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Barbed Club of Pain (Russian translation update v1.6)

artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
edited July 2019 in BG:EE Mods
Update 1.6 Russian Translation

I'm creating a new Club for BG because I think it's lacking a weapon for my evil Cleric/Thief (assassin).

Barbed Club of Pain

Unidentified description:

Most clubs are stout, hardwood sticks, narrow at the grip and wider at the end. This one is very light weight and slim, so it’s easy to handle but can’t do much damage. Only the metal pieces in it, make it appear dangerous. Anyone can find a good stout piece of wood and swing it; hence the club's widespread use.

Identified description: (Thanks @Kamigoroshi )

A Loviatan priest from the Resting Place of the Whip in Melvaunt created the Barbed Club of Pain to use as an offhand weapon beside his whip. It was used as a reward for an allied Bhaalist assassin who fulfilled a mission for the temple. Since then the Barbed Club of Pain was used for several assassinations and always left distinct marks on the dead, cold bodies. While not efficient for one-hit backstab kills, a successful hit with this club lets victims to be overcome by excessive pain and critical blood loss that can eventually lead to their demise.

In contrast to most other clubs, this weapon is crafted from a simple thin stick. Its slim size and low weight makes the club easy to handle and allows for dangerously precise maneuverability. Numerous metal barbs grew out of the wood, carefully created through the priest's magic and Loviatar's fell blessing. With every strike sharp barbs dig into the victim's flesh, causing extreme pain and even extra damage that continues for some time after the blow.


Item value 2000 GP

Weight 3 lbs.
Identify ??

Combat type Melee
Proficiency Type Clubs
Handing 1-handed
Damage 1d4 +1, +3 bleeding damage/round, lasting two rounds.
THACO +1 bonus
Damage type Crushing
Speed 4

Minimum requirements
Strength 3
Usable All (even mages)

Other thoughts:
Cold iron or silver for greater werewolfs/wolfweres? Loviatar and Malar are Allies so not likely.

Poison? Bleeding is better. Why? Loviatar likes pain and suffering. Poison is better suited for Talona (who is an enemy of Loviatar)

1d4 why? Because it will easily become a very overpowered weapon. It’s now a lightweight stick, instead of a thick club.

+1 Thac0 an damage why? Because it’s easier to handle (like the masterwork items in IWD) the +1 damage will maybe get lost if it’s to overpowered.

Alignment restiction: is it used on any weapon? I think not. Loviatar will be pleased if an Ilmateri priest uses it.

Where to place it? Maybe an encounter with a priest? Firewine, Ulcaster?

Progress v1.3:
The weapon works
Bleeding damage works (copied from Valygars blade)
Bleeding icon works on Imoen
Description not yet in dialog.tlk
added to store
New BAM's used. Update 1.1 Melee BAM's corrected
It says Imoen: poisoned if i hit her. I copied the effect of Insect swarm (with lesser duration)

Update 1.3 Damage fixed (no more poison)!
Update 1.5 Italian translation by @Aedan
Update 1.6 Italian translation by @Saigon1983
Post edited by artificial_sunlight on


  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Reserved: for quest info
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Loviatar? Barbed?? Club?! You, sir, have my full attention! :D

    While I'm not an native speaker of the English language, I've still tried my luck in rewording the identificated description of this awesome weapon at bit:


    "A Loviatan priest from the Resting Place of the Whip in Melvaunt created the Barbed Club of Pain as an offhand weapon beside his whip. The weapon was later given to an allied Bhaalist assassin as a reward who, unbeknownst to himself, fulfilled a mission for the temple. Since then the Barbed Club of Pain was used for several assassinations and always left distinct marks on the dead, cold bodies. While not efficient for one-hit backstab kills, a successful hit with this club lets victims to be overcome by excessive pain and critical blood loss that can eventually lead to their demise.

    In contrast to most other clubs, this weapon is crafted from a simple thin stick. Its slim size and low weight makes the club easy to handle and allows for dangerously precise maneuverability. Numerous metal barbs grew out of the wood, carefully created through the priest's magic and Loviatar's fell blessing. With every strike sharp barbs dig into the victim's flesh, causing extreme pain and even extra damage that continues for some time after the blow."

    Personally, I don't think it's really immersive to allow Good aligned characters to wield this weapon. Most of them would probably find it... distasteful... to equip something like this. Just like the Human Flesh Armor.

    I'm not sure about possible locations for this club though. Given its special properties, it should be in a place where low level parties shouldn't have access... the Bandit Camp, perhaps? But I imagine that would probably be not compatible with your upcoming quest. Or, wait! I *think* I do remember that there was something akin to a torture champer within the Cloud Peak Mountains in Rasaads quest? Something like this would be a likely location for an encounter with Loviatar's faithful.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Thank you sir! @Kamigoroshi‌

    There are only a tiny few weapons who are alignment restricted. But its on my consideration list.

    I will change my description with your input.

    And maybe I will lose the +1 damage if it's overpowered. Maybe I put it somewere around firewine.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2014
    The club is ready for clubbing :) But still in BETA. I used Weidu 236 so its easy install.

    And if someone can check if i messed some things up in the .tp2 or .itm ? This is my first mod so I like to hear your comments.

    On my to do list are the grapics.
    On my wish list is creating a small quest.
    Post edited by artificial_sunlight on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    The club is ready for clubbing :) But still in BETA. I used Weidu 236 so its easy install.

    And if someone can check if i messed some things up in the .tp2 or .itm ? This is my first mod so I like to hear your comments.

    On my to do list are the grapics.
    On my wish list is creating a small quest.

    Everything seems OK to me, no messes! Just two little things that _might_ be relevant ;)
    On the code… You could add the VERSION (VERSION "version number/anytype of text") flag (before the BEGIN ~component name~ and after AUTHOR ~author name~) so you can keep track of each version when it's installed, but that's minor ;)

    I don't know this was intentional… but the Club has a quantity of 5 in the Store. Here's the mistake:
    You're adding the club with 10 charges (no effect in the game, but if you are an OCD like me you'll want to change it) and you're adding 5 copies of the club (that does have some effect in the game), to fix it you should change it to:
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2014
    @CrevsDaak‌ thank you very much. I will fix that, there should be only one copy.

    This week I will try to create new BAMs, so it will look special.

    Does anyone know what kind of club graphics are used in IWD? Because it bothers me, that all clubs look the same in BGEE (maybe I can edit the night club to black)
    Post edited by artificial_sunlight on
  • The Club is Compatible with V1.3. And version 0.3 is almost ready.

    At this time I only have trouble with DLTCEP, I cannot save re-colored BAMs.
  • I have made some new BAM's and recolored some clubs. And Recolored the ingame animation color!

    Bottom pic from left to right:
    Club, Club +1, Mighty oak +2, Night Club, Root of the problem, Chanev's Fish, Barbed club of Pain

    Cross post from
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2014
    V1.0 is ready, easy install, new names with Prefix S3, new BAM.
    Uninstall V0.2 first.

    Please post all problems in this topic!

    The new version is ready Update 1.1 Melee BAM's corrected!
    Post edited by artificial_sunlight on

  • The new version is ready Update 1.3 No longer says Poison damage!
    Loviatar is a very happy penguin.
    Talona is very angry now.....
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Confirmed working on the update since SoD. :)
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Hello :)
    Very nice and useful item.
    I translated this mod in Italian. Can you please add the translation to your mod?
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Yes @Aedan I will do that. I will make it a lesson Italian for myself. I have to practice for my vacation in July.

    If anyone makes a traslation, I will ad it to my mod.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    Wow! If you want some suggestions and tips about Italy, just PM me :)
    Thanks for the mod and for adding the Italian translation.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    @Aedan and/or other Italians can you check if the Italian translation works. I'm at work and don't have BG installed on my work laptop.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    @Daevelon @Moradin
    Can you please do a quick test and check if the Italian translation of the club works fine?

    Thank you very much :)
  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    @Aedan Sorry, i'm at work...
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Nevermind, I tested myself.

    I installed the mod with success, but the game crashes to desktop when I try to check the halfling's store.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @Aedan check if encoding is correct. I believe it should be UTF-8 (without BOM).
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited April 2016
    Aedan said:

    I installed the mod with success, but the game crashes to desktop when I try to check the halfling's store.

    It's an encoding issue. Both tra files (English and Italian) are ANSI instead of UTF-8. The easiest solution would be reencoding them in UTF-8, but that would break compatibility with non-EE games.

    A better solution is to use HANDLE_CHARSETS in WeiDU. This requires the following changes:

    1) update WeiDU (the version included in the mod is old, from before HANDLE_CHARSET was added)

    2) change a bit the structure of the lang folder from




    3) add iconv inside the lang folder (you can just copy the whole iconv folder from mods like Edwin Romance or BG1 NPC Project)

    4) in the tp2 file replace
    LANGUAGE "English" "ENGLISH" "ClubOfPain/lang/english.tra"
    LANGUAGE "Italian" "ITALIAN" "ClubOfPain/lang/italian.tra"

    // BG:EE tra conversion
    // Code borrowed from Edwin Romance and adjusted: HANDLE_CHARSETS in now included in WeiDU
    // For complete description check Edwin Romance and the WeiDU forum topic on HANDLE_CHARSETS

    // Array of the TRA files which should be reloaded after being converted

    // Array of the TRA files which should not be converted (none in this case, so we leave it empty):

    infer_charset = 1
    tra_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lang~
    noconvert_array = S3noconvert
    reload_array = S3reload

    LANGUAGE "English" "ENGLISH" "ClubOfPain/lang/english/game.tra"
    LANGUAGE "Italian" "ITALIAN" "ClubOfPain/lang/italian/game.tra"
    @artificial_sunlight, I took the liberty to do these changes for you in the attached modified version of the mod.

    The new version is much larger (5.5M) because of the iconv folder. If this is an issue, I can show an alternate method that it is a bit less straightforward, but it does not require to include iconv in the mod.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Erg said:

    It's an encoding issue. Both tra files (English and Italian) are ANSI instead of UTF-8. The easiest solution would be reencoding them in UTF-8, but that would break compatibility with non-EE games.

    A better solution is to use HANDLE_CHARSET in WeiDU. This requires the following changes:

    1) update WeiDU (the version included in the mod is old, from before HANDLE_CHARSET was added)

    2) change a bit the structure of the lang folder from




    3) add iconv inside the lang folder (you can just copy the whole iconv folder from mods like Edwin Romance or BG1 NPC Project)

    4) in the tp2 file replace
    LANGUAGE "English" "ENGLISH" "ClubOfPain/lang/english.tra"
    LANGUAGE "Italian" "ITALIAN" "ClubOfPain/lang/italian.tra"

    // BG:EE tra conversion
    // Code borrowed from Edwin Romance and adjusted: HANDLE_CHARSETS in now included in WeiDU
    // For complete description check Edwin Romance and the WeiDU forum topic on HANDLE_CHARSETS

    // Array of the TRA files which should be reloaded after being converted

    // Array of the TRA files which should not be converted (none in this case, so we leave it empty):

    infer_charset = 1
    tra_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lang~
    noconvert_array = S3noconvert
    reload_array = S3reload

    LANGUAGE "English" "ENGLISH" "ClubOfPain/lang/english/game.tra"
    LANGUAGE "Italian" "ITALIAN" "ClubOfPain/lang/italian/game.tra"
    @artificial_sunlight, I took the liberty to do these changes for you in the attached modified version of the mod.

    The new version is much larger (5.5M) because of the iconv folder. If this is an issue, I can show an alternate method that it is a bit less straightforward, but it does not require to include iconv in the mod.
    Or do just that :smile:
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    It works like a charme now. Thank you, @Erg!
    I noticed a small typo that I fixed (THACO is wrong; the right word is THAC0). Attached the updated translation.


    Post edited by Aedan on
  • MoradinMoradin Member Posts: 372
    @Aedan I was sleeping! It was 4 AM when you sent me the message, sorry!
    Anyways, I think I found a couple of grammar mistakes

    "ha sempre segni distintivi sui freddi cadaveri" doesn't make sense. Should't it be "ha sempre lasciato".
    Other things I'm not convinced of are: "con una sola pugnalata", would change to "come una sola pugnalata";
    "e il suo leggero peso"... works in english, in italian I'd switch the position of the adjective: "e il suo peso leggero". "Dalla maglia del sacerdote". Che sacerdote? Quello che l'ha forgiata?
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Thanks you all, I created the files in Notepad++ and they worked. But today I edited them with the normal Notepad in Windows so I broke them. I will fix the mod (or use your fixed version) and upload the New version.

    Thanks @Cahir @Erg and @Aedan
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited April 2016

    I will fix the mod (or use your fixed version) and upload the New version.

    Feel free to use the code I've posted, if you want. You don't have to credit me for it, credit for both the implementation of HANDLE_CHARSETS in WeiDU and the sample tp2 code shown above should go to Wisp.

    Few notes for other modders willing to implement something similar in their own mod:

    1) remember to replace S3 with your own modder prefix in the sample tp2 code above
    2) the tra file can be named as you like, not necessarily "game.tra", but you must have a separate folder for each language


    3) a new version of WeiDU should be released soon (currently is on beta testing). Once is out, you should update WeiDU and replace
    to avoid crashes on BG:EE+SOD.

    Until then, you should be fine (i.e. no crashes) on BG:EE+SOD, because current WeiDU (v239) still treats SOD like BG:EE.
    Post edited by Erg on
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Erg said:

    Feel free to use the code I've posted, if you want. You don't have to credit me for it, credit for both the implementation of HANDLE_CHARSETS in WeiDU and the sample tp2 code shown above should go to Wisp.

    Few notes for other modders willing to implement something similar in their own mod:

    1) remember to replace S3 with your own modder prefix in the sample tp2 code above
    2) the tra file can be named as you like, not necessarily "game.tra", but you must have a separate folder for each language
    I think this deserves a separate stickied thread. Otherwise it'll be buried eventually uder following posts.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
  • noctem93noctem93 Member Posts: 63
    I've installed the mod; what store can I find it in? Playing BGEE at the moment, not BG2EE. Thanks!
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Have you read the readme :)
  • noctem93noctem93 Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2016
    I can't seem to find the readme. There is no readme file in any of the folders that the mod's install created, nor is there a readme in the main BGEE folder nor in the Doc's folder where I have all my saves and portraits etc.
    Thanks for the spoiler though, that helps :)
    Post edited by noctem93 on
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