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Arnaeus Fighter/Sorcerer RP w/party no-reload SCS



  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @Arnaeus I think about it for a long time actually, and for my next playthroughts, I'm going to ban the Dagger and the Scimitar you're talking about (from one of the first ambushes, no less) and also a Sling (5 APR also). All the +3 items are fine, they're cool and as you said you feel like you earn them. Plus, you will need them to suceed.

    To my mind, they are already some hugely powerful weapons in the vanilla game (Drizzt's scimitars, Staff of Strike, Dagger of Venom, Spider's Bane, etc), so having a couple extra choices isn't bad. My Blackguard can use the scimitar you're speaking of, and dual wield it with Drizzt's scimitar to get 5 APR but it is still too risky to play like that and I nearly died in the Arcane Sanctum. Now I'm back to my Longbow ...

    So while the items that give +1 (or more !) APR are terribly overpowered, the others are really fine in my opinion.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Sorry for the delay in updates. After realizing the power of that throwing dagger I felt like I had cheated through a section of the game and that didn't sit right for me and I couldn't decide what to do. I have decided to reload; I know this is a no-reload challenge but I hadn't died and this will not advantage me in any way, in fact it will make the game harder.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2015
    The smell of wet earth and stale air hung heavily in the cave as the pair descended, Arnaeus' light spell casting the cave in an eerie red light. they could not help but note the huge gouges that marred the dirt walls; The pair knew those marks were made by the great claws of an Ankheg, giant insects into whose hive they now descended.

    It had seemed an easy enough task when Taerom had proposed it after they had shown him the strange green armor they had found far to the south in Nashkel; He had identified the hide from which it had been created and offered them a small fortune if they could retrieve a supply for him. It was only once they were below the earth, hearing the faint chitter of the creatures in the distance that they began to reconsider their previous confidence.

    Suddenly the wall before them exploded and Imoen was forced to dive for cover as the huge green form filling the sudden gap slashed at her with claws as long as her body. The creature pulled back its great head and dove at her, great mandibles open wide. Arnaeus' stepped forward and battered aside its head with his great shield and his sleep magic enveloped it. As the giant insect hit the ground it reverberated with such force that it seemed the tunnel would come crashing down around them.

    As the creature slept Imoen put an arrow through its eye and deep into its brain.

    They continued deeper into the creatures nest and each time they were discovered sleep magic proved to be the undoing of the otherwise daunting creatures. As they reached the hives heart they found a horde of magical items, the creatures must have been attracted to their aura, and mixed amongst them the body of a teenage boy.

    Having stowed their treasure and the carapaces of over 30 Ankegs in their seemly limitless bag of holding the pair departed for the surface. Approaching the nearest farm they discovered the boys distraught father, who thanked them for returning the body that he may bury it.


    Their task completed they first ventured further north to Ulgoths beard for rest, where they purchased an enchanted Greenstone amulet. The next day as they exited the Inn to head back to Beregost they were confronted by a heavily armored dwarf who offered his services if they would help clear out his old clan home. Arnaeus was sceptical but Imoen agreed before he could speak.


    Post edited by Arnaeus on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    In my wizard slayer's run which you can follow, I've decided no to use really OP items.

    For example, I'm fine with extra arrows +2, of dispelling, of detonation etc because there're plenty of them in the vanilla game and they cost a lot. Also, I'm fine with extra protection scrolls for the same reason.

    But +3 items, decapitating weapons and shields +5 are somewhat "not for BG1".

    Although I think it would be absolutely OK to use all these items in additional encounters the Dark Horizons mod bring - the content is additional and consists of tough enemies: it would be fine to use powerful weapons to defeat them.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Thanks for the feedback @Bengoshi, it's definitely helping me find what is 'fair' to get other peoples thoughts on the matter.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2015
    The sun had just slipped from sight as they reached the Friendly arm inn, its last rays bathing the horizon in a gentle purple glow.

    They knew the assassin would still be waiting for them just as he was when they had fled from Candlekeep. But the last two months had changed them both, no longer were they scared children fleeing a masked figure in the night; now they were combat hardened adventurers who had only begun to realize their own potential.

    They gestured for Thorin to wait outside, this fight was theirs alone.

    As they approached the drawbridge Imoen drew upon her shadow powers and disappeared from sight. As the assassin saw Arnaeus approaching he called upon his magics, creating false duplicates of himself and throwing balls of magic that bounced harmlessly off Arnaeus' own protections. The guards scrambled to intercept but they were far too late.

    The mages next spell turned to bloody gargles as Imoens sword burst from his chest. She spat on her victim as she cleaned her sword on a section of his robe before retrieving his sachel

    "That is for Gorion" She whispered as she kicked him down the inns stairs.

    Thorin now with them, they entered the inn and hands fell immediately to weapons once more as an armed elvish couple approached them. But the man, broad for an elf, raised his hands to show he was unarmed a warm smile on his face.

    "W-we mean no h-harm. Y-you are Gorions wards are you not? We h-had expected you much earlier"

    His companion remained more guarded.

    "Where is Gorion? You were meant to be here months ago and now you arrive without your father?"

    Tears flowed freely as the events since Candlekeep were recounted and many toasts to Gorion were made that night as they shared tales of his life.

    As the night grew late and the tavern emptied Imoen begun to study the dead assassins spellbook, guided by the half-elven Khalid who despite his stutter had knowledge of the arcane arts. After a time she turned to Arnaeus

    "This feels right, Gorion was always trying to teach us this stuff but neither of us had a head for it. I think this is what he'd want for me"


    ((Ok I like kitting NPCs... I know it makes them more powerful but its mainly because to me it makes them more interesting. Besides being a basically blind no-reload means I feel like I can take some small liberties with power like this.

    Totemic druid just seems to fit Jahira for me. Khalid was already changed to a fighter/mage with one of my mods but I added wild mage because for me it kind of fits his stutter.. though I could easily end up regretting that decision if his wild magic ends my run lol))
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    ((I have decided I don't really like the 1use/day of bhaalspawn powers.. it doesn't feel very epic. So instead I've moved them and changed them into sorceror spells that Arnaeus has access to. This means he can cast them more than once but they are no longer 'free' spells. I think this is a fairly balanced change and helps me feel the bhaal influence more)

    As Arnaeus descended to the inns taproom he saw Imoen and Khalid once more immersed in the mages spell book. He couldn't help but smile at the content look on Imoens face but his own feelings were very different.

    Ever since meeting Khalid and Jahira he had been restless and he had finally made the decision to visit Gorions grave, hoping for a sense of closure. He had already left a note for them and so quietly slipped from the inn as they worked.

    Unfortunately Gorions resting place was not the balm he had hoped for so when he encountered a wizard and a halfling offering good pay for escort to Nashkel he agreed quickly. They traveled south quickly, stopping only in Beregost long enough to drop the Ankeg shells for Taerom; The smith could not believe the quantity they had collected but after some haggling they agreed on the princely sum of eleven thousand gold pieces and another suit of armor.

    Not far outside Beregost another pair of assassins fell upon them. They lacked subtly for as Arnaeus and his companions approached they were conversing loudly about how they would kill them.

    Arnaeus had just drawn back his dagger to throw when the woman took a swig from a bottle and disappeared from sight. She appeared a moment later as her dagger drove into his side, though luckily his magical warding kept the blow from being fatal. The halfling Monteron responded in kind and as soon as his blade struck home she began frothing at the mouth, in mere moments she was dead.


    The man lunged at Arnaeus and though his blade struck only a glancing blade the magic within it took hold and froze his limbs in place. Another blow struck home and Arnaeus was on the brink of death.


    Xzar threw forth a horror spell in desperation and luckily it took hold, sending the assassin fleeing the group. He did not last long, as the magic on Arnaeus dissipated they hunted down and dispatched the man before he had a chance to do it again.


    After a nights rest in which bandages and potions undid as much of the damage as could be expected in a short time the party continued south. Their next encounter was no assassin, instead it was a beautiful women who challenged any man in the group to a fight.

    The stakes were set, twenty gold to the woman if she won while she would pledge her services to any man who beat her; Arnaeus could not help but smirk at the services such a woman could provide him.

    The woman fought well but she was not expecting to encounter magical protections and before long she yielded. Still, her display had been impressive and Arnaeus was forced to admit she could be more than a potential bedwarmer for him.


  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    In the town of Nashkel a man named Edwin attempted to recruit the party to kill a witch. Xzar seemed oddly interested in the man who he called simply, 'the red wizard' and so the contract was accepted.

    On the way towards the gnoll stronghold in which the witch was imprisoned they encountered a greatsword wielding Orc who single handedly slew a group of bandits. It seemed word of Arnaeus had spread as the Orc had clearly heard of him and pledged his sword to him in exchange for assistance avenging those who had betrayed him.

    It did not take long before Shar-teel took issue with the lumbering Dorn and challenged him to a dual, Dorn took a single swing at her with the flat of his blade, sending her flying to the ground and she quickly conceded the fight.

    A dryad sought the groups help against loggers but she had not taken into account Xzar who instead decided to drain her blood for his perverse experiments.

    On the bridge to the gnoll stronghold yet another group of assassins confronted them. The first fell to Monterons traps but the rest were not deterred.


    Xzar and Dorn fell to a confusion spell and in his confused state Xzar offered no resistance to the assailants blade.


    The assassin used potions of invisibility to keep hidden from the group and then strike them when they were vulnerable. Eventually Monterons poisoned bullets were too much for him.


    A dwarf charged the group next and Edwin threw a horror spell towards him, however it became clear from the female screams of panic that the dwarf was not the only one affected by the magic, even if their other enemy was hidden from sight. Both enemies were cut down as they ran in terror.


    Compared to the assassins the gnolls and witch proved no issue and were efficiently dispatched. Having extracted a pledge of loyalty from each of his companions Arnaeus did some shopping with his new found wealth in the Nashkel carnival, Thalantyrs tower and finally the Friendly Arm Inn.


    ((shorty saves combined with magical items have Arnaeus very powerful for his level I believe. Hopefully there will be less close calls in the future thanks to how well he is now equipped.))
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Very good progress @Arnaeus , you did very well against Allister and co, this guy is a beast, especially considering you encounter him on a very low level area. I remembered how he annihilated both Dorn and Edwin at full HP with a single Sunfire spell in my playthrough, very scary.

    Also, I really like what you did with your Bhaalspawn powers, it makes your character unique and I think the taint should affect all Charnames differently.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    @gotural thanks, yeah it has really helped solidify the character in my mind. In my mind he gains his magical abilities from his divine blood so it just seems to fit. I also tend to have a bad habit of forgetting about any ability that is in that other abilities button so it's nice to get a bit more use out of them for once. Being able to have a drain spell that isn't terrible really suits the fighter/caster play style as well.

    I am not sure they cast sunfire on me so I perhaps got a bit lucky to avoid that spell. It was definitely a tough fight, the way the AI from that mod spam invisibility potions and backstab can be very hard to deal with. I still haven't gotten back down into the mines after I reloaded due to accidentally using OP weapons but I'm kind of dreading having to do that fight again, I came very close to game over last time.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2015
    ((Ok so the next section is a bit strange. I decided that since I am treating Imoen as another PC that if Arnaeus can have his own adventures without her, why not the other way around? So using a bit of EEKeeper and multiplayer game mode I switched her to be the CHARNAME slot temporarily))

    Imoen starred bitterly at her mead, she could already feel the effects of all the drinks that came before but she was in no mood to be sensible. Arnaeus had returned that day, a small army of followers training in his wake. At first she had been overjoyed to see him will but that quickly turned to anger that he had just left her there for weeks without letting her know where he was.

    "Treats me like a child" She mumbled to herself before taking another swig "I've been there with him every step of the way yet he still feels he has to protect me.. well I'll show him"

    She took a moment to steady herself as she stood, the world twirling around her. With surprising stealth given her inebriated state she snuck up the stairs and into Arnaeus room where she retrieved his backpack before heading out of the inn.


    Several days later she found herself in Mutamins Grove once more. When last they were here she had relied on Arnaeus to protect her from the basilisks fell gaze as well as slay them. Now however Khalid had taught her the magics of protection and she was determined to show she was as capable an adventurer as anyone.

    Donning Arnaeus' magical equipment and casting her spells she began her hunt.

    Many of the creatures remained and one by one she ended their existence. With each battle she studied her magical protections and made corrections. By the time the last basilisk had fallen she had learned much.


    Satisfied she had proved herself Imoen stopped in the halfling village of Gullykin to rest before heading back to the friendly arm inn. However there she met the halfling Alora, the two hit it off instantly and it was not long before Alora had convinced her to explore the firewine ruins. Halfings had been going missing and they would seek answers.

    Before heading into the ruins to investigate they traveled to Thalantyrs tower to purchase more scrolls for Imoen to study. There they met the elven archer Kivan who offered his aid.

    The trio entered the ruins and initially their progress was good. Squad after squad of kobold fell before them.


    Things became much harder as Alora ran into a mage as she scouted ahead.


    His protections were strong and magical lightning nearly put an end to Alora


    When his spells were finally exhausted the mage retreated and called on his ogre allies before finally he fell


    However there was one ogre who stayed back waiting for the party to be weakened. Apparently the mastermind of the attacks this ogre had magic of his own and attacked, using his magic to knock out Imoen.


    But Alora and Kivan led the beast away from Imoens vulnerable form and together bought it down.

  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    So I have decided to add Spell and Item revision to my playthrough, I would have had them in from the start but did not realize they were BG1EE compatible.

    The spell revisions does raise a question though due to the significant changes it makes to many spells. Would my readers find it acceptable if I changed my sorcerer spell selections as a one off based on these SR changes or should I just stick with them?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I think you should do as you wish the most. The fun from reading is obliged majorly to the feeling the author himself puts into his writing.

    So only if you enjoy your story yourself we can enjoy it too.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited April 2015
    I liked what you did with Imoen, a very unique take on the story.

    Also I agree with ben, you should change your spell selection if it makes your experience better and more enjoyable.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Sorry for the delay guys, had my computer die but am getting up and running again now. Stay tuned for a new update soon!
  • AnonymousHeroAnonymousHero Member Posts: 98
    Arnaeus said:

    Sorry for the delay guys, had my computer die but am getting up and running again now. Stay tuned for a new update soon!

    A bit of necromancy here, but have you put this mod up anywhere it can be downloaded? I'm just curious as to how it plays. (Perhaps it would be possible to just attach it to your original post?)
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Do you mind me to ask how you bypassed the engine limits to create your Fighter/Sorcerer? You made it as an sorcerer kit i believe, otherwise you wouldn't get the spontaneous casting ability.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    @kamuizin @AnonymousHero no idea if either of you are still interested but I attached the file to the first post now. No idea if patches broke it or even if there are bugs from when I created it but it is there
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited April 2016
    Thx dude, being there it can be refined by whoever know how to mod (i suck in this). maybe i try a run after i prepare my final saves for SoDS.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Ok so 1 year on from abandoning it I am going to pick this run back up. blame @gotural because his very nice message on my profile about me disappearing convinced me.

    From what I can tell a lot of mods seem to be incompatible with the new patch so I will likely have to wait for the key mods I'm using to be made compatible. From there I will likely also start a new game and replicate my actions as closely as possible to catch up to the story, I think this is the best course for a compatibility point of view.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Hourray! Welcome back @Arnaeus the forum missed you!

    I'm really happy that you wish to continue your run, I really liked the idea of a strong emphasis on your duo with an improved Imoen.

    I still didn't try 2.0, but I think you're right about the mod compatibility, I hope everything will work quickly.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Ok good news guys, I seem to have the mods pretty ok now. Going to try and run through to catch up to the story during the week. Next weekend is a long weekend for me so hopefully I'll be able to post a new chapter then but of course it depends on if I encounter any bugs along the way which is a distinct possibility with the mods.
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