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If you've killed Imoen in BGEE, what happens in SOD?

BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
That question has crept into my head yesterday.

If you've chosen to kill Imoen in BGEE, how does that affect Siege of Dragonspear. Has anyone found out already?


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I suspect nothing.

    I killed Dynaheir in my new BGEE run, she was present in SoD with not even a reference of my brutally slaughtering her.
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212

    Now that you've reminded me, I could have asked about Dynaheir, too. Minsc's quest and Edwin's quest, too. It doesn't affect the appearance of those characters in SOD at all? Odd.

    Not even if playing with a full party of custom characters, which the "Create Party" feature makes even easier? Basically you could slaughter all NPC companions on your way, especially if playing evil.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    It affects nothing as far as I've seen. You are given some dialogue choices when meeting each NPC where you can answer somewhat appropriately depending on what you did in BGEE - they are not exhaustive though.

    There is a slight bug at the moment Khalid and Neera can be killed by an event due the player not using them and them being level 1, so if you are planning to run through and may want to recruit these two in SoD try to get them to level 2/3 before SoD. Or wait until they are patched (or use EEKeeper to change their level).
  • lazutulazutu Member Posts: 118
    It's not asking too much if Beamdog had like 2-5 programmers for possible deviations from the "canon" story, but I suspect that we just must let go and believe that these NPC's were resurrected and reintroduced into SoD. Imoen is "hard"-canon due to BG2 events, we have to deal with her surviving. Some love it, some hate it, I certainly love Imoen since I have two sisters IRL, and she reminds me of them.
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
    Let me say it is not a game-breaking issue for me. I know the entire story up to end of Throne of Bhaal after playing the BG series for several hundreds of hours overall with various party builds.

    Nevertheless, it would have been very interesting to transfer the life/death state of story companions into SOD and over into BG2EE and imply skip any content/references to them if they have been killed before.
    Take Khalid and Dynaheir as examples. Khalid's dead body would simply be missing in Irenicus' prison, and Jaheira would not comment on it.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551

    If you've chosen to kill Imoen in BGEE, how does that affect Siege of Dragonspear.

    You can always count on Biff the Understudy :smiley:
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    They should add in Buffy the Understudy for missing female characters. Or not. Biff has some pretty diverse acting chops.
  • LoreLore Member Posts: 114
    It works the same as BG2 did in its original day. You might have killed a NPC off but they keep coming back.

    Say Edwin dident you die ?? I got better !
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
    Lore said:

    Say Edwin didn't you die ?? I got better !

    That one I found good actually, because maybe you really not made sure he was dead. Perhaps he recovered or had help from a healer. Enough room for story role-playing. Also with regard to other companions, of course.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    Yeah BG has always been kind of weird in that aspect. Many characters you run into in BG2 even have a line where you can expressively say you killed them. Yet here they are. Its a fantasy realm after all, where death is less "permanent" than real life.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    My fingers involuntarily twitch towards ctrl+k whenever I hear 'Heya, it's me Imoen!'.
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212

    If you've chosen to kill Imoen in BG:EE it will have no effect on SoD. But you should be very, very ashamed of yourself.

    Why? It is a role-playing game. Just play the chaotic evil Bhaal-spawn, who doesn't mind killing arbitrary people, and btw, Imoen not only disagrees with the main protagonist's actions often, she would leave at reputation 1.
  • WaterRabbitWaterRabbit Member Posts: 11
    These characters all have "life insurance policies", kind of like Doc Wagon from Shadowrun.
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    edited April 2016
    Same thing that happened if you played BG2 after gibbing her in BG1.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Nothing happens. You cannot perma kill plot-critical characters or the game would become unwinnable. She'll just spawn and give her dialogue like usual.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    decado said:

    My fingers involuntarily twitch towards ctrl+k whenever I hear 'Heya, it's me Imoen!'.

    She is relieved, it isn't ctrl+y
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited April 2016


    Now that you've reminded me, I could have asked about Dynaheir, too. Minsc's quest and Edwin's quest, too. It doesn't affect the appearance of those characters in SOD at all? Odd.

    Why should it affect their appearance? These are plot-critical characters. Also, we're talking about a world where there are scrolls of "Raise Dead"/"Resurrection", clerics who can raise folks, etc., etc. In BG2 back in the day, the line was always (paraphrased), "Yeah, you killed me. So what?". Why should it be any different in SoD? The devs at Beamdog shouldn't have to account for you killing party members.

    Oh, and in regards to chaotic evil characters...there's a reason that most D&D DMs outright ban chaotic evil characters and why some ban chaotic characters in general. Chaotic evil characters are usually outright insane and tend to have no issue doing things that break "the campaign". If you want to play the chaotic evil Bhaalspawn who kills anyone and everyone, as the whim takes you, regardless of consequence...that is your choice. But the devs shouldn't have to put up with your willful asshat-ery. It should NOT be up to the devs to make multiple scenarios to account for CHARNAME killed "X important NPC for no goddamn good reason".
  • kanemikanemi Member Posts: 31

    Why should it affect their appearance? These are plot-critical characters. Also, we're talking about a world where there are scrolls of "Raise Dead"/"Resurrection", clerics who can raise folks, etc., etc. In BG2 back in the day, the line was always (paraphrased), "Yeah, you killed me. So what?". Why should it be any different in SoD? The devs at Beamdog shouldn't have to account for you killing party members.

    Oh, and in regards to chaotic evil characters...there's a reason that most D&D DMs outright ban chaotic evil characters and why some ban chaotic characters in general. Chaotic evil characters are usually outright insane and tend to have no issue doing things that break "the campaign". If you want to play the chaotic evil Bhaalspawn who kills anyone and everyone, as the whim takes you, regardless of consequence...that is your choice. But the devs shouldn't have to put up with your willful asshat-ery. It should NOT be up to the devs to make multiple scenarios to account for CHARNAME killed "X important NPC for no goddamn good reason".
    Biff the Understudy was actually created in case CHARNAME murdered someone plot sensitive. He can even join your party in certain cases.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    kanemi said:

    Biff the Understudy was actually created in case CHARNAME murdered someone plot sensitive. He can even join your party in certain cases.

    Great. Biff the Understudy should not be used because someone decides to play the chaotic evil jackass.

  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    I think it was quite a funny self aware get out clause. More elegant than a pop up saying yoy broke the game.
  • cloudkillbeatsallcloudkillbeatsall Member Posts: 98
    There will be a new expansion to ensure continuity.
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