[BUG] Where has Khalid got to?

I'm in Bridgefort and after having solved the dark magic stone quest, I can't find khalid to progress the game. Am I being thick or have I found a game breaking bug?
We suspect there's something going on with Khalid's Level and the interaction wit the "big Rock" that's causing this.
We're tracking this one. However, if someone could please verify that there's a bug report filed for this on Redmine I would appreciate it.
I used EE Keeper to change Khalid to level 2 , and that indeed prevented him from dying.
Do you know the name of the .CRE file? Could use that to spawn him with the console as an alternative.
Have a cleric cast the 4th Level Negative Plane Protection spell on Khalid Before talking to the mage. It only lasts a short while so I made sure Neera was back at camp (she kept dying on me as well) and used ctrl+j cheat keys to get from the door to the mage as quickly as possible.
I've just tested it and it worked fine for me!
- Paj
After conversing with him, he walks around then disappears. When the event happens after speaking to the mage, he is not listed in the deaths.
Never mind, I found him outside on the ramparts as well. I did not see there was an exit there.
I don't know how to use the console so respawning him isn't an option for me. I guess I'll have to redo the entire sequence including the fifteen minutes of pickpocketing and so on.