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[How to] Install mods on Android



  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @argent77 My tablet is from Sony, formely Sony-Ericsson, so the use of an Ericsson format is not surprising.
    When the Android version of the game was released, I remember some people had issues and Beamdog said the Play Store downloaded a wrong version for the hardware configuration these people had. I think there were a few versions, possibly two or three. I have no clue whether this impacted the software or some data files such as the textures though.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,526
    @Isaya If there are different Android versions of the game (well, even if there's only one) which require specific texture compression formats, then modding new areas is most likely a real pain. I don't know of any easy to use PVRZ converter which handles the required texture formats.
    All you could do is probably posting a feature request that all mobile versions should fully support the legacy palette-based TIS format.

    Btw, could you try out the attached maps for BG1 NPC? I have converted them into the Ericsson ETC2 format.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @argent77 Thank you for the files. Unfortunately your latest set of files didn't work any better than all I tested before (that was not a surprise, considering that BG2EE files from the Android version didn't either). Or fortunately, I should say, actually. Because that led me to I tried another (more direct) way to import the files in the game, and it appears that the game is actually able to handle new area graphics, after all.

    All this time, I was trying to put all the files added or modified by the mods in an uncompressed zip archive, fixed by centralfix.exe. I ended up thinking that TIS files had a history of having a special handling in the game engine whether they were in a bif file or in the override. So I tried putting the TIS (and PVRZ) files directly in the override directory, i.e. directly in the Android file system, not in an override directory in the archive. And it works! Except in one case, which is probably not a big deal.

    Here are the results of all the tests I made:
    • BG1 NPC original TIS (BG II format) : ok
    • BG2EE Android TIS + PVRZ : ok
    • BG2EE Windows TIS + PVRZ : ok
    • your Ericsson format TIS + PVRZ : ok
    • your first set of converted TIS + PVRZ (iOS format) : same failure as reported (black area in X#CH12, only the fountain animation in X#CH13)
    • BG1 NPC original TIS converted with Tile2EE as TIS + PVRZ : ok
    If I remember correctly, the first set of files you posted was using the iOS format. In practise, it seems it's not recognized on Android, at least on my tablet.
    However the good new is that the old TIS format is handled by the game, so it shouldn't be necessary to use any specific PVRZ format. And if you want to use PVRZ files from another EE game, those from the Windows version are likely to work (in this case, I only checked BG2EE area graphics in BGEE). Or you can convert them with Tile2EE too.

    To sum up, new area graphics should work with Android, provided they are not stored in a centralfix patched archive. I will have to amend the procedure to report this special case.
    Thank you very much for your assistance to figure this out @argent77
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,526
    That's good to know.

    The iOS format is yet another texture compression format (more specifically, the PVRTC 4bpp format), which is probably directly supported by the graphics unit of Apple devices. I wouldn't be surprised to see more texture formats supported by the mobile versions of the games (PVRZ supports up to 29 different texture compression algorithms).

    From what I've read, there is no universally supported compression format for all available platforms supported by the EE games. Your best bet is probably to use only the original palette-based TIS format, even though it requires the most disk space.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Isaya said:

    All this time, I was trying to put all the files added or modified by the mods in an uncompressed zip archive, fixed by centralfix.exe. I ended up thinking that TIS files had a history of having a special handling in the game engine whether they were in a bif file or in the override. So I tried putting the TIS (and PVRZ) files directly in the override directory, i.e. directly in the Android file system, not in an override directory in the archive. And it works! Except in one case, which is probably not a big deal.

    I silentely watching this thread and holding my breath with hope, that you, and @argent77 will come up with some solution, and you really are!
    You´re great!
    So, If I am understand it right - to avoid that messy black screen issue in mod content, its necesarry to exclude some files during instalation from centralfixed zip archives, and instead of it, put those files right to Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files directory? Or make extra zip archive with those files, but without using centralfix on them, and then put that archive to Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @Caszidy The important thing is that the .tis files must NOT be put into any zip file. Either the game doesn't support that or the centrafix process breaks something.
    So, to work around that, you need to put the .tis files directly inside a directory called override in Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files.

    In more details:
    At step Creating the mods archive to transfer to Android
    • in Android_Files, create another directory called tis_override (for instance)
    • once the override folder has been copied to Android_Files directory, go into Android_Files\override
    • select all files with extension .tis (use the explorer to sort files by extension)
    • move the .tis files into tis_override
    • make the zip archive without adding tis_override
    At step Transferring the mods archive to Android
    • copy the zip archive as usual
    • copy the tis_override directory into Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files
    • in Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files, rename tis_override as override
    Alternatively, do as @Kamigoroshi suggested, and don't include the whole override directory inside the zip archive.
  • gustavpezkagustavpezka Member Posts: 1
    Hi! Can anybody help me? I've tried to install some mods (compatible with ee) on bg2ee, on my tablet (Nexus 7), and everything works - Dungeon Be Gone, Stratagem, Rogue rebalancing and some others.
    But I'm getting this strange crush - when Irenicus fights with Shadow thieves at the beginning of first act. He cast something and the game stops, then crashes.
    I get same result, when I'm casting Skull trap myself.
    I've tried many combinations of mods, but to no avail.
    What can be the reason of this?
    Thanks for your help in advance and sorry for bad english :smile:
  • BollywoodHeroBollywoodHero Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2016
    I tried to install spell revisions 4 beta 12, SCS, and bg2_tweaks (in that order). When some spells are cast, the game crashes. My archive contains lang/en_US/dialog.tlk as well as override and script/*new script files*. Can anyone provide some guidance?

    Stack traces from casting various spells show crashes happen in CProjectileBAM() and ParseCompressedWave(). So I think I'm either missing referenced bam or wav files... But I verified that the only new files created/modified were in override and script. To do this I did:

    touch timestamp -d 2015-12-30
    find . -newer timestamp

    UPDATE: Problem Resolved!
    The solution is to only put the lang/en_US/dialog.tlk in the archive. override and scripts directories were added to the files directory as they are. Btw, I also installed item revisions v4 beta by @Demivrgvs and it seems to work properly :)
    Post edited by BollywoodHero on
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    Thank you for the feedback @BollywoodHero. So the scripts folder is also recognized by the game in the files directory, although it was not mentioned by @Dee wrote in an old post.

    As for the TIS files, the BAM file format has a new variant in the EE engine. I assume the case is similar to the black display with TIS files in the zip file, although even worse (crash).

    It looks like the safe bet when using mods is to follow @Kamigoroshi suggestion and copy the override content as is in the Android/data/yourgameenhancededition/files directory and only use the zip file for the dialog.tlk / dialogF.tlk files and other things not in the override folder (music for instance, as I don't know if the game accepts a music folder in the files directory).
  • BollywoodHeroBollywoodHero Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2016
    @Isaya I suggest you prefer the method of keeping the zip archive as small as possible in your first post, as it seems to be the only way to get the mod combination that I used (which is very common) to work on a Nexus 6 (which is very common). I suspect that other devices (perhaps all) will have the same issue.
  • KojiOyamaKojiOyama Member Posts: 9
    well i have recently purchesed BG:EE and IWD:EE. been working on getting debug to work(mild success). is it absolutely necessary to do all this on PC,? can't i just move the folders around and rename and reformat in some other folder then move them to game/files, on my tablet with a zip app?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @KojiOyama You need a computer to install mods based on WeiDU (there is no official version for iOS or Android, as far as I know). You could use either Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. You also need a way to process the archive containing at least dialog.tlk though centralfix, which requires a PC running Windows, unless you're able to build centralfix based on the source code provided by the author. I can't provide any support for that.

    Alternatively, I remember there was a topic that lists a few mods compatible with Android that don't require WeiDU, so that you could use them directly. The list will be very short though.
    I can't give a link, you'll have to use the search function of the forum. Try keywords "mods Android list".
  • KojiOyamaKojiOyama Member Posts: 9
    i see then. thankyou. i will play around with it. ill post back with a successful way of doing it on Android. if theres a way.
  • legotaksinlegotaksin Member Posts: 65
    Extract weidu.exe from the WeiDU archive into the BGEE_Android directory
    In the BGEE_Android directory, copy and paste weidu.exe, in order to get a new file name Copy of weidu.exe (or a similar name in your language)
    Select file setup-MOD_NAME.exe and delete it
    Select file Copy of weidu.exe and rename it as setup-MOD_NAME.exe
    Repeat the last three steps for each mod in order to update their setup-MOD_NAME.exe file

    I can't understand this sentances.. my english is not good..
    Please say easily..
    You say seclect setup-MOD_NAME.exe but it is not exist in wediu(download from ur link)
    Please help me.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Each mod you want to install has a file called setup-(name of mod).exe, for example "Setup-aTweaks.exe". Those files are simply renamed copies of weidu.exe. To upgrade weidu for all your mods, make copies of the newer version of weidu.exe and rename the copies to match the old setup exe files.
  • legotaksinlegotaksin Member Posts: 65
    I understand. Solution is at First page.
    Sorry.. i follow all steps.
    But there is big problem..
    Centralfix.exe is not work.. how it work?
    My os is Windows xp. When i double click centralfix.exe, Dos screen appear shortly and not happen.. i can't command..
    This is my last step. Help me!
  • legotaksinlegotaksin Member Posts: 65
    edited January 2016
    I find soultion. Yeah~ thanks for tips.
    I don't know remive attach files..
    Don't care zip file. It is not work.
    Anyway thanks again!
    Post edited by legotaksin on
  • rkocourrkocour Member Posts: 34
    Anybody know if you can run generalized biffing on the mods and still work on android?
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    @Isaya Just thought I would give some of my own experience trying to update Android. I am useing a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for my Android device. Following your guide, I made a build with Saerileth Mod, Unfinished Business, Dungeon-Be-Gone, the Tweak Pack, and Wizard Slayer Rebalance.

    I tried updating each Weidu individually, but kept running into errors when I tried to run them.

    So I followed the steps you outlined, except that I didn't rename every mods Weidu file, I only redid the first one, Saerileth. I had all the mods in the same directory. As I ran the Saerileth mod, it updated the Weidu file of that one and Unfinished business. As I installed Dungeon, Tweak, and WizardSlayer, the Weidu's updated automatically.

    With everything updated and installed, I tried to zip all the files and transfer them in a single file, but the game crashed just after trying to open it.

    So I copied all the folders into the file EXCEPT for the 'override' directory. Transferring the directory took several hours, but when it was done, the game opened just fine.

    I haven't had much time to check things yet, but several of the tweaks were seen to work well in the character creation screen, Dungeon-Be-Gone seems to be working well, and the Wizard Slayer Rebalance appears to be working. So I'm hopefully the rest will work as intended. It will take some time for me to check everything, but I will try and leave some periodic updates as I test things out.
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    So, just to update:

    Saerileth was found at her normal location in the Temple District. Audio worked well, didn't seem to have any issues. Haven't went any further with her other than to test adding her to the party, which worked without problem.

    Unfinished Business, the only quest I've done so far involved after Kalah's circus tent with the Genie and the lamp, worked without a hitch.

    Dungeon-Be-Gone, no glitches encountered.

    Multiple various Tweaks seem to be working without a hitch.

    Started a Wizard Slayer and the updates to the class seem to be working without a problem.

    All in all, so far a very successful install. This has made my Android BG experience very happy, thanks again for all the help!
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    Just another quick update. The Tweaks pack continues to work, Cromwell is forging artifacts from Watchers Keep and multi stronghold and multi romance is working well. The Pai'NE spider quest in the tombs of Athkatla worked well. Some extra fights at Bryn Law and a couple other spots that I don't remember.

    So, still working well with the Mods!
  • LetholLethol Member Posts: 6
    I have encountered a few problems with the installation. Please visit this thread!
  • LetholLethol Member Posts: 6

    Hi! Can anybody help me? I've tried to install some mods (compatible with ee) on bg2ee, on my tablet (Nexus 7), and everything works - Dungeon Be Gone, Stratagem, Rogue rebalancing and some others.
    But I'm getting this strange crush - when Irenicus fights with Shadow thieves at the beginning of first act. He cast something and the game stops, then crashes.
    I get same result, when I'm casting Skull trap myself.
    I've tried many combinations of mods, but to no avail.
    What can be the reason of this?
    Thanks for your help in advance and sorry for bad english :smile:

    How did you manage to install Stratagem on android? Where did you put the "stratagem" and the "stratagems_external" folders? Inside the zip-file?
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    @Lethol Hey haven't been on the forums in a few weeks, did u get the Mods figured out?
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    So, quick update. Played Saerilith mod to the end with Imoen Romance active. Not sure if there was something I didn't do, but Aerie and Imoen become very close, I thought they would have some long, new epilogue text, but it was just the normal ones they always have. I'm going to look into that. Otherwise, Saerilith romance seemed to work completely through to the end of the Throne of Bhaal, didn't notice any complication there. I think next I'm going to try Ascension and see how it does on Android. Shew...I just remember the heck that mod gave me the last time I played it, almost didn't beat it!!!!
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    Well, another update. Got a little burned out on BGII, decided to try some BGEE mods. Decided to go all out with it. I haven't played any of these mods before. Here is the list of what I tried to install:

    Convenient ammo
    Distinguished clubs
    More styles for mages
    Nerged Ankheg armor
    New bgee items
    Aule staff
    TeamBG armor and weapon pack
    Dark Horizons
    Dark side of the sword coast
    BG mini quests and encounters
    BG romantic encounters
    Sirines Call
    Rogue Rebalancing
    TEAMBG level 40 and HLA mods
    Israel NPC

    I got them all to install except for Team BG Armor Pack and BG Tweaks. I assume it had something to do with the order I installed the mods, but I decided to go ahead and play with the rest of them, as Dark Horizons and DsotsC were what I was most interested in. It took a little bit getting the folder together the right way, and several hours transferring the Override folder, but it finally got working on my Samsung Note 4. Have played a little bit and seen some content from Romantic Encounters, Dark Horizons, and LOTS of new items. Not really so fond of the IWD animations for spells, I prefer the regular, but seems to work, that's the important thing. So I'm going to keep plugging along. I hope others are enjoying model games on their touchscreens!
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Anyone had luck with this recently? I tried to install BG1 NPC project mod on my Android version of BGEE and it did not work.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    It's a minor thing that is covered in @Isaya's post, but that thing that gave me headache was not specified enough and made me think mods on Android do not work

    The whole process (steps 1-4 were covered by @Isaya very well so I just mention them in passing)
    1) download the game locally
    2) install mods with new weidu installer
    3) compress new folders into a .zip without compression
    4) make it BG-readable with centralfix
    5) copy the newly created archive onto the tablet, into directory Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files
    And here it comes - if your game rests on an external SD card - not internal tablet storage - you will need to copy the new archive to the internal tablet storage, not the SD card.
    Notice, that both the internal storage and the SD card to have the "Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files" directory, but it won't work if you copy it into the one on the SD card, only into the one in the internal storage.

    My thanks are to @Caszidy, who told me.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @Southpaw Thank you for the feedback.

    When I wrote this post, moving to the SD card only saved a few MB and didn't move any Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition content (with Android 4.x). I didn't even notice there was such a directory on the SD card. For me it's empty right now.
    I assume the rule is indeed to copy this along with other files that the game creates in Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files, such as Baldur.ini, save and so on.

    I will edit the post to add this information. Thank you.
  • smallersmaller Member Posts: 22
    @Isaya Thank you SO MUCH for this thread. I spent last night packaging BG2 Tweaks and Romantic Encounters up as per your instructions here, and it looks to have worked perfectly (so far)!

    ((I'm not out of the dungeon yet, but already I have obvious unlimited arrow stacking and faster cutscenes, so I'm going to consider this a success.))

    A huge thank you to you and everyone else who contributed to this thread. With your careful instructions, I, a plain old user, was able to manage all this cool stuff and mod up my phone install the way I used to mod up my PC install, and I'm happier than a pig in mud right now.

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