Dishonoring the Name Baldurs Gate

Wow. i just 2 days ago noticed that SOD is out since i am usually not having much time checking games nowadays with a 9to5 job and a family to take care of and i was so happy that it was finally released and i get something worthwhile to play in the evenings.
I really wanted it to be an honorary part of the Baldurs Gate series.
And then i saw what Beamdog and their writers did to it.
What a disgrace.
You did not honor the originals, you dishonored your license, you dishonored yourselfs.
You have Minsc mentioning Gamergate, as if putting political warfare into your game is a smart idea. As if Gamergater are not amongst your audiance as well.
Regardless what you think of gamergate, a medival themed game and a Ranger with his hamster are not the place nor the characters to wage your dumb ideological warfare with.
You have Goblins calling you racist. Girls calling you out for mansplaning and much more.
You changed characters personalities like Safanas because well, you didnt like them the way they
You have barely any choices like when somebody insults you based on your looks or gender, you barely are able to say anything funny or maybe even . But we are definity allowed to be offended...
Same goes the other way around. When you meet one of those Token-Characters with their "protected classes" like gays or transsexuals, you are not even able to say anything mean to them, regardless if you play a chaotic evil character or not.
These token characters are never real characters and just SJW messages like the transsexual who tells you about her gender history in the very first dialog.
And the worst thing is that one of the writers came forth and said she literally doesn't care if we THE PLAYERS don't like it. She said she doesn't care if her writing is fake or forced.
And beamdog actually though hiring people with zero intent to put effort into their writing, zero intent to write anything but their hateful propaganda, was a good idea.
I guess i will be banned now as it is so common amongst these SJW lunatics to ban and silence everyone who calls their bullshit out and disagrees with them. But I literally don't care anymore. You took the joy out of baldurs gate from me. This will be my last post here anyways.
You did not create a Baldurs Gate Sequel. You created a propaganda tool. If i wanted a propaganda tool I would buy a feminist textbook next time. Thanks for nothing.
I really wanted it to be an honorary part of the Baldurs Gate series.
And then i saw what Beamdog and their writers did to it.
What a disgrace.
You did not honor the originals, you dishonored your license, you dishonored yourselfs.
You have Minsc mentioning Gamergate, as if putting political warfare into your game is a smart idea. As if Gamergater are not amongst your audiance as well.
Regardless what you think of gamergate, a medival themed game and a Ranger with his hamster are not the place nor the characters to wage your dumb ideological warfare with.
You have Goblins calling you racist. Girls calling you out for mansplaning and much more.
You changed characters personalities like Safanas because well, you didnt like them the way they
You have barely any choices like when somebody insults you based on your looks or gender, you barely are able to say anything funny or maybe even . But we are definity allowed to be offended...
Same goes the other way around. When you meet one of those Token-Characters with their "protected classes" like gays or transsexuals, you are not even able to say anything mean to them, regardless if you play a chaotic evil character or not.
These token characters are never real characters and just SJW messages like the transsexual who tells you about her gender history in the very first dialog.
And the worst thing is that one of the writers came forth and said she literally doesn't care if we THE PLAYERS don't like it. She said she doesn't care if her writing is fake or forced.
And beamdog actually though hiring people with zero intent to put effort into their writing, zero intent to write anything but their hateful propaganda, was a good idea.
I guess i will be banned now as it is so common amongst these SJW lunatics to ban and silence everyone who calls their bullshit out and disagrees with them. But I literally don't care anymore. You took the joy out of baldurs gate from me. This will be my last post here anyways.
You did not create a Baldurs Gate Sequel. You created a propaganda tool. If i wanted a propaganda tool I would buy a feminist textbook next time. Thanks for nothing.
This discussion has been closed.
It's like they get upset whenever a non-antagonist character contradicts charname in any way.
If that has been dragged to the game... a pity, but not unexpected. Still, i'm going to see it by miself and evaluate the level of bitchering included.
Do at least try to think for yourself before this thread gets closed.
I worded that poorly. You shouldn't even call it a problem. Even if you do, it is pretty minor.
No, no we do not.
Indulging in hyperbole of one kind or another, declaring that Siege of Dragonspear is a disgrace, a dumb piece of ideological warfare, filled with 'SJW' messages, written as hateful propaganda.
I actually felt a little ridiculous typing that out - I mean, all that, about a video game? Really?
Look at the OP in this thread. That looks like a template copied from one of their safe haven sites and pasted here (and not for the first time, more like the 100th).
More seriously, I can't believe we're still paying attention to these tossers. Just tell them to go to any of the other half dozen existing threads about this nonsense and wait for this one to be closed...
Think for yourselves once and a while you sheep! Also go outside and play once in awhile, thay vitamin D deficiency is messing with your heads! Read a book. Make some friends. Something!
For all those that don't seem to get it, this short video might help you see what the game feels like to a lot of people.
The point is: There's 35 pages of review for SoDS, with 5 comments on each. That's 175 comments and better than presume 175 haters, stupids and idiots, maybe beamdog should look on 175 unsatisfied customers, maybe that's all bitchering, maybe there's a point there.
wow. how utterly stupid
Why is it one of the first things Safana did with my character upon recruiting was make a very suggestive and possibly sexual innuendo? I mean if her character has "changed" (that being changed from "virtually nothing" to "something") wouldnt she not do that?
Also Jaheira has barely any dialogue/content in SoD whatsoever, and for good reason since they couldnt get her voice actress back. It was damned if they did and damned if they didnt so Jaheira in SoD is very low key and doesnt have much to say so how could they have "changed"" her character when she only has a few more lines than in the original?
Im not expecting an answer because it wouldnt support the "those damn sjws trying to give us all vaginas with their political agenda in this game" tinfoil hat theory.
Can't you see that they just put their crap and then never comment anymore because they love to start the fights? Trolls are trolls, and it's common knowledge to NOT FEED THE TROLL.
Let's use our time to comment about the game, and maybe for real flaws of the game if you want. Let this threads die by themselves.