I havnt had an issue. Some questions for you: What platform is it on What version were the saves from (were they old saves) Have you checked in your "my documents" to see if they are in there under a different folder? eg: steam may us dif save location then beamdog.
I had an issue when I tried to load VERY old saves from the original BG, which is normal as they are not supported. I also had the issue where I couldn't load EE saves.. But i found out that was because i had modded them or had mods installed when i made those saves so of course modded files wont be compatible. So were they modded?
Also if they are not saves from a mod what is the exact issue your having, is the game crashing or is it when you press load nothing happens. Or is it that they are just not showing up in the save/load list at all?
If you have it on steam also check the saves are in this folder: C:\Users\(Account Name)\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
With the account name being whatever your pc login is called.
Another thing to look at, but im just guessing atm, is turn off the Steam cloud saves. If none of the other steps work perhaps there is an issue with it looking in the cloud so not seeing your saves. (Although... i cant even see steam cloud in my options but i do remember reading that cloud saves is now a thing.. so not sure whats happening there...)
Edit: @Awong124@Glorfindel If none of that works, upload your save file here zipped and I can see if i can load it if you like.
They are EE files, not from original BG, but they were pre-1.2. I don't have any mods, but the files were altered with EEKeeper. I think I might have had some G3 tweaks installed possibly, but I don't remember. Mine is the version bought directly from Beamdog website on PC. When I try to load the files nothing happens. The menu music stops when I click load, but the game doesn't crash or anything. I attached a zip of one of my saves. Thanks.
I was playing BGEE 1.4 (or is it 1.3?) on Windows 7 PC with no mods. Updated to 2.0. Loaded my saved game and it played fine. Tried to save but it seemed like it would delete every saved game I would save over. So I picked new save. I made a few saves under new save a few times. The next time I played all of the saved games were gone.
That is a strange one. I would suggest having a look at this thread on how to make a bug report made by @bengoshi
Im not sure how I could even test that as I didn't have that problem it would be something the devs would have to think about what could be the cause from there end.
As for your problem @Awong124 , It seems this was an very old save file. The file says it was created 'Monday Dec 3rd 2012 1:56.24pm"
Since the EE game only came out on the 28th Nov 2012 this may either be a beta save, a 1.0 EE save, or potentially even a original non EE BG1 save being so close to release. I believe I had a similar issue with an early 1.0 save to that wouldn't load so maybe they are just not compatible at all with no way to fix them
I dont know if there is a way to edit or fix the save file but im sure either @Dee or @Cerevant might know.. But Im guessing they might suggest making a bug report to.. unless the save file just isn't supported from so long ago for some reason which would be odd.
@00zim00 Thanks for trying. My saves are definitely post-release, and not beta. I'm pretty sure all my saves are either 1.0 or 1.1. Definitely pre-1.2, because I purposely delayed updating to 1.2 so that a bunch of my playthroughs would be consistent with each other. It would be disappointing that an update to a game could cause saves of older versions of the same game to be incompatible.
Yeaah it seems odd to me to that they wont work. I was even sad my old original none EE files couldn't work as i wanted my character file.. but that was understandable.
I have a feeling that some change in the code or how saves were made broke all the save files in a later patch.
Can you see the saves in the folder? Notice that Siege of Dragonspear will hide your BGEE saves when loading/saving and only display them when importing. You have to switch to BG EE mode to see the saves.
Awesome. It just deleted my new save game and I had rolled a 90. This is extremely frustrating. I saved my game then went to quit. It asked me if I wanted to save which I said no. It may be deleting my saved game whenever I exit without saving, even though I've already saved it?
Im sure Cerevant has a different approach or suggestion in mind.
But strange question, have you tried right clicking the Save folder and making sure its NOT set to "Read-Only" Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
Also if you go into the save folder is there nothing there at all? Im wondering if they are there but just not showing in game OR are they actually not being saved and/or are being deleted.
A way to test this: -Check to see if there is anything in the folder -Start a new game and save -Keeping the game open see if there is a new save in the folder -Close the game -See if that save is still there or not.
Im wondering if they are actually deleted or just not showing up. And if they are deleting then it might help narrow it down. There are some free auditing programs that can tell you what is deleting a file so if they are showing then being deleted that might shed some light on things. Likewise if there is nothing in the folder at all that still helps narrow it down.
Okay, it seems that whenever I overwrite a saved game to save it again, it deletes the saved game instead of saving it. Even if I turn off "read only" for the saved game, it still deletes it whenever I overwrite save the game.
The 2.0 patch wiped all my saves AND all my characters. Just as I'd finished spending an hour getting them ready for the new expansion. There was no warning. The devs just don't care. They either purposely or incompetently ruin the game for you and then laugh in your face when you complain about it.
For those of you that can still be saved, I'd back up all your characters and saves before patching and then restore them afterwards. For the rest of us, go ahead and use cheats to recreate your characters and gear if you'd like to jump right into the expansion. Don't feel bad about it. The devs should.
@Wraith_Sarevok I get that your upset but you do realize that half the posts on this thread were reply's from Devs trying to help:/ . What you said was kinda uncalled for.
@Wraith_Sarevok I get that your upset but you do realize that half the posts on this thread were reply's from Devs trying to help:/ . What you said was kinda uncalled for.
No wiping 150+ hours of everyone's work without even buying them dinner is uncalled for. And it isn't the first time they've released versions without proper testing. Looking at their track record, I doubt it'll be the last either. I'd call this justified.
What platform is it on
What version were the saves from (were they old saves)
Have you checked in your "my documents" to see if they are in there under a different folder? eg: steam may us dif save location then beamdog.
Also if they are not saves from a mod what is the exact issue your having, is the game crashing or is it when you press load nothing happens. Or is it that they are just not showing up in the save/load list at all?
If you have it on steam also check the saves are in this folder:
C:\Users\(Account Name)\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
With the account name being whatever your pc login is called.
Another thing to look at, but im just guessing atm, is turn off the Steam cloud saves. If none of the other steps work perhaps there is an issue with it looking in the cloud so not seeing your saves. (Although... i cant even see steam cloud in my options but i do remember reading that cloud saves is now a thing.. so not sure whats happening there...)
Edit: @Awong124 @Glorfindel If none of that works, upload your save file here zipped and I can see if i can load it if you like.
That is a strange one. I would suggest having a look at this thread on how to make a bug report made by @bengoshi
Im not sure how I could even test that as I didn't have that problem it would be something the devs would have to think about what could be the cause from there end.
As for your problem @Awong124 , It seems this was an very old save file. The file says it was created 'Monday Dec 3rd 2012 1:56.24pm"
Since the EE game only came out on the 28th Nov 2012 this may either be a beta save, a 1.0 EE save, or potentially even a original non EE BG1 save being so close to release. I believe I had a similar issue with an early 1.0 save to that wouldn't load so maybe they are just not compatible at all with no way to fix them
I dont know if there is a way to edit or fix the save file but im sure either @Dee or @Cerevant might know.. But Im guessing they might suggest making a bug report to.. unless the save file just isn't supported from so long ago for some reason which would be odd.
Sorry I couldn't help more!
I have a feeling that some change in the code or how saves were made broke all the save files in a later patch.
Have you tried doing quick saves?
If you could give us as much information about your system as possible it would help us track this down.
But strange question, have you tried right clicking the Save folder and making sure its NOT set to "Read-Only"
Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
Also if you go into the save folder is there nothing there at all? Im wondering if they are there but just not showing in game OR are they actually not being saved and/or are being deleted.
A way to test this:
-Check to see if there is anything in the folder
-Start a new game and save
-Keeping the game open see if there is a new save in the folder
-Close the game
-See if that save is still there or not.
Im wondering if they are actually deleted or just not showing up. And if they are deleting then it might help narrow it down. There are some free auditing programs that can tell you what is deleting a file so if they are showing then being deleted that might shed some light on things. Likewise if there is nothing in the folder at all that still helps narrow it down.
The read only might be nothing but untick the read only and try test saving again to see if anything changes.
How do I report this?
For those of you that can still be saved, I'd back up all your characters and saves before patching and then restore them afterwards. For the rest of us, go ahead and use cheats to recreate your characters and gear if you'd like to jump right into the expansion. Don't feel bad about it. The devs should.
Follow these steps on how to report bugs