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Question about a portion of Neera's quest if anyone knows.

Alright so in the portion of the game where you get have to get to the fort that is under siege I purposefully avoided it and cleared out the other side area beforehand. The problem became apparent when I got Neera into my party and she listed off a seven legged spider as part of the quest and as I was there before I got the option to tell her where one might be. Now when I returned there thinking there might be a new special spawn or etc as I didnt see the spiders drop anything on the first round through and nothing was left on the ground i'm rather stuck. I attempted to rest a few times to trigger some ambushes in the hopes that might yield the item with no luck. So my question to anyone who might know is if I will have to reload or restart my character's game to get this item to spawn properly, or if anyone happens to know its ID so I can spawn it via console as i'm rather stuck at the moment not wanting to move on without completing as much as I can for companions.


  • Forest_SpeyerForest_Speyer Member Posts: 3
    To extend it a bit further I did get the trigger for her to speak in the area in question and the trigger for when I leave without the item. Yet the spawn in question was not there/didn't drop it.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I'm not sure, I had already looted the spider leg prior to recruiting Neera and she recognized it instantly when she joined. Are you sure you explored the whole spider cave?

    Might be a case of disappearing ground container... I just open the quickloot bar after every encounter so I don't miss some ground container that is hard to see even when highlighted with tab.
  • Forest_SpeyerForest_Speyer Member Posts: 3
    Hn... I may have not seen it when I was looking with tab then and it must have despawned.
  • Airex01Airex01 Member Posts: 1
    I have the same Problem :-(
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    I have the same problem - looks like a ground container that despawns if you don't pick it up. Since it won't be populated in EEKeeper yet, could a dev/mod please give us the item code to add it via the console?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    @Illydth Is most familiar with this quest I think. So I'm going to summon him.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    Yeah I picked it up early and then decided to drop it in some random spot. Sadface.
  • StoibsStoibs Member Posts: 66
    Do these things take place within the same chapter and area(s) where they are given?
    Did that bridgefort siege and headed off to the coalition training camp, then I noticed that I wasn't allowed to travel back to the previous areas.
    Loaded up an earlier save, still don't know where this turnip juice or Belladona is (I remember Belladona from way back in Werewolf isle in BG1, do you seriously need to keep that..?)
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    Anybody have an item code?
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Item code is "bdspider". Spawning the item seems to have solved the problem for me, as expected.
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    @Jarrakul Thank you! Is the console command the same as it used to be?
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Almost. The "CluaConsole:" part is just "C:" now.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    I FINALLY have all the items, but Neera doesnt want them anymore...
    (Dialogue does not allow give her items)
    I spent many hours finding those stupid items, so this made me really angry.

    Is there a way to force conversation by console?
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    edited April 2016
    Ok, going to spoiler a bunch of information/question answers.


    * The name of the item is indeed bdspider, you can access it with C:CreateItem("bdspider")

    * "Do these things take place within the same chapter and area(s) where they are given?"
    Neera's Quest takes place across 2 chapters: Some items are in Chapter 9 (bridgefort) others are in chapter 10 (ASC). The items can be anywhere within the areas accessible to the chapter.

    * "Did that bridgefort siege and headed off to the coalition training camp, then I noticed that I wasn't allowed to travel back to the previous areas."
    This is correct, once you've completed a chapter you cannot go back to the areas exploitable within the previous chapters, so before you move on, make sure you've explored everything in the previous chapter.

    * Loaded up an earlier save, still don't know where this turnip juice or Belladona is (I remember Belladona from way back in Werewolf isle in BG1, do you seriously need to keep that..?)
    You probably haven't moved forward far enough to have seen these items. Regarding the Belladonna: No, not only that but if you try to give Neera that belladonna she won't accept it. Both Juice and Belladonna are in Chapter 10.

    * Regarding the Drop: The drop for the Spider Leg (specifically) should be available whether or not you have the quest. It spawns on one of the spiders in the middle north section of the spider cave. Part of our testing procedure is to make sure that this is available after Neera is found and it has worked in the past. However killing the spider, leaving the ground spawn, going off and then coming back at a later point MAY produce a de-spawned ground container potentially...I don't know quite how to test that other than a full play-through. I believe I've documented a similar issue that I'm not sure the status of, but if someone wants to file a bug report on the de-spawning ground container for the spider I would be most appreciative...I'll make sure that gets in front of the devs.

    Update: Just confirmed the bug folks, the item doesn't have a permanent flag set on it. Will get a bug report set in front of the Developers, no need to enter a public one for it if it's not already there.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Edvin have you tried force talking with Neera? You shouldn't have to do that, but I've found it sometimes necessary.

    Also, have you turned in all the items to her or do you have items you still need to turn in?

    If you have items you still need to turn in:
    * Try bringing her into the party with those items in your inventory, you should get a dialog happen.
    * If that doesn't work, try dropping those items into Neera's inventory, that too should spawn a dialog.

    If force talking, bringing her into party, and dropping items into neera's inventory do not work, please post a saved game and I'll take a look at it.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    None of your advice does not work. :(

    Here is save:

    Neera has all items in her inventory, and nothing happens.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Edvin Let me take a look at the save and see what I can do for you. :)
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Edvin: Ok, I'm curious how this played out and how this worked for you. Can you give me a quick overview of your game play through chapter 9 and 10 to the point where your save is right now?

    * At what point did you pick up each item? (Before/After you met neera?)
    * At what point did you have Neera join the party?
    * Did Neera replace another party member?
    * Did you have Neera's quest before Neera joined the party or did she give you the quest at the same time?

    I'm looking for a general description that would play out something like this:

    * Started Chapter 9
    * Talked with Jaheria and let her and voghiln join
    * Went to the Bugbear Cave and Cyric Temple
    * Completed Cyric Temple
    * Went to the Spider Cave
    * Got the Spider Leg
    * Got into Bridgefort
    * Talked with Neera and had her join me.
    * Put Leg in neera's inventory (nothing happened)
    * ...

    That sort of thing.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited April 2016
    Neera has never been in my party.
    I found her in fort, got her Q and send her to camp.
    I gathered all item, but she did not want accept them.
    (Last item [spider leg] had to be created by console.)

    Then I first time invite Neera in to my party and tried things that you advised.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    For some reason her plot variable is set to 15, which is well beyond the point where she's willing to accept items. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to figure out what set that, but the fact she's never been in party and sent back to camp after getting her Q, then getting all items is probably important for repro.

    I'll see if I can get you a good saved game packed back up and popped up here so you can continue.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Edvin The fix is quick and simple:

    With Neera in the party, pause the game and:


    Run that into your console and unpause. Neera will immediately take all of the items out of your inventory and move on to the "Ok, we're done!" dialog and progress forward with the quest.

    If that doesn't work for you please let me know because it worked in my copy of your save game.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    It worked, thank you very much!

    But given that you still have my save, you should try one more thing.
    Try invite Glitn to party. I'm sure that journal reaction is a bug.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    I'll look into that. Thanks @Edvin
  • martialgamermartialgamer Member Posts: 5
    Hey does anyone know where the feather of a planetar can be located? thats the only thing I'm missing
  • ValantharValanthar Member Posts: 2
    Heya. This quest won't finish for me. Here are the relevant things I've done that I can remember.

    *Used Neera a bit in BGEE. Was not in my final party or the intro dungeon to SoD

    *Started chapter 9
    *Killed Spiders and looted the leg (along with eggs and silk)
    *Got into the Bridgefort and sent her back to camp (did not put her in party at all).
    *Nicked the Planetar Feather.
    *Started chapter 10
    *Received quest from conversing with Neera without putting her in my party.
    *Immediately gave her Spider Leg (from Bag of Holding), Planetar Feather (from Bag of Holding) and Potion of Perception (possibly out of my potion bag, OR Glint's inventory. Not sure and don't really have any handy saves to check) as she listed them off.
    *Got a Belladonna from Werewolf Island (I'm a hoarder) out of my storage chest and tried handing it in. Got a dialogue saying it was old and dried and that she needed the fresh stuff.
    *Found the turnip juice saleswoman and bought a bottle.
    *Handed over Turnip Juice
    *Went to the Grove and got 3x Belladonna
    *Returned to camp and handed in Belladonna
    - Neera is still asking "found anything else from my list" and I have no option to give her anything.
    - Putting Neera (removed Rasaad) in my party and checking her inventory shows the turnip juice and the Belladonna, but none of the other items. Grabbed another potion off Glint and put it in Neera's inventory. Kicked Neera out and put Rasaad back in, then replaced him with Neera again. She now only had the potion and the juice, the Belladonna was gone. Feather and leg also not there, not sure if that
    - Journal has registered the first four hand-ins (first the leg, then the feather, the potion and "the fourth item" - looking at the timestamp in the journal (one hour after the first three) that'd be the turnip juice) - no sign of a journal entry for the Belladonna/fifth item.

    No idea what's messing up.
  • martialgamermartialgamer Member Posts: 5
    Valanthar said:

    Heya. This quest won't finish for me. Here are the relevant things I've done that I can remember.

    *Used Neera a bit in BGEE. Was not in my final party or the intro dungeon to SoD

    *Started chapter 9
    *Killed Spiders and looted the leg (along with eggs and silk)
    *Got into the Bridgefort and sent her back to camp (did not put her in party at all).
    *Nicked the Planetar Feather.
    *Started chapter 10
    *Received quest from conversing with Neera without putting her in my party.
    *Immediately gave her Spider Leg (from Bag of Holding), Planetar Feather (from Bag of Holding) and Potion of Perception (possibly out of my potion bag, OR Glint's inventory. Not sure and don't really have any handy saves to check) as she listed them off.
    *Got a Belladonna from Werewolf Island (I'm a hoarder) out of my storage chest and tried handing it in. Got a dialogue saying it was old and dried and that she needed the fresh stuff.
    *Found the turnip juice saleswoman and bought a bottle.
    *Handed over Turnip Juice
    *Went to the Grove and got 3x Belladonna
    *Returned to camp and handed in Belladonna
    - Neera is still asking "found anything else from my list" and I have no option to give her anything.
    - Putting Neera (removed Rasaad) in my party and checking her inventory shows the turnip juice and the Belladonna, but none of the other items. Grabbed another potion off Glint and put it in Neera's inventory. Kicked Neera out and put Rasaad back in, then replaced him with Neera again. She now only had the potion and the juice, the Belladonna was gone. Feather and leg also not there, not sure if that
    - Journal has registered the first four hand-ins (first the leg, then the feather, the potion and "the fourth item" - looking at the timestamp in the journal (one hour after the first three) that'd be the turnip juice) - no sign of a journal entry for the Belladonna/fifth item.

    No idea what's messing up.

    Where did you nick the feather??? and is the quest that buggy?
  • ValantharValanthar Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2016
    I grabbed it from a container in the siege camp at Boareskyr - I'm pretty sure I grabbed it after clearing the siege, but it was there before as well, just guarded. Although actually I may have grabbed it right after getting the scroll from the wizard who was watching the thing.

    And yeah there does seem to be a number of ways it can go wrong. I guess the question is if there's a single solution or two that'd make it more stable, but who knows!

    Anyways I made a save at the point I've described in case it's needed, and for now I'm carrying on. Considering how often I replay the BG games I'm not TOO bothered about potentially missing a sidequest here and there. ;)
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    First as to the quest being buggy: It's not really, however we ARE tracking an issue as you describe it @Vlanthar, if you'd like to post a saved game I can try to massage it past the issue for you.

    However, if you can enable the CLUA Console through your baldur.lua file you can try the following (SAVE THE GAME FIRST AND KEEP THAT SAVE). I would put Neera into the party for this and be in the allied siege camp after turning in all the items to her.


    If that doesn't trigger her to say something, try 12 in place of 10, and if that doesn't work try 15.

    If none of the three of them work please ship me your saved game file so we can figure it out.
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016
    I have the *exact* same issue as Valanthar. The console fixes don't fix the problem. I can now ask her how the thing with the voices in her head went, but it doesn't resolve the quest or give any reward.

    Update: I took her to a different map and then back to camp. #10 worked after doing that.
  • MoradinMoradin Member Posts: 372
    I had the same problem. Neera was not in my party, and when I offered her all the items, she would act as if she were still missing some of the items. What I did was to kick Glint temporarily from my party, and have Neera join. The items were in CHARNAME's inventory, not in the bag of holding (just in case). As soon as Neera joined, she started collecting the items one by one, and as she accepted the last item she said she would prepare the potion.
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