@elminster To be honest the kits - as they are - are pretty good. I'm using Divinate of Mystra (well, renamed him to fit the order, but yeah :P) and find his choice of abilities to be pretty sweet as Spellglow is a really unique, interesting and sweet way to prepare my archer to fight and his spells are nice as well. Perhaps granting them all a level 5 kit spell would be all that is needed.
I'd suggest: - Mordekainen's Sword (adjusted for level 5) or Lower Resistance for Mystra Kit - Level 5 version of Conjure Animals or Animal Summoning II for Mielikki Kit (she's one of foresty deities, I imagine it's within her sphere of influence to be able to grant animal companions to Paladins) - Warrior of Suffering is fine as he is.
Maybe granting them a few innate abilities would do nicely. Other than that they're fine.
@elminster Installed fine - playing with a Icepriest of Auril among others and when talking with Lysan in the yeti cave, there is no *special interaction* with her- merely find an extra line of repeated dialogue in five aspects of the conversation blocks in error. So something like:
1. What have you done, Lysan? 2. I have heard enough of this! Die! 3. What have you done, Lysan?
@fireandsteel73 I'm going to need more specifics about which dialog paths you took.
Mod basically just restricts access to a bunch of dialogue options (anything where you say you want to kill Lysan - as its a pretty stringent requirement that Auril priests not kill eachother). It also adds in the following five lines for players to say (depending on which dialogue path they take access to them will vary).
~You fool. Auril sends you to make the people of Kuldahar quiver in fear, yet for all the power she grants you you have scarcely done so. Instead a dead warrior shows more fear of the cold than the living in Kuldahar.~ ~You speak of Auril yet you do not follow her tenants. Kuldahar's fires have never been hotter. Even when you tended to them as a barmaid. Their smith burns bright and their houses are warm. Even while you slept within.~ ~The spirit of the tomb sent me. His fear of Auril amused me, enough to see the enemy even the long dead still fear.~ ~He offers me information, a tool quite valuable here in the North. In return I am to rid him of you. Why do you have such interest in assaulting a spirit that is long dead?~ ~It is against our own vows, but so be it!~
There are also some additional dialogues available when speaking with other npcs you encounter early on (some of them are responses that NPCs give to these statements as well).
//Talking to Grisella
~Useless. What value is a tavern without drink?~
~Then go get me a cold drink! I grow weary of the warmth of this place.~
~You grow weary of the warmth of this place? What an odd thing to be complaining about.~
~So then, speak up already. What's the problem?~
~Forgive me. Its been a long trip and that was merely a slip of the tongue. Might I inquire about the difficulty you've been having?~
~Then go get me a cold drink!~
//Pomab dialogue
~I'd watch where you wag that tongue of yours, shopkeeper. Before I throw you out into the snow myself.~
//Dialogue with Erevain
~Auril seeks to remind us of her power with this cold. Never forget that.~ ~Truer words have never been spoken my friend. Is there something you need?~ ~I'm looking for rumours. Heard any?~ ~No nothing. Just introducing myself.~
//Dialogue with Hrothgar
~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, we're in.~ ~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, I'm in.~
~Auril would surely look favourably upon the village if you gave some gold as tribute.~
~I'll not give this village up to the Frostmaiden, however much she would like that. For your sake I hope you aren't in league with her, because if so you'll find no refuge either here or in Kuldahar with talk like that.~ ~Very well, when do we leave?~ ~I was merely offering a suggestion. When do we leave?~ ~From the look of this place I'm hoping for a particularly brutal winter.~ ~More talk like that will get you a blade to the gut. The town has enough problems and doesn't need anyone praying for more harm to come to it.~ ~Very well, when do we leave?~ ~Forgive me it was a joke that was in poor taste. When do we leave?~
~For the treasure only of course. When do we leave?~
//Hermit Dialogue ~They were fools from the start. Hear these words and tell this to others that you meet. These frost giants were servants of Auril. Those that attempt to disturb her work will suffer a similar fate.~ ~Very well. Where are you headed?~
//Nate Dialogue
~I heard that Auril likes to snatch talkative little boys who are wandering along the edge of town. She then turns them into ice and displays them for all to see. Best you run along before something happens.~ ~Eeeeek!~
I renamed them for my own sake to Mystic Fire Knight (Mystra), Shadoweir of Mielikki (you've got a typo there, I've also seen the term The Arm of Mielikki over the FR forums and fanfics) and Holy Warrior of Suffering (Ilmater). Mystic Fire Knights and Holy Warriors of Suffering are the knightly orders sponsored by Mystra and Ilmater, respectively. Finding information about Shadoweirs/Arms proved to be more difficult.
(totally responding to you 6 months after the fact but here goes)
Shadoweir and Arm of Mielikki are not appropriate. Mielikki reorganized her church long after the events of Icewind Dale (in 1369 specifically), and they were a consequence of that (Icewind Dale is set in 1281 DR). This was actually one of the challenges in creating this mod as there is very little information about some of the gods pre-Time of Troubles. Its also why the kits powers are pretty minor (back then Mielikki was a lesser power).
In any event, I'll be uploading a new version of the mod shortly. It changes the names of the paladin kits and makes some minor corrections. I'm also probably going to get rid of the Mystic Fire's (formerly divinate of mystra) spellglow. The reality is a lot of the enemy AI just can't handle it (I believe I meant it to be kind of based around weaveglow, but in the end its way too powerful considering that enemies can't see you).
Also (I know I mentioned them awhile ago) I lost all the data on the sorcerer kits I was working on. Thankfully though I think they were largely redundant as other modders were already on it.
@fireandsteel73 I'm going to need more specifics about which dialog paths you took.
Mod basically just restricts access to a bunch of dialogue options (anything where you say you want to kill Lysan - as its a pretty stringent requirement that Auril priests not kill eachother). It also adds in the following five lines for players to say (depending on which dialogue path they take access to them will vary).
~You fool. Auril sends you to make the people of Kuldahar quiver in fear, yet for all the power she grants you you have scarcely done so. Instead a dead warrior shows more fear of the cold than the living in Kuldahar.~ ~You speak of Auril yet you do not follow her tenants. Kuldahar's fires have never been hotter. Even when you tended to them as a barmaid. Their smith burns bright and their houses are warm. Even while you slept within.~ ~The spirit of the tomb sent me. His fear of Auril amused me, enough to see the enemy even the long dead still fear.~ ~He offers me information, a tool quite valuable here in the North. In return I am to rid him of you. Why do you have such interest in assaulting a spirit that is long dead?~ ~It is against our own vows, but so be it!~
There are also some additional dialogues available when speaking with other npcs you encounter early on (some of them are responses that NPCs give to these statements as well).
//Talking to Grisella
~Useless. What value is a tavern without drink?~
~Then go get me a cold drink! I grow weary of the warmth of this place.~
~You grow weary of the warmth of this place? What an odd thing to be complaining about.~
~So then, speak up already. What's the problem?~
~Forgive me. Its been a long trip and that was merely a slip of the tongue. Might I inquire about the difficulty you've been having?~
~Then go get me a cold drink!~
//Pomab dialogue
~I'd watch where you wag that tongue of yours, shopkeeper. Before I throw you out into the snow myself.~
//Dialogue with Erevain
~Auril seeks to remind us of her power with this cold. Never forget that.~ ~Truer words have never been spoken my friend. Is there something you need?~ ~I'm looking for rumours. Heard any?~ ~No nothing. Just introducing myself.~
//Dialogue with Hrothgar
~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, we're in.~ ~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, I'm in.~
~Auril would surely look favourably upon the village if you gave some gold as tribute.~
~I'll not give this village up to the Frostmaiden, however much she would like that. For your sake I hope you aren't in league with her, because if so you'll find no refuge either here or in Kuldahar with talk like that.~ ~Very well, when do we leave?~ ~I was merely offering a suggestion. When do we leave?~ ~From the look of this place I'm hoping for a particularly brutal winter.~ ~More talk like that will get you a blade to the gut. The town has enough problems and doesn't need anyone praying for more harm to come to it.~ ~Very well, when do we leave?~ ~Forgive me it was a joke that was in poor taste. When do we leave?~
~For the treasure only of course. When do we leave?~
//Hermit Dialogue ~They were fools from the start. Hear these words and tell this to others that you meet. These frost giants were servants of Auril. Those that attempt to disturb her work will suffer a similar fate.~ ~Very well. Where are you headed?~
//Nate Dialogue
~I heard that Auril likes to snatch talkative little boys who are wandering along the edge of town. She then turns them into ice and displays them for all to see. Best you run along before something happens.~ ~Eeeeek!~
Charisma 18 character engaging Lysan in the yeti cave.
from first conversation:
1. who are you?
1.what are you doing here?
1. are there not better places for a retreat than this one?
1. what faith?
1. I seek a priestess of auril.
3. let us end this game...Lysan, I recognize you as...
1. I would know the tenents of your faith?
2. I have come on behalf of the spirit of the tomb here...
I renamed them for my own sake to Mystic Fire Knight (Mystra), Shadoweir of Mielikki (you've got a typo there, I've also seen the term The Arm of Mielikki over the FR forums and fanfics) and Holy Warrior of Suffering (Ilmater). Mystic Fire Knights and Holy Warriors of Suffering are the knightly orders sponsored by Mystra and Ilmater, respectively. Finding information about Shadoweirs/Arms proved to be more difficult.
(totally responding to you 6 months after the fact but here goes)
Shadoweir and Arm of Mielikki are not appropriate. Mielikki reorganized her church long after the events of Icewind Dale (in 1369 specifically), and they were a consequence of that (Icewind Dale is set in 1281 DR). This was actually one of the challenges in creating this mod as there is very little information about some of the gods pre-Time of Troubles. Its also why the kits powers are pretty minor (back then Mielikki was a lesser power).
In any event, I'll be uploading a new version of the mod shortly. It changes the names of the paladin kits and makes some minor corrections. I'm also probably going to get rid of the Mystic Fire's (formerly divinate of mystra) spellglow. The reality is a lot of the enemy AI just can't handle it (I believe I meant it to be kind of based around weaveglow, but in the end its way too powerful considering that enemies can't see you).
Also (I know I mentioned them awhile ago) I lost all the data on the sorcerer kits I was working on. Thankfully though I think they were largely redundant as other modders were already on it.
I see. Glad to see you respond at all, to be honest. :P Too bad to see Spellglow go, because it's an interesting ability. As you said though, the AI's aggro range cannot take it into consideration.
I don't know if any has posted this before. But I can't install Icepriest of Auril Kit. There is this error:
ERROR: internal label [11] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DNATE] ERROR: postprocessing [DNATE]: Failure("cannot resolve label") ERROR: Failure("cannot resolve label") Install additional dialogue for Icepriest of Auril (A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack) was not installed due to errors.
I don't know if any has posted this before. But I can't install Icepriest of Auril Kit. There is this error:
ERROR: internal label [11] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DNATE] ERROR: postprocessing [DNATE]: Failure("cannot resolve label") ERROR: Failure("cannot resolve label") Install additional dialogue for Icepriest of Auril (A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack) was not installed due to errors.
I've looked it over and I'm not sure why it would be doing that. I've seen the issue before when reinstalling one of my mods. It may just be that an existing DNATE.dlg file is in the override folder already (and needs to be deleted).
ERROR: internal label [40] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DHROTH] ERROR: postprocessing [DHROTH]: Failure("cannot resolve label") ERROR: Failure("cannot resolve label") Install additional dialogue for Icepriest of Auril (A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack) was not installed due to errors.
If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall all your weidu mods and clear out your override folder. Its possible something is being left there from a previous install of the mod.
(to be honest though this component was my first bit of mod writing and overall it is isn't all that well written. It also doesn't add that much in the way of additional content, so you aren't missing that much by not having it)
Both gibberlings3 and shs are down for me (and appear to be that way according to isitdownrightnow as well). So I'm going to be posting a copy of the mod here just in case this is not a temporary thing.
Edit: SHS is back up. From here on out that will be providing the most up to date posting.
Velsharoon didn't become a god until 1368 DR. IWD/IWDEE is set in like 1281 DR. So Myrkul at that point is the god of the dead (probably the closest thing also to the god of necromancy at that point).
These kits working alright in 2.5? They seem to be for me but if anyone has any issues with them (and in particular issues that are a result of the new patch) let me know.
I'd suggest:
- Mordekainen's Sword (adjusted for level 5) or Lower Resistance for Mystra Kit
- Level 5 version of Conjure Animals or Animal Summoning II for Mielikki Kit (she's one of foresty deities, I imagine it's within her sphere of influence to be able to grant animal companions to Paladins)
- Warrior of Suffering is fine as he is.
Maybe granting them a few innate abilities would do nicely. Other than that they're fine.
1. What have you done, Lysan?
2. I have heard enough of this! Die!
3. What have you done, Lysan?
Something's amiss....
But enjoying new classes so thank you
Mod basically just restricts access to a bunch of dialogue options (anything where you say you want to kill Lysan - as its a pretty stringent requirement that Auril priests not kill eachother). It also adds in the following five lines for players to say (depending on which dialogue path they take access to them will vary).
~You fool. Auril sends you to make the people of Kuldahar quiver in fear, yet for all the power she grants you you have scarcely done so. Instead a dead warrior shows more fear of the cold than the living in Kuldahar.~
~You speak of Auril yet you do not follow her tenants. Kuldahar's fires have never been hotter. Even when you tended to them as a barmaid. Their smith burns bright and their houses are warm. Even while you slept within.~
~The spirit of the tomb sent me. His fear of Auril amused me, enough to see the enemy even the long dead still fear.~
~He offers me information, a tool quite valuable here in the North. In return I am to rid him of you. Why do you have such interest in assaulting a spirit that is long dead?~
~It is against our own vows, but so be it!~
There are also some additional dialogues available when speaking with other npcs you encounter early on (some of them are responses that NPCs give to these statements as well).
//Talking to Grisella
~Useless. What value is a tavern without drink?~
~Then go get me a cold drink! I grow weary of the warmth of this place.~
~You grow weary of the warmth of this place? What an odd thing to be complaining about.~
~So then, speak up already. What's the problem?~
~Forgive me. Its been a long trip and that was merely a slip of the tongue. Might I inquire about the difficulty you've been having?~
~Then go get me a cold drink!~
//Pomab dialogue
~I'd watch where you wag that tongue of yours, shopkeeper. Before I throw you out into the snow myself.~
//Dialogue with Erevain
~Auril seeks to remind us of her power with this cold. Never forget that.~
~Truer words have never been spoken my friend. Is there something you need?~
~I'm looking for rumours. Heard any?~
~No nothing. Just introducing myself.~
//Dialogue with Hrothgar
~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, we're in.~
~Kuldahar? I could care less about a threat to it. Still, if there's treasure to be had, I'm in.~
~Auril would surely look favourably upon the village if you gave some gold as tribute.~
~I'll not give this village up to the Frostmaiden, however much she would like that. For your sake I hope you aren't in league with her, because if so you'll find no refuge either here or in Kuldahar with talk like that.~
~Very well, when do we leave?~
~I was merely offering a suggestion. When do we leave?~
~From the look of this place I'm hoping for a particularly brutal winter.~
~More talk like that will get you a blade to the gut. The town has enough problems and doesn't need anyone praying for more harm to come to it.~
~Very well, when do we leave?~
~Forgive me it was a joke that was in poor taste. When do we leave?~
~For the treasure only of course. When do we leave?~
//Hermit Dialogue
~They were fools from the start. Hear these words and tell this to others that you meet. These frost giants were servants of Auril. Those that attempt to disturb her work will suffer a similar fate.~
~Very well. Where are you headed?~
//Nate Dialogue
~I heard that Auril likes to snatch talkative little boys who are wandering along the edge of town. She then turns them into ice and displays them for all to see. Best you run along before something happens.~
Shadoweir and Arm of Mielikki are not appropriate. Mielikki reorganized her church long after the events of Icewind Dale (in 1369 specifically), and they were a consequence of that (Icewind Dale is set in 1281 DR). This was actually one of the challenges in creating this mod as there is very little information about some of the gods pre-Time of Troubles. Its also why the kits powers are pretty minor (back then Mielikki was a lesser power).
In any event, I'll be uploading a new version of the mod shortly. It changes the names of the paladin kits and makes some minor corrections. I'm also probably going to get rid of the Mystic Fire's (formerly divinate of mystra) spellglow. The reality is a lot of the enemy AI just can't handle it (I believe I meant it to be kind of based around weaveglow, but in the end its way too powerful considering that enemies can't see you).
Also (I know I mentioned them awhile ago) I lost all the data on the sorcerer kits I was working on. Thankfully though I think they were largely redundant as other modders were already on it.
Charisma 18 character engaging Lysan in the yeti cave.
from first conversation:
1. who are you?
1.what are you doing here?
1. are there not better places for a retreat than this one?
1. what faith?
1. I seek a priestess of auril.
3. let us end this game...Lysan, I recognize you as...
1. I would know the tenents of your faith?
2. I have come on behalf of the spirit of the tomb here...
then the next dialogue is in the photos attached.
Too bad to see Spellglow go, because it's an interesting ability. As you said though, the AI's aggro range cannot take it into consideration.
ERROR: internal label [11] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DNATE]
ERROR: postprocessing [DNATE]: Failure("cannot resolve label")
ERROR: Failure("cannot resolve label")
Install additional dialogue for Icepriest of Auril (A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack) was not installed due to errors.
It probably won't work but let me know if it works or not.
ERROR: internal label [40] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DHROTH]
ERROR: postprocessing [DHROTH]: Failure("cannot resolve label")
ERROR: Failure("cannot resolve label")
Install additional dialogue for Icepriest of Auril (A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack) was not installed due to errors.
If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall all your weidu mods and clear out your override folder. Its possible something is being left there from a previous install of the mod.
(to be honest though this component was my first bit of mod writing and overall it is isn't all that well written. It also doesn't add that much in the way of additional content, so you aren't missing that much by not having it)
Edit: SHS is back up. From here on out that will be providing the most up to date posting.