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What are your IRL stats!?

triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
edited June 2013 in Off-Topic
If you were in Baldur's Gate, what would your six stats really be?

I used to put my real rankings in NBA Live when adding myself to a team. Since I was a true Center, my ball handling skills were 20ish, for example. And even though I was a bench warmer on a decent Division 1 College team, my best stat was around a 50, for an NBA player. It was very fun, most of the time.

Keep in mind 10 is average, 18 STR is World's Strongest Man competitor, 18 INT is Stephen Hawking, 18 Constitution is a Navy SEAL or UFC champion, etc.

STR 13
CON 13
INT 15
WIS 10

I might even take this char on a playthrough!
Post edited by Jalily on


  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Str 12
    Dex 10
    Con 14
    Int 16
    Wis 15
    Cha 13

    Something like that, give or take. Although no doubt we're all going to be from Lake Woebegone, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    STR: 40
    DEX: 40
    CON: 40
    INT: 40
    WIS: 40
    CHA: 40

    ...Well, for that fight with Irenicus in SoA, at least. Goddamn thing took me forever until I finally discovered Shadowkeeper.

    Normally, more like:

    STR: 10
    DEX: 11
    CON: 13
    INT: 14/18
    WIS: 12
    CHA: 14/18

    ...Or something like that. Basically, I max out INT or CHA depending on whether I'm going for Wizard or Sorcerer, make sure I have 14 in CON and don't really care much about the rest.
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    ...And I didn't read the first post closely enough. Sorry. My personal stats would be something like....

    Strength: 8
    Dexterity: 10
    Constitution: 4
    Intelligence: 16
    Wisdom: 14
    Charisma: 2
  • WinterfrostWinterfrost Member Posts: 4
    Am I the only one who likes at least an avg CHA score on all characters?
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    edited September 2012
    Haha, you made the very thread I said I wouldn't!

    Strength - 11 - protein bars
    Dexterity - 13 - I'm good with a pencil
    Constitution - 9 - asthmatic
    Intelligence - 11 - graduated from art school
    Wisdom - 12 - it's been a hard knock life
    Charisma - 13 - need I explain?
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    Str: 9
    Dex: 14
    Con: 10
    Int: 14
    Wis: 12

    I'd say I would make a good thief. Wouldn't last in combat by any means, but most locks wouldn't be a challenge. Most people say I'm pretty smart and wise and have good common sense. I can talk & get along with mostly everyone as well. I can't tolerate a lot of pain and can't lift heavy objects but I'm very nimble. I used to be able to run a 6min mile back in high school. Now it'd be about 10mins with 4 years out of school. I'd make a good role-playing character, not so much a combat character.
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    Hmm, interesting.

    Str 15 - I'm 6'2 and 240lbs.
    Dex 8 - Not very coordinated, I can't even ride a bike...
    Con 13 - I don't often get sick but when I do it was something real bad.
    Int 13 - I'm smarter than the average bear, Boo Boo.
    Wis 15 - I'm perceptive and very street smart.
    Cha 10 - I'm a pretty good looking guy, or so I'm told, but I can be passive/shy a lot of the time.

    With stats like those I'd be a decent cleric or maybe a ranger I guess. Funny that I'm an atheist but I'd make a good cleric :P
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    It's interesting how exercises like this always tend to result in people estimating themselves to be significantly smarter than average. Then again, it probably wouldn't be a bad guess that BG fans are relatively clever on average as far as gamers go.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    Lemernis said:

    Str 12
    Dex 10
    Con 14
    Int 16
    Wis 15
    Cha 13

    Something like that, give or take. Although no doubt we're all going to be from Lake Woebegone, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

    The fun of this is to do your best to avoid the Lake Woebegone tendency.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113

    Str 5 (5 foot 1 and a half and I can barely lift anything over 10lbs. But I'm cute so I get by :P)
    Dex 10 (Average hand eye coordination (thank you video games!))
    Con 16 (I'm fairly healthy in my eating habits)
    Int 10 (I went to school... sometimes)
    Wis 15 (I make a lot of mistakes, but learn from them)
    Cha 10 (I don't like people lol)

    I'm the party member you throw at the bears and steal her stuff afterwards :( Lol.

    This thread is useless without pictures ;)

  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2012

    Haha, you made the very thread I said I wouldn't!

    Strength - 11 - protein bars
    Dexterity - 13 - I'm good with a pencil
    Constitution - 9 - asthmatic
    Intelligence - 11 - graduated from art school
    Wisdom - 12 - it's been a hard knock life
    Charisma - 13 - need I explain?

    I thought about it too, read your post and remembered the days of NBA Live and NBA Hangtime in college.
    Playing real games against future NBA guys helped us put your own skills into perspective!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012
    Strength - 8 - Slightly below average because I'm quite skinny. Possibly a 7.
    Dexterity - 12 - A bit above average. I'm excellent at typing, good with guns and other such things, but you don't see me doing backflips.
    Constitution - 12 - Honestly I have no idea here. My health varies. It's pretty good right now but I'm young, so.
    Intelligence - 14 - I'm pretty intelligent. The rest of my family would be in the 15-16 range however, haha. :)
    Wisdom - 16 - Here's my strong point. Very observant, lots of people come to me for advice etc. and I am able to provide good answers 90% of the time.
    Charisma - 15 - Most everyone in real life thinks I'm a pretty enjoyable, fun guy to be around. My personal features are not amazing (too skinny! also acne) but far, far from bad.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    You know, should I consider you being insulted by my opinion as a sign, that I'm right? Because had I said bullshit, you wouldn't be concerned about it. Critical estimation gone for holiday.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2012
    Quartz said:

    Strength - 9 - Slightly below average because I'm quite skinny. Possibly an 8.
    Dexterity - 13 - A bit above average. I'm excellent at typing, good with guns and other such things, but you don't see me doing backflips.
    Constitution - 12 - Honestly I have no idea here. My health varies. It's pretty good right now but I'm young, so.
    Intelligence - 14 - I'm pretty intelligent. The rest of my family would be in the 15-16 range however, haha. :)
    Wisdom - 16 - Here's my strong point. Very observant, lots of people come to me for advice etc. and I am able to provide good answers 90% of the time.
    Charisma - 15 - Most everyone in real life thinks I'm a pretty enjoyable, fun guy to be around. My personal features are not amazing (too skinny! also acne) but far, far from bad.

    I had to give myself a 10 WIS because I am the one asked for advice and considered "Wise", but I am also forgetful and sometimes quite the dumb when caught off guard.
    So in some situations I'm a 16 WIS, others a 4 :)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Quartz said:

    Strength - 9 - Slightly below average because I'm quite skinny. Possibly an 8.
    Dexterity - 13 - A bit above average. I'm excellent at typing, good with guns and other such things, but you don't see me doing backflips.
    Constitution - 12 - Honestly I have no idea here. My health varies. It's pretty good right now but I'm young, so.
    Intelligence - 14 - I'm pretty intelligent. The rest of my family would be in the 15-16 range however, haha. :)
    Wisdom - 16 - Here's my strong point. Very observant, lots of people come to me for advice etc. and I am able to provide good answers 90% of the time.
    Charisma - 15 - Most everyone in real life thinks I'm a pretty enjoyable, fun guy to be around. My personal features are not amazing (too skinny! also acne) but far, far from bad.

    I had to give myself a 10 WIS because I am the one asked for advice and considered "Wise", but I am also forgetful and sometimes quite the dumb when caught off guard.
    So in some situations I'm a 16 WIS, others a 6 :)
    Hmm interesting. I don't know, does Wisdom relate to absent-mindedness? I'm not sure, myself. Because yes, I would be right there with you if you include that, I'm forgetful as well. (Heh, irony.)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Lemernis said:

    Keep in mind 10 is average, 18 STR is World's Strongest Man competitor, 18 INT is Stephen Hawking, 18 Constitution is a Navy SEAL or UFC champion, etc.

    Actually, I think truly titanic intellects the likes of Steven Hawking or Albert Einstein, et al, would be Int 24 or something. They are that far at the extreme end of the bell curve. Ditto for the other types of examples you cited. Just my opinion. But if 18 represents, say, the top percentile for most people, the truly legendary masters of any skill are in a kind of stratosphere above even that.

    I actually would agree with this, but I'll also admit that it's up to debate and personal interpretation.

    That said, I personally *did* base my stats on the concept that I believe people "at the extreme end of the bell curve" are more around 20-22 rather than 18.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207

    You know, should I consider you being insulted by my opinion as a sign, that I'm right? Because had I said bullshit, you wouldn't be concerned about it. Critical estimation gone for holiday.

    It's a fun game with obvious limitations.
    Yes, many people will exaggerate.
    I can bench almost 300lbs but I think my STR belongs at 13, whereas someone else might put a 13 and is much weaker.
    I think I'm being fair to myself though.
    But maybe my hubris is that I think I'm a better self-judge than the rest of you :)
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    Lemernis said:

    Keep in mind 10 is average, 18 STR is World's Strongest Man competitor, 18 INT is Stephen Hawking, 18 Constitution is a Navy SEAL or UFC champion, etc.

    Actually, I think truly titanic intellects the likes of Steven Hawking or Albert Einstein, et al, would be Int 24 or something. They are that far at the extreme end of the bell curve. Ditto for the other types of examples you cited. Just my opinion. But if 18 represents, say, the top percentile for most people, the truly legendary masters of any skill are in a kind of stratosphere above even that.

    I'm saying 18 is the ceiling just to simplify the ratings.
    Otherwise, is Hawking a 21,22 or 23?
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    Quartz said:

    Quartz said:

    Strength - 9 - Slightly below average because I'm quite skinny. Possibly an 8.
    Dexterity - 13 - A bit above average. I'm excellent at typing, good with guns and other such things, but you don't see me doing backflips.
    Constitution - 12 - Honestly I have no idea here. My health varies. It's pretty good right now but I'm young, so.
    Intelligence - 14 - I'm pretty intelligent. The rest of my family would be in the 15-16 range however, haha. :)
    Wisdom - 16 - Here's my strong point. Very observant, lots of people come to me for advice etc. and I am able to provide good answers 90% of the time.
    Charisma - 15 - Most everyone in real life thinks I'm a pretty enjoyable, fun guy to be around. My personal features are not amazing (too skinny! also acne) but far, far from bad.

    I had to give myself a 10 WIS because I am the one asked for advice and considered "Wise", but I am also forgetful and sometimes quite the dumb when caught off guard.
    So in some situations I'm a 16 WIS, others a 6 :)
    Hmm interesting. I don't know, does Wisdom relate to absent-mindedness? I'm not sure, myself. Because yes, I would be right there with you if you include that, I'm forgetful as well. (Heh, irony.)
    I think it belongs in WIS over INT
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    You know, strength is an interesting stat in RL because even the world's champion powerlifter probably can't deliver nearly as much force in a strike as Bas Rutten.

    While we're at it, wouldn't Bas have made a great Minsc if BG were ever made into a film? (See here.) But I digress, lol.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    As Bruce lee said: force of a blow is quotient of strength and a speed. Powerlifter wouldn't hit as hard as martial arts/sport of fighting champion, that's obvious. DnD is broken in that area.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    Yup it's smart use of physics, anatomy, and hella physical conditioning.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2012
    Bas is a dead ringer for Minsc. I wouldn't put Bas at 18 STR, I think his advantage would be in super high unarmed proficiencies.
    Too bad there is no proficiency for him in knees...
    Lemernis said:

    You know, strength is an interesting stat in RL because even the world's champion powerlifter probably can't deliver nearly as much force in a strike as Bas Rutten.

    While we're at it, wouldn't Bas have made a great Minsc if BG were ever made into a film? (See here.) But I digress, lol.

  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207

    As Bruce lee said: force of a blow is quotient of strength and a speed. Powerlifter wouldn't hit as hard as martial arts/sport of fighting champion, that's obvious. DnD is broken in that area.

    Char level BAB/THACO and weapon proficiencies do a fair job in this regard.
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    Str: 10 / Pretty average for a young man
    Dex: 12 / Average agility, but my hand eye coordination raises this somewhat
    Con: 10 / I don't get colds very often, but I don't think I'm exceptionally tough.
    Int: 13 / I'm basing this off of how stupid the average person seems. lol
    Wis: 15 / This has gone up quite a bit in recent years. Wisdom has a tendency to come with experience.
    Cha: 15 / I'm comfortable with public speaking and get along with almost everyone.
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