My approach to SoD

Believe it or not; I have not been following SoD at all. I currently know next to nothing about it. "But why @Tresset?" I can hear you say. Do not think that it means that I do not have any interest in SoD or that I do not like what Beamdog is doing. On the contrary, I am quite interested in SoD and am looking forward to it more than a bit. The reason for my willful ignorance is simple: I want to know as little as possible about it when I play it for the first time. Hopefully this way I will enjoy the game as much as possible when I do play it.
I did BG1 co-op for the first time (after playing single for years) and I noticed alot of things did not work as intended. I wanted to show my first-timer friend what happens when you rest directly after coming home from the werewolf island but lo-behold, nothing ever happened. Between Biff's unexpected visits and duplicated item drops, I had to explain my friends what's actually supposed to happen many times.
While I'm impressed multiplayer is even useable on such an ancient engine, I don't find it reliable enough even EEified. I believe it's a dangerous thing to do on for a fresh new experience.
But what I'm enthusiastic about is if we really play SoD in the MP for the first time for all the participants, we would get a chance to share our genuine, first thoughts and ideas about everything there: locations, plot twists, banters. It would be like a critique review. We wouldn't have time to change our views and things we would share with each other would be original, not influenced by anything.
Moreover, I'm enthusiastic to react to harder fights, because we've been promised a much better and smarter AI and interesting battles. I'm enthusiastic to actually try to overcome unexpected situations without reloading. To me, it would be very much like playing actual D&D, when you have to react to what the DM tells you.
If some of us would be new to game, then maybe it wouldn't be a good idea indeed, but @Gotural and @Tresset and other participants of the thread are quite experienced with the game, and probably facing difficult battles for the first time together would be more fun than when you're facing them alone. At least, playing BG in the MP, for me, is the best way of experiencing this game now, after all these years of playing the game.
And if there're bugs, we'll report them and try to find workarounds. Bug-hunting is actually nice.