no secret that they are targeting 4Q 2015, but are allowing for slippage to 1Q 2016.

    If they where at the stage of planning new kits to include, then the release date would be 2017.
    Right - so the same info the rest of us have. Q4 2015 still leaves plenty of time for kit inclusion; therefore, suggestions are not out of place.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    You really have no idea how long it takes to debug something like SoD, do you? Three months is optimistic, during which time you can't add new content, or you pretty much have to start again.

    SoD may have new kits (it probably has at least the IWDEE cleric kits) but they would have been planned with the rest of SoDs features, around 12 months ago.

    Additional kits may be added later, but they won't be part of SoD at launch.
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