New UI Question

I suppose this could be kind of a query or hope that the new UI might work a certain way rather than expecting an enswer (as I appreciate info may not be released if a feature won't make it in) but was wondering if: I'm playing a Fighter, I've got a Bow in slot 1, Staff in slot 2, Hammer in slot 3, Dagger in slot 4 and another Hammer in my off hand.
When I switch from Bow or staff to hammer (main hand), does it default to dual wield?.
If yes, and assuming I'm playing a Fighter/Thief, I think it would be cool to switch to single weapon style for just the dagger, so avoiding the backstab's available per apr 'rotation' (e.g. in BG of 15 years ago you had 2 apr, you backstab on the dagger, hide, then hit normally with the hammer).
Anyway, I'm really happy with the UI from the recent let's play/interviews, and would have bought the game for this feature alone irrespective of the above.
When I switch from Bow or staff to hammer (main hand), does it default to dual wield?.
If yes, and assuming I'm playing a Fighter/Thief, I think it would be cool to switch to single weapon style for just the dagger, so avoiding the backstab's available per apr 'rotation' (e.g. in BG of 15 years ago you had 2 apr, you backstab on the dagger, hide, then hit normally with the hammer).
Anyway, I'm really happy with the UI from the recent let's play/interviews, and would have bought the game for this feature alone irrespective of the above.
Yep, I think it's in. If you dig up the live Q&A on Youtube, towards the end there are questions directed at the team, and they confirm Bows/Shields. Might have neen doppelgangers, but I don't think the authenticity by which Beamdog confirmed it could be easily replicated.
I heard that the UI change I mentioned was something you wanted to implement and was trying to get to work, but I hadn't heard that it was confirmed, so thanks for that. It makes me HAPPY! COOKIES FOR EVERYONE!
*NOM NOM NOM.... Blurrrp!*
"You're welcome!"
As a result: Yes This does not happen, instead you would dual wield the dagger & hammer (off hand). To do otherwise would require a much more complex (read: buggy, UI breaking) implementation (i.e. weapon sets per IWD or NWN) that we had been intentionally avoiding.
Personally I don't care either way.
The main effect for me is that fighters get to carry more loot out of a dungeon, and this is more frequent concern in BG1 than BG2, although usually involves a harder choice of what to leave behind when it occurs in BG2.