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A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack

elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
edited March 2015 in IWD:EE Mods
A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack


- 34 new kits. With more on the way!
- Additional dialogue between an Icepriest of Auril character and Lysan (as well as a few other characters like Hrothgar).
- Unique biographies and kit colours for each kit.

Fighter Kits

- Breachgnome
- Mercenary
- Myrmidon
- Tunnelrat

Ranger kits

- Giant Killer

Paladin kits

- Divinate of Mystra
- Divinate of Mielekki
- Divinate of Ilmater

Monk Kits

- Brother or Sister of the Pure Flame (Kossuth - Lawful Neutral)
- Child of the Passive Voice (Oghma)
- Disciple of the Changeless Face (Grumbar)
- Disciple of the Phoenix (Kossuth - Lawful Good)
- Disciple of the Salamander (Kossuth - Lawful Evil)
- Disciple of the White Rod (Loviatar)
- Disciple of the Yielding Way (Eldath)
- Monk of the Old Order (no deity)
- Monk of the Order of the Long Death (no deity)
- Monk of the Shimmering Wind (Akadi)
- Monk of the Shining Hand (Azuth)
- Monk of the Weeping Friars (Ilmater)
- Zealot of the Written Word (Deneir)

Thief kits

- Mouseburglar
- Pest Controller
- Scout
- Tumbler
- Vermin Slayer

Cleric kits

- Earthwalker of Grumbar
- Shaman of Gruumsh
- Priest of Luthic
- Icepriestess of Auril
- Iceguardian of Uluntiu
- Leaftender
- Treetender

Druid kits

- Hivemaster

Download Link

You can download it here


Provided you don't use the "Cleric Kit Penalties" and "Druid Kit Penalties" components this kitpack should be compatible with other mods.

Bug Reporting: Though I was sure to test each of them it is entirely possible that these kits could have bugs. If you do experience kit or spell specific bugs feel free to report them here. Also don't be using this mod when making any bug reports to Overhaul.

With all that in mind you can find more details about the kits in the next few posts below.

Special Thanks

CrevsDaak - For his kit mod instructions. This wouldn't be possible if those hadn't been written. If you haven't seen it check it out here.

(Also for help with figuring out how dialogue works)

Overhaul/Camdawg - For all their work on IWDEE. Camdawg in particular since I took advantage of some leftover 2DA work for the Priest of Tempus to figure out how to not just grant spells but also base it off of alignment.

Wisp - and anyone else involved with Weidu updating.

Argent77 - For all the work put into Near Infinity. I found it to be tremendously helpful here.

Isaya - For help figuring out dialogue.

Saigon1983 - For providing a Russian translation and pointing out minor tra errors.
Post edited by elminster on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2015
    Thief Kits



    MOUSEBURGLAR: These stealthy characters are consummate spies and sneak thieves who in some
    ways behave more like halflings than the average gnome thief. Striving to be as quiet as mice, they
    infiltrate lairs, mansions, or enemy camps. They rely upon secrecy, disguise, and silence in order to
    conceal their presence. Preferring very much to flee rather than fight, they consider a truly successful
    mission one which is concluded before the victim even learns that the gnome has been there.

    - Can become specialized in shortbows, daggers, slings, darts, and short swords.
    - Level 1: Gains +5% towards Move Silently. This repeats every 3 levels up to a maximum of +50% at
    level 28.
    - Level 2: Gains +5% towards Hide in Shadows. This repeats every 3 levels up to a maximum of +50%
    at level 29.
    - Level 3: Gains +5% towards Find Traps. This repeats every 3 levels up to a maximum of +50% at
    level 30.

    - Gets -1 to their Thac0 when using melee weapons.
    - Cannot become proficient in crossbows.

    - Must be a gnome.
    - Must have at least 13 dexterity and 13 intelligence.

    Pest Controller


    PEST CONTROLLER: Though there are dwarven thieves in the realms that engage in practices of
    theft, many dwarf thieves actually seek to improve their mechanical knowledge instead of their sleight
    of hand. Pest controllers for instance are experts at removing rats, giant spiders, centipedes, carrion
    crawlers, kobolds, and other pests from strongholds and homes. They typically work as part of larger
    guilds, taking on apprentices as needed. They are also experts on improving an areas defensibility by
    laying elaborate traps, and are often hired for such a purpose.

    - You gain access to an additional use of Set Snare every four levels instead of every five levels.
    - Level 1: You gain access to Pest Snare. You can additional uses of this every 5 levels.

    Over numerous centuries Pest Controllers have passed on the technique for making these traps to their
    apprentices. Like traditional traps this trap is designed so that it can strike a target, or even a set of
    targets, from a distance. However, its teeth and mechanisms make it harmless against larger creatures.
    Its damage and effects vary by your characters level.
    Level 1: 5 missile and 10 crushing damage to small and medium sized creatures.
    Level 11: 10 missile and 20 crushing damage to small and medium sized creatures.
    Level 16: 10 missile and 25 crushing damage to small and medium sized creatures. Will slow any target
    affected by it for three rounds.
    Level 21: 15 missile and 25 crushing damage to small and medium sized creatures. Will slay a target
    affected by it if they fail a save vs death (with a +2 bonus). Creatures that survive are slowed for three

    - Starts with +5 towards Move Silently, +5 towards Find Traps, and +10 towards Set Traps.
    - May only distribute 15 points each level towards thieving skills.
    - Starts with -10 towards Pick Pocket.

    - Cannot have higher than 14 charisma.



    SCOUT: A Scout is a thief, usually solitary, who operates in a wilderness setting. Besides working as a
    guide, spy, or saboteur for hire in the wilderness, many Scouts are involved in such illicit activities as
    poaching. Though they lack the "silly ethics" of the ranger class they are not prohibited from being
    good, and in many ways they are more dependable than thieves in general. In fact their rugged
    individualism and harsh judgment often endears them to adventurers.

    - They get +15 to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
    - Once per round Scouts can attempt to make a Surprise Attack against an opponent.

    Once per round Scouts can attempt to make a surprise attack against an opponent. They only have a 1/6
    chance of successfully positioning themselves to make this surprise attack. If they are successful they
    are granted an additional +4 Thac0 and an additional attack per round for the next round (success is
    represented by a Called Shot icon). There are no penalties for not being successful.

    - Level 3: They can track like rangers.

    - The get -5 to Open Locks, Find Traps, Detect Illusion, Set Traps, and Pickpocket.
    - They can only distribute 20 points each level.



    TUMBLER: The Tumbler is a gnome who employs creative and vigorous means to get into places,
    meanwhile performing tricks and feats for the edification of his or her fellow villagers. Adept at
    climbing and falling, the Tumbler can walk a rope stretched between two high points, scale a sheer
    surface, and bob and evade his or her way through deadly combat--often rolling right between a larger
    opponent's legs!

    - Level 1: Can use Tumble once per day. Gains additional uses of this ability once every three levels.

    When activated the Tumbler gains a -6 AC bonus for the next round. This cannot be used in
    conjunction with Climb Walls.

    - Level 3: Can use Climb Walls once per day. Gains additional uses of this ability once every four

    The Tumbler can climb walls or any vertical structure or rock formation in an effort to avoid an enemy.
    For the first round the ability is active the Tumbler is unable to attack, as they are instead looking for a
    ledge to attack back from. During the five rounds this ability is active the Tumbler's AC is improved by
    4 and ranged attacks made by them get a bonus of -4 Thac0. This cannot be used in conjunction with

    - They start with a 15 point penalty to their Open Locks skill.

    - Must be a gnome
    - Must have a dexterity of at least 14.

    Vermin Slayer


    VERMIN SLAYER: The Vermin Slayer is a highly skilled specialist who enters the tunnel systems of
    monsters such as kobolds and goblins with the intention of eradicating them. Vermin Slayers are also
    adept at negotiating the constricted passages created by giant rats, centipedes, and other pests and
    vermin. They are used to fighting in confined spaces and are experts at hiding in shadows, where they
    wait to surprise their prey. Vermin Slayers are similar to Pest Controllers, but where a Pest Controller
    uses traps to catch his prey, Vermin Slayers actively hunt victims with light crossbows and other
    assorted weapons.

    - Can specialize in any weapon or weapon style (*** for Two-Weapon Style), receives specialisation
    bonuses like a fighter would, gets level attack per round bonuses like a fighter (at levels 7 and 13), and
    gets only a +2 penalty to Thac0 when using a weapon without proficiency.
    - Gets +1 Thac0 and +2 damage when attacking carrion crawlers, spiders, beetles, kobolds, and goblins.
    - Gets +5% Hide in Shadows, +5% Move Silently, and +5% Find Traps
    - Level 2: Gets a +1 bonus to Thac0. Gets this bonus every 2 levels, to a maximum of +5 Thac0 at level
    - Gets hit dice of 1d8. After level 10 it gains 3 hit points a level.

    - Gets -10 to pickpocket
    - Can only distribute 15 thief points every level.
    - You only get access to a new use of Set Snare every 6 levels (levels 1, 7, 13, etc).
    - Backstab multiplier, sneak attacks, and critical strikes progress more slowly than an unkitted Thief:

    Backstab multiplier
    Level 1-6: x2
    Level 7-10: x3
    Level 11-14: x4
    Level 15+: x5

    Sneak attacks (if 3E Sneak Attack is enabled):
    Level 1-5: +1d6
    Level 6-9: +2d6
    Level 10-13: +3d6
    Level 14-17: +4d6
    Level 18-21: +5d6
    Level 22-25: +6d6
    Level 26-29: +7d6
    Level 30: +8d6

    Crippling strikes (if 3E Sneak Attack is enabled):
    Level 7-10: -1 to target’s hit and damage rolls
    Level 11-14: -2 to target’s hit and damage rolls
    Level 15-18: -3 to target’s hit and damage rolls
    Level 19-22: -4 to target’s hit and damage rolls29
    Level 23-26: -5 to target’s hit and damage rolls
    Level 27-30: -6 to target’s hit and damage rolls

    - Must be a dwarf.
    - Must have at least 14 strength and 14 dexterity.

    Cleric Kits
    Icepriestess of Auril


    Description: Few who serve the Frostmaiden do so strictly out of reverence. Auril retains a strong presence in the North, largely due to the fear her name still has over its inhabitants, and many see her priesthood as a way of advancing their own interests. The acquiring of wealth through blackmail and the acquiring of power are two very common characteristics expressed by members of her priesthood.

    Aurilites themselves are not surprisingly looked down upon by most common folk, though their immunity to cold has granted them a reputation for being able to complete tasks during the winter months that others could not do. Amongst her priesthood the cold is an ally, a fact that is certainly apparent to anyone seeking to challenge them.


    - Is immune to cold.
    - Has access to the mage spells Chill Touch (1st), Snilloc's Snowball Swarm (2nd), Protection from Cold (3rd level), Icelance (3rd), Ice Storm (4th), Cone of Cold (5th), and Otiluke's Freezing Sphere (6th)
    - Can cast Frost Fingers as a 1st level spell, Ice Blade as a level 4 spell, and Heart of Ice as a 7th level spell. Can cast Summon Ice Elemental once/day at level 11.

    Ice Blade

    Sphere: Combat, Weather
    Range: Caster
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Casting Time 4
    Area of Effect: Caster
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a swirling sword-shaped formation of jagged, fast swirling ice shards extending from the casters hand. It is considered a +2 enchanted weapon for purposes of determining what it can hit and strikes at Thac0 6, regardless of the casters normal combat abilities. It deals 3d4 slashing damage as well as an additional 1d6 cold damage.

    Synopsis for other spells

    Frost Fingers = Burning hands but with cold damage
    Summon Ice Elemental = Summon Fire Elemental except its duration is fixed to 5 turns and it only summons a 12 hit dice creature (no random chances).
    Heart of Ice = Up close version of Finger of Death that freezes a target if they fail a save vs spell, and damages those that avoid death (unless they are undead or a construct)


    - Must be neutral evil
    - Cannot cast Flame Strike and False Dawn.

    Earthwalker of Grumbar


    Description: Though there are few clerics who still worship Grumbar those that remain are granted a handful of special spells from the Earthlord. Their task is to preserve stability and the status quo in the realms, organizing as necessary to stop the expansion of the churches of other powers. Their resistance to change is not limited only to other churches, and they have even been known to oppose changes in governments and organizations from time to time.


    Level 5: Can summon an 8HD earth elemental once each day. This improves to a 12 HD earth elemental at level 9 and a 16 HD earth elemental at level 13.
    - Gains the ability to cast Stoneskin (4th level), Spiked Stone (5th), Conjure Earth Elemental (7th), and Earthquake out of their priest spellbook.


    - Must be a gnome or dwarf
    - Must be lawful good, lawful neutral, true neutral, or lawful evil.
    - Cannot cast Raise Dead, False Dawn, Aerial Servant, Resurrection, Energy Drain, and Greater Restoration.

    Shaman of Gruumsh


    Description: Few in Gruumsh's priesthood are willing to make the sacrifices that are demanded of his shamans. Long ago it is said that Gruumsh lost an eye in a battle with Corellon Larethian, the head of the pantheon of the elves. Though followers of Gruumsh firmly maintain that he always had one eye, and that he only lost the battle due to trickery by Corellon, shaman's of Gruumsh continue to this day to pluck out their left eye in order to show solidarity with their god. Today this is required to become a shaman of the god, and while having one eye creates its own set of difficulties Gruumsh rewards those who make this sacrifice. Provided of course they follow through with his wishes.


    - With each creature you kill with either a melee or ranged weapon you heal 1d8 health.
    - + 1 to hit elves, half-elves, duergbar, and dwarves
    - Gets access to Blood Rage (4th level spell) despite alignment
    - Can cast Aid on self once per day
    - Can inspire other party members and summons once per 5 levels with the unique ability “Gruumsh’s Rage”. This ability can stack on itself.

    Gruumsh's Rage

    Sphere: Combat
    Range: Self
    Duration: Special
    Casting Time 3
    Area of Effect: 30 foot. radius.
    Saving Throw: None

    Amongst his shamans Gruumsh bestows only his greatest gifts, the most significant being the ability to call upon the rage and brutality of Gruumsh in battle. The duration of this assistance is typically short, namely because channelling the rage requires significant mental fortitude. Lower level shamans that use it have even been known to fear the loss of Gruumsh favour the moment that it ends.

    Level 1: +1 Thac0, +3 damage, + 1 to save vs death, Lasts for 2 rounds. After 2 rounds the caster has a 75% chance of being panicked.
    Level 6: +2 Thac0, +3 damage, +2 save vs death, +5% physical damage resistance. Lasts for 3 rounds. After 3 rounds has a 50% chance of being panicked.
    Level 11: +2 Thac0, +4 damage, +4 save vs death, +1 AC, 10% physical damage resistance. Lasts for 4 rounds.
    Level 16+: +3 Thac0, +6 damage, +4 save vs death, + 2 AC, 15% physical damage resistance. Lasts for 6 rounds.


    - Must be lawful evil.
    - Must be a half-orc
    - Must have 15 strength
    - Due their partial blindness they have half the normal visual range and have a Thac0 and AC penalty of +2



    Description: The Leaftender is similar in many ways to the druid--he or she is a priest who lives in and watches over the wild places that are so important to the halfling race. Despite the fact that his or her home and burrow is located deep in the woods, the Leaftender is not antisocial--halfling visitors will always find a warm welcome and be invited in to share a cup of a tea, a bit of conversation, and a warm fire.

    The Leaftender works to slowly tame a forest without destroying it. He or she will plant nut trees and berry bushes to provide more food for the local wildlife, tend sick trees, and generally make the woods he or she dwells in a healthier, friendlier place.

     Has access to level 4 and lower plant and animal spells. Plant spells include Entangle (1st), Shillelagh (1st), Barkskin (2nd), Goodberry (2nd), Spike Growth (3rd), Mold Touch (3rd), and Thorn Spray (4th). Animal spells include Charm Person or Mammal (2nd), Hold Animal (3rd), Summon Insect (3rd), Animal Summoning I (4th), Call Woodland Beings (4th), and Giant Insect (4th).
     At 2nd level they become immune to entangle
     At 5th level they become immune to charm magic

    - Must be a halfling
    - Must be neutral or good alignments (you get spell access based on your alignment).
    - Can only become proficient in clubs, quarterstaves, slings, and any of the weapon styles.
    - Cannot cast Animate Dead, Slay Living, or Finger of Death.

    Priest of Luthic


    Description: Those who serve the Cave Mother know her to be wise but firm in her beliefs. Amongst her clergy there is a strong sense of connection to the earth as well as a value placed in the practice of minor healing. Of those in the Orc Pantheon she is the only one who has placed any interest in the art of healing, a view that her followers have noted. As a result in the midst of battle her followers can often be found on the front lines caring for the wounded, and, in rare cases, raising the fallen.


    - Unlike other evil priests they gets access to all healing spells and healing-related necromancy spells (this includes Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Raise Dead, Heal, Greater Restoration, Regeneration, and Resurrection).
    - They can also cast “Blistering Disease” as a 4th level spell. Its description is as follows.

    Blistering Disease

    Sphere: Necromancy
    Range: Touch
    Duration: 8 rounds
    Area of Effect: Single target
    Casting Time: 4
    Saving Throw: Save vs death

    This spell afflicts one creature the priest targets with a disease that saps the target of 5 points of Strength. The bursting of blisters on the victim inflicts an additional 5 poison damage/ round for 8 rounds. A successful Save vs. negates all effects. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or extraplanar creatures.


    - Must be evil.
    - Must be a half-orc.
    - Loses access to spells in the "Combat" sphere above level 4. This includes Righteous Magic, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Flame Strike, Bolt of Glory, Slay Living, and Unholy Word

    Iceguardian of Ulutiu


    Description: Iceguardians of Ulutiu are as much community leaders as they are warriors and clerics. Their communion with nature and the animals that they hunt is strong, and like druids high level Iceguardians have even been known to reach the point of being able to turn into these animals as needed. Though he is in a deep slumber Ulutiu still continues to protect his most trusted servants with immunity to the cold, as well as access to a number of additional water and ice spells.


    - Immunity to Cold
    - +2 wisdom
    -Has access to Chill Touch, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Protection from Cold, Cloudburst, Icelance, Ice Storm, Smashing Wave, Cone of Cold, Conjure Water Elemental, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, and Mist of Eldath.
    - Beast Claw (renamed Polar Fury is added as an innate ability that can be activated when you hit level 5).
    - Ability to transform into polar bear form once you hit 10th level.


    - Must be human
    - Cannot use Flame Strike and False Dawn,
    - Cannot cast Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Cause Light Wounds, Heal, and Regeneration.



    TREETENDER: Although they rarely interact with other gnomes on a daily basis, these nature priests are highly respected for helping to preserve the environment in which their fellows live. Like the druid of humankind, the Treetender takes a fierce interest in his or her domain and will vigorously strive to protect it against all threats. He or she is not a complete recluse, however, and will usually make it to a local village for all the major festivals, as well as helping gnomes (and, sometimes, halflings) who pass through his or her woods.


    - Level 1: Has immunity to Entangle.
    - Level 1: Once per day the Treetender can gather herbs and use them to concoct a Potion of Healing.


    Level 1: Creates a Potion of Healing.
    Level 10: Creates a Potion of Extra Healing.
    Level 20: Creates a Potion of Superior Healing.

    - Level 3: Gains immunity to charm.
    - Can cast minor spells from the Plant sphere. This includes Entangle (1st), Shillelagh (1st), Barkskin (2nd), Goodberry (2nd), Spike Growth (3rd), Mold Touch (3rd), and Thorn Spray (4th).


    - They can only become proficient in clubs, quarterstaffs, slings, and any of the weapon styles.
    - Cannot cast Animate Dead, Slay Living, or Finger of Death.


    - Must be a gnome.
    - Must be a neutral or good alignment.

    Druid Kit



    Description: The Hivemaster druid lives to foster Insectoid and Arachnid life wherever it exists. The approach a druid takes in this regard can vary considerably and many consider them to be enigmatic. Still, Hivemasters have an unusual affinity towards insects that changes their approach to any given battle.


    Has immunity to poison at level 1 (rather than acquiring it at level 9).
    At level 9 it instead gains immunity to Web
    Learns (and therefore can memorize) Summon Insects, Giant Insect, Insect Plague, and Creeping Doom as though you were three levels higher as a druid. This means that you can cast Summon Insects as a 1st level spell once you hit level 2, you can cast Giant Insect as a 2nd level spell once you hit level 4, you can cast Insect Plague as a 3rd level spell once you hit level 6, and you can cast Creeping Doom as a 6th level spell once you hit level 11. You cannot however cast them at their normal level.


    -Can only shapeshift into a Boring Beetle (acquired at the usual level 7).
    -Cannot wear greater than leather armor.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Don't worry and don't rush anything! The game has just been released so many of us won't run for mods right off :)

    You deserve credit for this huge work, though!

    May Mystra bless your mod!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Not really rushing anything I was just sitting on a the draft of this thread for so long that I long ago hit the word limit. Just needed extra space lol.
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Yea I'm aware of that. I put it as a disadvantage because that is where restrictions on kits normally are placed. Plus while mechanically it is an advantage it is also taking away the roleplaying opportunity of playing with those kits at a lower amount of whatever that particular stat is (strength, constitution, etc). Anyways, I would just have "advantages" and "restrictions" but as I said I'm keeping it as is for consistency reasons.

    I may just add in a "restrictions" section for things like that as well.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Yea so anyways maybe someone knows. Does Weidu or something related to it need to be updated to handle IWDEE? I'm able to install my mod on BGEE 1.3 (and run it to a degree though some of the animations for spells are obviously either missing or different) but when I try to do it in IWDEE I just get greyed out (what I assume are) string reference numbers in the character creation screen.
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    edited October 2014
    Woaa actually I didn't read your thread but because I wasn't happy at all with those priest kits I decided to create my own priest of auril kit (the hell with the plot issue), I am just beginning :) I hope we could help each other coze I am a total neophyte when it comes to modding there are still plenty of functions I want to add. After digging the internet for info regarding the priest of Auril, they say that they are immune to NORMAL cold but not magical cold damage they only have a resist cold permanent protection which confer if I remember only +50.

    Also I read that they use enchanted ice dagger, I was thinking that it could be a spell and depending of the level you are could be +1 +2 +3 +4. Not knowing how to create spell yet I simply allowed them to use dagger (knowing the fact there is this dagger breath of auril, would be a pain if an aurilite couldn't use it)

    I was also thinking about creating iceskin (we got bark, stone, iron), why not iceskin after all, aurilite can manipulate cold.

    Summoning an ice golem?

    About their armor restriction I read somewhere that they are limited to chainmail but I also read that they are limited to leather, so which one to choose? and I have no idea at the moment how to deal with item restriction.

    I also read that fire damage are multiplied by 2 on them and that they can't use any spells or items that create fire or heat. And I have no idea how to deal with spell restriction either.

    They also cannot turn or command undead, that is an other thing i don't know how to deal with.

    So far I just added race and alignment restriction (human neutral evil), stats requirement, can use dagger, perma resist cold and cold arcane spells. I am just starting so for now I just want to get the thing working first before going any further.

    Finally I don't want to make that kit too broken but it's fair to assume that an Aurilite would be at an advantage in cold environement but also at a disadvantage in hot environment and I am talking about dorn's deep. Anyway I am really motivated to make that kit awesome and I am gonna need help to do it coze I don't have a deep knowledge of DnD.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Mechanically even though cold resistance and magic cold resistance are listed separately functionally as far as I know they do the same thing. So even if they had 100% immune to cold resistance they would still be immune to any magic cold based attack (or to put it more succinctly cold is cold).

    Apparently I'm wrong about ^ this. Wouldn't be the first time :)

    Without really knowing how familiar you are with Near Infinity, DLTCEP, or Weidu I don't really know how much I can help you. In any event you should make your own thread on it.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    elminster said:

    Mechanically even though cold resistance and magic cold resistance are listed separately functionally as far as I know they do the same thing. So even if they had 100% immune to cold resistance they would still be immune to any magic cold based attack (or to put it more succinctly cold is cold).

    Without really knowing how familiar you are with Near Infinity, DLTCEP, or Weidu I don't really know how much I can help you. In any event you should make your own thread on it.

    Well at the moment I don't really need help I am just following tutorial, I use nearinfinity and exported/edited certain 2DA files, now I just realize that editing the dialog.tlk fucked my iwd, but I had a back up of it of course. I don't even know if i am doing things right at the moment but I am on the weidu part to install it. If i need help I'll make my own thread sure.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Ohh then I stand corrected :)
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    elminster said:

    Yea so anyways maybe someone knows. Does Weidu or something related to it need to be updated to handle IWDEE? I'm able to install my mod on BGEE 1.3 (and run it to a degree though some of the animations for spells are obviously either missing or different) but when I try to do it in IWDEE I just get greyed out (what I assume are) string reference numbers in the character creation screen.

    same problem duskblade is greyed out and not selectable.
    seems to me, we need a new fl#add_kit_ee to make kits work
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  • nbnmarenbnmare Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2014
    There are some interesting and well thought out kits there, though I must admit I was hoping to get some more monk and sorcerer kits added to the mix now the Enhanced Editions have made this actually possible :). Not sure if you plan to work on any more other than what you've list above, but just in case I've stuck some pnp-based ideas at the end of the post.

    Regarding paladins, I'm not sure if you've seen them or not but both the 2E sourcebook Faiths & Avatars and the 3E sourcebook Champions of Valor provide the names of various paladin orders associated with particular deities.

    Ilmater: Companions of the Noble Heart, Holy Order of Suffering, Order of the Golden Cup, Order of the Lambent Rose.
    Mielliki: None (the military branch of her church consists solely of druid/rangers), but fellow nature goddess Chauntea has an order of paladins called the Field Guardians.
    Mystra: Knights of the Mystic Fire.

    Sorcerer and monk kit ideas:

    Chaos Soul: The sorcerer equivalent of the wild mage.
    Blizzard Mage: A sorcerer with a strong affinity for cold magics.
    Demonskin Adept: A sorcerer with fiendish ancestry.
    Eldritch Thaumaturge: A sorcerer who is either fey or has fey blood running through his or her veins.
    Favored Soul: A sorcerer either descended from a celestial being, or blessed by a god.
    Lightning Fury: A sorcerer who favors the power of the storm.
    Shadow Sorcerer: A sorcerer descended from an inhabitant of the Demiplane of Shadow.

    Changeless Face Monk: A monk who worships Grumbar, the Earthlord.
    Open Palm Monk: A monk who worships Eldath, the Quiet One.
    Passive Voice Monk: A monk who worships Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge.
    Pure Flame Monk: A monk who worships Kossuth, the Firelord.
    White Rod Monk: A monk who worships Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain.
    Written Word Monk: A monk who worships Deneir, Lord of All Glyphs and Images.
    Yellow Rose Monk: A monk who worships Ilmater, the Broken God.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2014
    nbnmare said:

    Regarding paladins, I'm not sure if you've seen them or not but both the 2E sourcebook Faiths & Avatars and the 3E sourcebook Champions of Valor provide the names of various paladin orders associated with particular deities.

    Ilmater: Companions of the Noble Heart, Holy Order of Suffering, Order of the Golden Cup, Order of the Lambent Rose.
    Mielliki: None (the military branch of her church consists solely of druid/rangers), but fellow nature goddess Chauntea has an order of paladins called the Field Guardians.
    Mystra: Knights of the Mystic Fire.

    Faiths & Avatars is written from the perspective of it being after the Time of Troubles (1358). That is why deities like Bhaal are dead according to it. By that point Mielekki was an intermediate power, rather than being the lessor power she likely would have been around the time Icewind Dale was set (1281) and she had since reorganized her priesthood.

    To give you an example of what I mean the Mystra that you read about in Faiths & Avatars is the 3rd incarnation of Mystra (formerly named Midnight). The 2nd Incarnation would be the one that would be involved in something like Icewind Dale. One difference between the two is that the 2nd incarnation is lawful neutral while the third is neutral good.

    i like your monk and sorcerer ideas. We could use more kits for them :)
  • nbnmarenbnmare Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2014
    elminster said:

    Faiths & Avatars is written from the perspective of it being after the Time of Troubles (1358). That is why deities like Bhaal are dead according to it. By that point Mielekki was an intermediate power, rather than being the lessor power she likely would have been around the time Icewind Dale was set (1281) and she had since reorganized her priesthood.

    I was forgetting about that. I don't think there was ever any official material regarding the deities between the fall of Netheril/the death of Mystryl (see the 2E boxed set Netheril - Empire of Magic for info on several deities from before the fall) and the Time of Troubles.

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    You should check out some if the iwdee specific opcodes (and other stuff)

    You can make ice priests cast stronger cold spells; stormbringers cast stronger lightning spells; make non clerics able to turn undead; make rogues cast spells on a successful backstab, and other fun stuff. It's worth checking out
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Thanks for the link :)
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  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    elminster said:

    At the moment it looks like Weidu will need to be updated to work on IWDEE before I can begin testing it and releasing it.

    Any idea what the issue is getting kits to work? @CamDawg‌ seems to have gotten kits to work with IWDEE pretty immediately... perhaps he can enlighten us as to any special treatment that is required?
    DR uses the latest WeiDU beta (23604), which I don't mind since the overall release is a beta.

    The main issue with the last mainline WeiDU (23600) is that it wasn't always installing to the correct tlk file for IWDEE, which is a fairly large problem. It's why Kulyok is also using the WeiDU beta for IWD NPCs.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2014
    @subtledoctor I wasn't aware of the beta for weidu until earlier today when I saw that Rogue Rebalancing was released yesterday on SHS as a beta for IWDEE by Wisp.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2014
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Well I'm sure it will be bugtacular, but anyone looking to beta test this can download it from here
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Seems pretty cool. Watch out because there's an empty component named "Install Fighter Kits" around line 41-ish. Also, be sure to put your modding signature to all the new files (there are some .eff files that aren't) introduced by this mod.

    Thanks for crediting me BTW :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2014
    Yea I'm going to add groups in the next update. Just to make it easier to install. So that BEGIN install fighter kits (which at the moment serves absolutely no purpose) line will be gone in it :)
  • RoarRoar Member Posts: 41
    @elminster any chance that this mod will one day be compatible with bgee or bg2ee?
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    Well, first of all, thanks for great work.
    Paladin of Mystra seems an interesting idea, and I wanted to do something like that myself (paladin with minor sequencer for faster buffing) but is'nt he a little weakened by disadvantages? Dispel Magic and reduced casting are not so great, and while losing Smite Evil seems unsignificant loss to me (since its meh from beginning), losing Lay on Hands hurts a little.
    On the other side, divinate of mielekki seems really powerful with its crowd control spells and immunities to them. So you can basically just chop enemies then they stuck and disabled. With other two party fighters with rings of freedom this makes game pretty easy imho.
    Myrmidin is greart and interesting choice indeed, remind me a Fire Emblem game a little =)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Mystra has its own advantage that is pretty significant that you may not be seeing.

    Mielekki is good against fodder enemies but the larger enemies will ignore entangle and web. Its access to crowd control spells is also going to be limited. Plus as you already pointed out you can steal two Rings of Free Action in Kuldahar already. Mielekki just has an advantage in a few earlier areas (and doesn't get the full advantages that a Ring of Free Action provides).
    Roar said:

    @elminster any chance that this mod will one day be compatible with bgee or bg2ee?

    Probably not. I'd like to keep it IWDEE only. Partly because its easier to deal with just the one game (which means I don't have to worry about spells not having correct animations, working differently, etc). Also IWD has very few exclusive mods and I'd rather just design kits that make sense (or that can be made to make sense) for its setting.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2014
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    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
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