Need some suggestions

I am starting a shadow-dancer playthrough.
Seeking some ideas to counter balance the play as I have included some things in it (for fun and crazy play)
There things are-
1. Starting off with a modified Firetooth crossbow +5
Firetooth features combined with features of Pulse Ammo (blunt weapon)+Dispel Magic (like Carsomyr but no cure effects).
2. Charname will have Use Any Item ability.
3. Difficulty at Core Rules.
I know it is kinda over-powered, but well it is for fun play ^^.
Reason for choosing Shadow-Dancer is because I wanted thieving skills but I don't want to increase damage further.
Thinking of imposing the following restrictions
1. Take whatever stats that comes up during creation and cannot re-allocate them.
2. Charname is not allowed to use any other magical weapons throughout the game. (I guess he/she won't need it
anyway o_O.
So now I am looking for more ideas to restrict the OP start-off ^^
Seeking some ideas to counter balance the play as I have included some things in it (for fun and crazy play)
There things are-
1. Starting off with a modified Firetooth crossbow +5
Firetooth features combined with features of Pulse Ammo (blunt weapon)+Dispel Magic (like Carsomyr but no cure effects).
2. Charname will have Use Any Item ability.
3. Difficulty at Core Rules.
I know it is kinda over-powered, but well it is for fun play ^^.
Reason for choosing Shadow-Dancer is because I wanted thieving skills but I don't want to increase damage further.
Thinking of imposing the following restrictions
1. Take whatever stats that comes up during creation and cannot re-allocate them.
2. Charname is not allowed to use any other magical weapons throughout the game. (I guess he/she won't need it
anyway o_O.
So now I am looking for more ideas to restrict the OP start-off ^^
dex drop will impair thieving skills ... a problem.
1 more restriction is that no cleric or druid in party unless for the duration of a quest related to an NPC of that class (like for Jaheira, she will stay till harper's hold is cleared then she will be kicked and will do her quests at the earliest opportunity.
Or do both 3con and 3str!! That way you have to strip your character naked down to his skinny, sickly self just so that he can walk around with those leprous muscles. But boy, make him stationary and give him that machine gun and he will mow everyone down.
I'm just kidding. I don't really know of any effective way to nerf your character at character creation other than lowering your physical attributes very low. You could try having few party members or choosing poor equipment, but that would just be kind of inconvenient.
My advice is just do what you want. You don't have to nerf your Charname too much. The game will be pretty hard late game with limited enchanted crossbow ammo. It will be difficult to harm some of those late game monsters unless you use only enchanted ammo.
Firetooth works without ammo, that is the reason for choosing it for modding.
Reason why it was configured in that manner was an earlier thought which added even permanent improve haste on that Firetooth. It was mainly to mow through the game at faster pace (as I have a bad habit of trying to do every single main quest and long winded character related quests which can eat up a lot of time just slaughtering those swarm monsters not that they are an issue killing in normal ways).
That makes it even more op'd. I am not sure that you can do anything to really increase the challenge using a weapon like that. Anything that I can come up with would just end up being an annoyance to you, not an increase in challenge.
But seriously, play the game you want to play. Don't feel that you have to justify your desire to cheat I mean mod. There are certainly tons of game breaking mods out there with weapons much more op'd than that one. Just because I can't think of any right now doesn't mean it's not true!
And eekeeper has the potential to ruin any game. I think that if it's been a dozen times or more that you've played the game, then speeding up some of those annoying encounters can be just the thing to bring back the excitement. I like the story better than the combat anyway. For combat games, I prefer fps, although I cheat at those too.
The actual thing is I only wanted to use a standard Pulse Ammo without all these modding.
Problem with standard Pulse Ammo, which I think is due to scripting or something, is that if the +3 magical enchantment don't go through the check (it doesn't do any weapon damage anyway I wonder why it checked for it), the energy effects (which is stated magic but resistance is non-magical) will not go through x_x !! It should not be the case.
Use it anyway.
That is why my current run, I have to edit it to +5 for that Pulse Ammo+ blunt so the energy damage goes through (it is that feeling I am cheating that keeps bugging me)
It's a game, not a cheat-morality test. Just don't go giving yourself any op'd +5 firetooth crossbows wth dispel magic in real life.
Hahaha I have decided to remove the dispel magic function.
If I do not do so, the mages will be out of job (thus increasing the unemployment rate X_X).
And of course when I have the gold, the first thing I will do is deduct off the price of a firetooth just to make it fairer abit to the gameplay ^^ (the Pulse Ammo has no shop price
Well the damage is quite contained not really high just APR high ^^ due to the Pulse Ammo simulation.
By the way, @mashedtaters I share that Druidic feeling of yours ^^ thanks to Jaheira and Cernd, they really messed up my opinion towards Druids (during the D&D days I quite respect the Druids for their "Ecco friendly" attitude but those 2 got to spoil the show and make a mess out of how Druids express their "Green" ideas.
As Dorn put it, in a retort when Jaheira make a rather incosiderate comment, that Dorn is also a part of nature and not an unnatural being. I guess Jaheira and Cernd have problem understanding the word "balance" they like to think of it as defined like "Greater Balance" etc...
Much like some religious preaching about certain love being "Greater Love" etc.
^^ well I guess the script writer just probably wanted it to sound better by adding such words like "greater" etc ^^
If I am to include Dispel in that Firetooth, no mages allowed in party ^^.
Dispel doesn't work on everything though. Maybe bring along a crappy mage only, like Jan.
I configured the dispel using the same dispel magic from staff of magi and Carsomyr (they both use the same type of dispel) but I increase level to 40 instead of 30 due to failure to dispel Shandalar's protection (I think that bloke is very high level so a standard 30 levels may not always dispel it.
This is murder !! 3 con get minus HP can't move while attacking sounds like terminator but without "armor" nor "toughness" to mow !! Somewhat like trying to mount a jet engine on a glider X_X.
You guys are real Bhaalspawn x_x (MURDER!!) ^^