*Upcoming Content*: The Isle of Mintarn - Pirate Haven Extraordinaire!

*This Post Will Be Expanded in the Future so Stay Tuned!*
I want to give the players a new adventure: The Isle Mintarn - Pirate Haven Extraordinaire!
Here are my 'current' and 'open book' plans for The Isle Mintarn:
-New Recruitable Non-Player Character: Osprey The Female Half-Elf Fighter / Mage.
-New Hand Crafted Areas: The Pirate Haven of The Isle Mintarn and Undisclosed 'Mainland Area'(s).
-New Plots and Side Adventures with and without Osprey for Neutral, Evil and 'maybe' even Good Characters(:-P).
-New... *Novel Drum Roll* New Items!
*Fanfare* (Perhaps MAYBE even New Spells [If I can get help that is *I am not a 'master spellcrafter'* >.>]).

Here Are Some Of The Planned Upcoming New Items.[/Spoiler][Spoiler]
Who Can Guess What Or Who's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword+1 This Is? (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ') [Also I might include some New Animations.][/Spoiler][Spoiler]
deviantART Source-Page: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Path-of-the-Lost-Odyssey-New-Expansion-Composite-M-481361286 [/Spoiler]^ Above is the 'current' map of the planned new areas within Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey. The Isle of Mintarn is located on the top left 'Solid Blue' Map.
If anyone (*cough* @Cuv *cough* @Troodon80 *cough*) can help me with my project for the community I would be very grateful and I will do my best to give any whom wish to help in this project as much of the (open) concepts and story that one requires (of which I have been planning for years now^.^). So, Sound Good?
For the Very Best of Intentions from the Bottom of my Open Heart: Within Amnesia.
I want to give the players a new adventure: The Isle Mintarn - Pirate Haven Extraordinaire!
Here are my 'current' and 'open book' plans for The Isle Mintarn:
-New Recruitable Non-Player Character: Osprey The Female Half-Elf Fighter / Mage.
-New Hand Crafted Areas: The Pirate Haven of The Isle Mintarn and Undisclosed 'Mainland Area'(s).
-New Plots and Side Adventures with and without Osprey for Neutral, Evil and 'maybe' even Good Characters(:-P).
-New... *Novel Drum Roll* New Items!


Here Are Some Of The Planned Upcoming New Items.[/Spoiler][Spoiler]

Who Can Guess What Or Who's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword+1 This Is? (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ') [Also I might include some New Animations.][/Spoiler][Spoiler]

If anyone (*cough* @Cuv *cough* @Troodon80 *cough*) can help me with my project for the community I would be very grateful and I will do my best to give any whom wish to help in this project as much of the (open) concepts and story that one requires (of which I have been planning for years now^.^). So, Sound Good?
For the Very Best of Intentions from the Bottom of my Open Heart: Within Amnesia.
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
New and Improved Item Bam: Chain Mail Armour +2, Baleful Mail. (I think that it looks -Beautiful-)
(^ The Improved Version (1.333) of the Chain Mail Armour +2, Baleful Mail item B.A.M. is the leftmost single image and it is also present atop the very top of the rightmost comparison image with the +3 Variant in the center and on the bottom is the (sad) Original Baleful Mail from Icewind Dale.)
Improved Item Description + Developing Notes / Upgrade Plans:[Spoiler]This beautiful enchanted chain mail armour was crafted in 1221 DR by a Duergar smith working for a vengeful priest of Bane named Alerri of West Waterdeep. During Alerri's early days in the priesthood, he frequently provoked and attacked agents of Sune. Unfortunately for Alerri, Lady Firehair's followers employed charm magic to cease the Banite's antics. Once he had been charmed, Alerri was commanded to perform all sorts of embarrassing actions upon the streets of Waterdeep. After many long years of clandestine scheming for his revenge upon all who were related to his humiliation, Alerri decided to honour his god of hate by creating an exquisite suit of chain mail armour that would protect him from all but the most powerful of charm magics. He communed with the spiritual minions of Bane to discover the materials and rituals necessary for the suit's creation. Following his master's instructions, he murdered thirteen married couples and had their wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail. He then continued on to kill thirteen Elves and then bathed in their blood, while harmoniously chanting pitch black prayers for thirteen hours. When he was finished, his heinous armour protected him from the magic of the Sunites and filled him with irrepressible hate and ierre. Alerri went on a ravenous crusade against the agents of Sune, Llira, and Hanali Celanil for three bloodied years. His killing spree ended when a band of Elven archers and priests of the God Corellon Larethian laid a trap for him on a road going northwards from Waterdeep.
Armor Class: 3
Charisma: -2 penalty
The wearer is Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, and Rigid Thinking while worn.
Weight: 45
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:
Good Characters
[Extra: I should make a upgraded version of this suit of Chain Mail Armour +2 into a Chain Mail Armour +3 that only Evil Players can equip the 'wicked' version with a once per day ability of some type of like Blood Rage from Icewind Dale or so type of disfiguring spell that is anti-Sunite or Bane Related although I think that I will add Blood Rage as the once per day ability (This is suiting for both the Suit of Chain Mail Armour+2, Baleful Mail And Blood Rage are first featured in their debut within Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Trials of the Luremaster.]
*Specific +3 Modification / Upgrade History Via Evil Duergar Smith Added To The Bottom Of The Item Description*
Armor Class: 2
Charisma: -2 penalty
The wearer is Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, and Rigid Thinking while worn
Cast Blood Rage once per day
Blood Rage
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 Allied Creature
Saving Throw: None
Blood Rage works only on player characters or allied creatures. When cast, the target of this spell goes berserk, attacking the nearest creature until that creature is dead, then moving to the next target. While under Blood Rage, the target is immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stunning, confusion, emotion, symbol spells, and related effects. In addition, the target gains +6 strength, +2 constitution, and a bonus to his/her movement rate. The spell has several disadvantages, however. The hit points of the target are masked for the duration of the spell, and the target cannot benefit from any effect that heals hit points. At the end of the spell's duration, the target becomes fatigued and their Strength drops to 3 for 2 turns. Blood Rage cannot affect creatures of lawful alignment.
Weight: 41
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:
Good or Neutral Characters
Thief[/Spoiler]This Chain Mail Armour +2 / +3 Item B.A.M. took me around 4 or 5 hours to complete (I could show you a very large step heavy development cycle image if anyone wishes) *It is 10:02 AM and the birds are well into their chirping; I should get some sleep:-S* Also add an additional +2 Hours to the initial total for improved versions that followed.
B.A.M. Version Record:[Spoiler]B.A.M. Version 1.1:
This is the first '100% Composed' Iteration of the improved Item B.A.M. for Icewind Dale's Flavourful, Immersively Lore Written, Anti-Good Alignment Restricting, Charm Protecting, Chain Mail Armour +2.
Of which I Improved it via removing the black lines and Improving the geometry and or the symmetry to enhance its original beauty of the item. Whilst additionally creating new parts and segments that were needed to be made for they were deleted via the original black lines (e.g. where the black line was in-between the golden hem and the black chain mail's 'bottom edge'). Also I 'reforged' / 're-purposed' Arora's Golden Loop / 'End Ring' from her Luck Rabbit's Foot to (re)create 'golden wedding rings' for the armour to look as it having "wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail." I undertook this 'matrimonial' component to better match the item's lore within description while also removing the previous ghastly 'wedding rings'. I think that the 'golden wedding rings' turned out excellent and that they are quite an asset that lends itself to the overall decadent beauty of this 'Charming' Suit of Magical Chain Mail Armour.
B.A.M. Version 1.2:
"This is the second version upon my earlier release of my Improved Item B.A.M. of the same name.
I widened the base side for though that they looked a bit skinny in the original after the black 'trim' was removed." -deviantART Source-page: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Chain-Mail-Armour-2-Baleful-Mail-1-2-533018399
B.A.M. Version 1.3:
"This is the Third version / iteration upon my earlier release of my Improved Item B.A.M. of the same name.
In the second Edition of this Item B.A.M. I widened the base side for though that they looked a bit skinny in the original after the black 'trim' was removed. As for the third version i have removed the mirrored 'line' that was once on the abdomen of the armour that I added to make the armour longer to remove a hole in the armour in between the the golden hem and the lower parts of the black chain mail." -deviantART Source-page:
-deviantART Source-page: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Chain-Mail-Armour-2-Baleful-Mail-1-3-533018407
B.A.M. Version 1.33:
"This is the Definitive Third 'and Third' version / Iteration upon my earlier release of my Improved Item B.A.M. of the same name.
In the Second Edition of this Item B.A.M., I widened the base side for though that they looked a bit skinny in the original after the black 'trim' was removed. As for the third version I have removed the mirrored 'line' that was once on the abdomen of the armour that I added to make the armour longer to remove a hole in the armour in between the the golden hem and the lower parts of the black chain mail. The Newest 1.33 Edition features a Restored / Enhanced Collar. Begone Wonky Jagged Collar of Old; Passion Smotes Apathy!" I am extremely grateful of how beautiful the 'finished' Improved Item Properly represent its self:D
B.A.M. Version 1.333 'Grande':
"Grande Chain Mail Armour +2, Baleful Mail (Version 1.333 Grande)
Version 1.333 'Grande' Improvements: The wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail are now round wedding rings instead of the previous 'weird square wedding rings'."
B.A.M. Version 1.6 'Grande':
Grande Chain Mail Armour +3, Baleful Mail (Version 1.6 Grande)
Version 1.6 'Grande' Improvements: [Spoiler]As well as the improved wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail that are now round wedding rings instead of the previous 'weird square wedding rings'. The +3 Upgraded Version of the Chain Mail Armour +2, Baleful Mail has changed in the following ways:
-'Gold Mail' has been brightened via Free LunaPic Colour Tinting software.
-The Six Central Parallel Studs Woven into the center of Chain Mail Suit Chest are now made from Enchanted Gold. (Also Colour Tinted via LunaPic :-D).
Item Description:
This beautiful enchanted chain mail armour was originally crafted in 1221 DR by a Duergar smith working for a vengeful priest of Bane named Alerri of West Waterdeep. During Alerri's early days in the priesthood, he frequently provoked and attacked agents of Sune. Unfortunately for Alerri, Lady Firehair's followers employed charm magic to cease the Banite's antics. Once he had been charmed, Alerri was commanded to perform all sorts of embarrassing actions upon the streets of Waterdeep. After many long years of clandestine scheming for his revenge upon all who were related to his humiliation, Alerri decided to honour his god of hate by creating an exquisite suit of chain mail armour that would protect him from all but the most powerful of charm magics. He communed with the spiritual minions of Bane to discover the materials and rituals necessary for the suit's creation. Following his master's instructions, he murdered thirteen married couples and had their wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail. He then continued on to kill thirteen Elves and then bathed in their blood, while harmoniously chanting pitch black prayers for thirteen hours. When he was finished, his heinous armour protected him from the magic of the Sunites and filled him with irrepressible hate and ierre. Alerri went on a ravenous crusade against the agents of Sune, Llira, and Hanali Celanil for three bloodied years. His killing spree ended when a band of Elven archers and priests of the God Corellon Larethian laid a trap for him on a road going northwards from Waterdeep. *Specific +3 Modification / Upgrade History Via Evil Duergar Smith Added To The Bottom Of The Item Description*
Armor Class: 2
Charisma: -2 penalty
The wearer is Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, and Rigid Thinking while worn
Cast Blood Rage once per day
Blood Rage
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 Allied Creature
Saving Throw: None
Blood Rage works only on player characters or allied creatures. When cast, the target of this spell goes berserk, attacking the nearest creature until that creature is dead, then moving to the next target. While under Blood Rage, the target is immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stunning, confusion, emotion, symbol spells, and related effects. In addition, the target gains +6 strength, +2 constitution, and a bonus to his/her movement rate. The spell has several disadvantages, however. The hit points of the target are masked for the duration of the spell, and the target cannot benefit from any effect that heals hit points. At the end of the spell's duration, the target becomes fatigued and their Strength drops to 3 for 2 turns. Blood Rage cannot affect creatures of lawful alignment.
Weight: 41
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:
Good or Neutral Characters
Chain Mail Armour +3, Baleful Mail (Version 1.6 Grande Iteration)
Item Description:[Spoiler]This beautiful enchanted chain mail armour was originally crafted in 1221 DR by a Duergar smith working for a vengeful priest of Bane named Alerri of West Waterdeep. During Alerri's early days in the priesthood, he frequently provoked and attacked agents of Sune. Unfortunately for Alerri, Lady Firehair's followers employed charm magic to cease the Banite's antics. Once he had been charmed, Alerri was commanded to perform all sorts of embarrassing actions upon the streets of Waterdeep. After many long years of clandestine scheming for his revenge upon all who were related to his humiliation, Alerri decided to honour his god of hate by creating an exquisite suit of chain mail armour that would protect him from all but the most powerful of charm magics. He communed with the spiritual minions of Bane to discover the materials and rituals necessary for the suit's creation. Following his master's instructions, he murdered thirteen married couples and had their wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail. He then continued on to kill thirteen Elves and then bathed in their blood, while harmoniously chanting pitch black prayers for thirteen hours. When he was finished, his heinous armour protected him from the magic of the Sunites and filled him with irrepressible hate and ierre. Alerri went on a ravenous crusade against the agents of Sune, Llira, and Hanali Celanil for three bloodied years. His killing spree ended when a band of Elven archers and priests of the God Corellon Larethian laid a trap for him on a road going northwards from Waterdeep. *Specific +3 Modification / Upgrade History Via Evil Duergar Smith Added To The Bottom Of The Item Description*
Armor Class: 2
Charisma: -2 penalty
The wearer is Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, and Rigid Thinking while worn
Cast Blood Rage once per day
Blood Rage
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 Allied Creature
Saving Throw: None
Blood Rage works only on player characters or allied creatures. When cast, the target of this spell goes berserk, attacking the nearest creature until that creature is dead, then moving to the next target. While under Blood Rage, the target is immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stunning, confusion, emotion, symbol spells, and related effects. In addition, the target gains +6 strength, +2 constitution, and a bonus to his/her movement rate. The spell has several disadvantages, however. The hit points of the target are masked for the duration of the spell, and the target cannot benefit from any effect that heals hit points. At the end of the spell's duration, the target becomes fatigued and their Strength drops to 3 for 2 turns. Blood Rage cannot affect creatures of lawful alignment.
Weight: 41
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:
Good or Neutral Characters
House02 Version 1.0:
(Improved Texture Scale.)
[Spoiler]House01 Version 1.2:
(Old Texture Scale.)[/Spoiler]
Behold My Incredulous 400th Forum Post! (Although It's No 500th Post >.>)
Throrgar is an abyss, which means a large empty space. Philock though... Philock is too tough for BG1 levels I believe, it would be more suitable for BG2. It is the twisted and warped ruins of a successor state of Netheril that was destroyed. Even the Drow have failed to enter it as the very air kills you. They attempted in force. It would be a cool place though I agree, considering the unspeakable evil that lurks in it and a supposed important tomb that is untouchable within Philock itself. Known Lore(spoilers contain screenshots from lorebooks):
Source: Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark - Page 97
Yes I realize there is a typo in the name.
Source: D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms - Underdark - Page 185
Source: D&D Forgotten Realms 3.5 - Underdark - Page 110
Not: At least its not Softpox.[/Spoiler]
I believe Oaxtupa has more lore though. Enough even to make a detailed map perhaps.
Source: D&D Forgotten Realms 3.5 - Underdark - Pages 164-166
There may be more online, yet it is hard to find anything that shows or states what the Stingers/Tlincallis look like.
Edit: Found them in Monsters of Faerun Pages 80 & 81.
This would be awesome to suddenly have highly poisonous creatures popping out of seemingly solid walls.
Here is an option for the Underdark: It is called the Ruins of Tellectus. It is between Beregost and Candlekeep.
Source: Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark - Page 121
That is the species that occupies it.[/Spoiler]
Note: I am picking apart the map you attached.
I have found some cool stuff about the other islands though.
You Kick Ass!
So I messaged you with what I found on the islands East of the Moonshaes... I think its nuts personally.
North of Baldur's Gate
The Treacherous Shore
Note: So far I've been unlucky about finding anything about the settlements as I do not have the Cyclopedia of the Realms or A Grand Tour of the Realms, more information should be here: Page 68 of the first and 112 of the second according to what I read on another site. Volo also decided to leave Orlumbor out of his guide to the Sword Coast, even though it is basically right beside it.
Braurum's Snout
Lathtarl's Lantern
Source: Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast pages 49 - 51
Roaringshore - Almost too much information on this place from the one book, we just need a map of Roaringshore.
Source: Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast pages 53 - 59
Skarn's Rock
The only online source for this has been unceremoniously been crushed by Wizards of the Coast.
This post is a work in progress.
I did a small lore behind one of dungeon.
I need to know something because I'm not that familiar with the engine.
- What is camera angle position of the map, that is, what perspective do you need environment to be?
- Must I create one large environment map or do you know how to merge smaller ones into bigger?
- In what resolution environment images should be?
- How does one set paths which are traversible in image? Because, on island map, characters can't climb on every mountain and can't reach beyond deep water.
- What will be the main mood of the story ? Dark fantasy? It's important for the lighting. Lighting must be consistent with the mood of area quest.
Also, you should write out and describe every environment you want in island and it's dungeons.Concept of the island map
Larloch's crypt - a dungeon with a lich/mage battle. In center there is a pool of magic which serves as portal too. You can adjust your story, battle and boss as you want.
One of the Lathtarl's caverns @GemHound mentioned
I need to get some funds to really get some talent together yet right now I do not have the resources (to my knowledge at least). To be honest I am in a weird spot right now. In 2013 I graduated high school at age 17 with 2 scholarships (that unfortunately I don't think I will get the chance to use). I earned two consecutive honour rolls (that has been never done before in my family - not even one year of honor roll in my whole immediate family) and I graduated vice president of the student council - when earlier in my life I was three grades behind and basically labeled retarded and socially inept by my earlier school system. I later moved away at the age of 13 to a different community and unprecedentedly got three towns together and changed their school district's future class / school scheduling for at least the next decade to come after I left via a petition that I started. I got the principle's wife fired after abusing a Polish foreign exchange student from Germany and while I as in high school I got a bunch of teenagers off of heavy drugs with an airsoft cub that I started and ran completely out of my own pocket that I started at the age of 15.
I remember who I was, where I was going and how strong I was. I had to move back to my backwards family after my high school graduation and I have struggled ever since to get ahead in life. I have worked manual labour jobs to help keep a house afloat and even then all I have to show for it is regret and a dept that my parents owe -me-, thousands of dollars to be exact; my house is behind on its bills and I am behind on my dreams. I have little room to grow where I am and I have nothing but an uphill battle ahead of myself. I will have break away sooner or later a carve a chunk of the world out for myself I feel if I wish to make serious headway.
I have a big box of awards and not enough wall space in my current room to hang them so they sit in the box and gather dust while I wade through an undertow of poverty of a broken household. I bought an amp for my electric guitar last month and I am teaching myself to sing to get some of my progress back, I still need a weight set and to get back into weightlifting. Alas I got to pay the bills while everyone else gets wasted. I was good at many classes but at the age of 14 - when I was in high school I tutored a computer science class for grade 12. I doubt that I will be educated in the way I hoped and was shown by various councilors and teachers. I was awarded a field trip with a few over achieving students in my school district and we toured 'locale' collages and universities. I asked all of the right questions and made all of the right impressions but at the end of the day I sit here in a crumbling trailer behind a press-board desk working on games and community content out of sheer will, determination, love and passion while everyone except myself in that field trip is well into university or college and getting ahead. In spite of this I made things like this (I learned how to do this in under two weeks):
I was working on a deal to make a Vanilla World of Warcraft Expansion (I have more work behind the scenes) with http://www.kronos-wow.com/ but then this happened https://www.change.org/p/mike-morhaime-legacy-server-among-world-of-warcraft-community?recruiter=522873458 and now Kronos is next...
I press on, one thing that I enjoy is my earlier and continuing work (I am allowed to publish articles there directly) with a friend of mine (that I met on deviantART) to help get https://thearmoredpatrol.com/ rolling and helping it go from 'another crappy wot blog' to becoming the #1 World of Tanks English news site after getting a focus on professionalism on quality which in part lead it to out compete another blog that was not doing as good of a job and had the official backing. Yet my work as usual is behind the scenes and out of the public eye. Also as far as tanks go I am also making a tank game. Here is a demo you can play https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2015/12/20/b-o-w-gameplay-prototype/
The moment that you give up is the moment that you let your dreams die and it is the same as if you never had any in the first place. We all start in a black room stumbling around in search for our dreams. Although for some they stop searching for their dreams. For some in their eyes life seems too hard and to uncomfortable, and too painful. In some cases some people will give up upon their personal sacrifice to fulfill their dreams and only seek comforts quick and pleasures numbing. Far too often a lot of us count ourselves out of own dreams and ambitions for one reason or the next. Some of us feel that are not worthy of our dreams, so of us do not believe that we are able for our ambitions and some of use are afraid that that we cannot take, and that we cannot even handle - and refuse that we are able to endure the inevitable hardships that will come to try and rob us our dreams. It is sad to see so many people day after day making excuses and reasons as to why they keep making waste to another day instead of fighting for their passions and their deepest dreams.
In truth only you and only you alone can live your dreams, not your naysayers, not your friends, not your parents and not your children. The dead don't dream. Only the living dream. Dream big, dream strong and fight with all of your life for your dreams, for even that is borrowed and you only get one big shot at your dreams. Only you can walk through the doors that lead to your dreams, and only you can walk through them. Listen not to the passer-byes who have forsaken their own journeys, pursues and fights for their own passions and dreams. These weak and broken people take justification of their own failures and their own regrets and their own short comings to become selfish with the proposition of your own failure in your own journey of your own passions and dreams. Never ever let anyone's opinion that will will never fulfill your passions and that you will never ever fulfill your dreams become rooted within your belief of your fearsome ability and of your immeasurable resolve within yourself. Those who never truly and fully believe in themselves living their own dreams to the fullest and choosing their own destiny will be destined to never truly and fully live their dreams and they will never truly and fully live themselves. We all walk in a ceiling-less room that is consumed wholly by blackness and we all stumble blindly forth in the search for our dreams. Perhaps you may never reach some doors of opportunity. Perhaps along your way of your combined experiences in this world and from the stand point of the door that you first came from you may not reach some of your dreams - that is life; not every one crosses the finish line. Although that does not mean that you will be left empty handed for your troubles. Expect the unexpected and don't expect the expected. Although even though we are blind, all of the doors that lead to your wildest of dreams are all open in this infinite room, perhaps you may not reach some with the choices that you pick. Although only you can choose to close the doors to your dreams for you and only you are the gatekeeper to your dreams.
We will all die one day, that is true and this is just life. We cannot (yet) go backward into time so why kid ourselves by keeping ourselves locked to only looking backward or sideways and keeping ourselves in the past and not fighting to move forward. Time keeps us going forward, one cannot avoid pitfalls by looking backwards while forced to (always) run forwards. We have a choice within our brief and finite lives upon this world and I have found this next statement to be true at an earlier age. I am fortunate to realize this er, 'wisdom' (if it can be called as such) and it is roughly stated as follows:
We can live to become strong and choose to become uncomfortable in our fight of fulfilled dreams
We can live to become weak and choose to become comfortable in our self-defeat of unfulfilled dreams.
Although I would need to have my own games off the ground first to justify such an action. Then after my house building situation is sorted out. Although it bugs myself that I cannot do more being just one person without a proper company to hire people to create games worth playing. I need to find ways to work together with talented people; hiring is the most successful option yet it requires a company and proper income to pull off.
One way I could do this 'growth' is to invest into my tank game in unity and make a few games from that and grow as a company with my own I.P.s and come back to this once grown and able to hire people to make proper new content worth playing (such as this for fun :-P). Right now I have to sort out three house construction projects, build my own games and have them be worth playing before I can sell them to reinvest into growing into a position to continually be able to hire people to make more games worth playing. I must grow.