Just taking to myself here: I'd *love* to have SoD's OST in .FLAC format. Especially if I'd see an "Digital Collector's Edition" with concept art, wallpapers, and some other goodies bundled together inside Beamdog's shop and GOG. *wink* *wink*
In addition to a digital copy of Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion, the Digital Deluxe includes a full soundtrack of the original Baldur's Gate, as well as all of the tracks composed by Sam Hulick for both Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.
Cool, but $20 extra for just the soundtrack? Eh...
If it were $10 extra, I'd get it (and if I hadn't preordered already before they make the Deluxe link live). For $20 extra, I'd want more than the soundtrack.
It's basically $9.99 for the original BG soundtrack and $9.99 for the Enhanced Edition tracks plus full Siege soundtrack, both in mp3 and FLAC format. No plans for iTunes yet.
@AstroBryGuy , we don't have a process yet for upgrading your pre-order, but if you email support@beamdog.com we can probably figure out a way to do it.
It's basically $9.99 for the original BG soundtrack and $9.99 for the Enhanced Edition tracks plus full Siege soundtrack, both in mp3 and FLAC format. No plans for iTunes yet.
@AstroBryGuy , we don't have a process yet for upgrading your pre-order, but if you email support@beamdog.com we can probably figure out a way to do it.
I've already got the original BG soundtrack (as do many of us who have purchased the original BG through GOG), but I'd definitely buy the EE/SoD soundtrack if/when it is offered through iTunes, Amazon, or direct from Beamdog.
The complete sountrack is also included into The Collector's Edition, among other awesome things!
If it were $10 extra, I'd get it (and if I hadn't preordered already before they make the Deluxe link live). For $20 extra, I'd want more than the soundtrack.
@AstroBryGuy , we don't have a process yet for upgrading your pre-order, but if you email support@beamdog.com we can probably figure out a way to do it.
Sam Hulick is the composer for SoD. I think the original soundtrack by Michael Hoenig inspired the work by Hulick on SoD.