If you could choose only one new companion from SOD to bring into BG2, who would it be and why?

- If you could choose only one new companion from SOD to bring into BG2, who would it be and why?93 votes
- Captain Schael Corwin35.48%
- Voghiln the Vast8.60%
- M’Khiin Grubdoubler37.63%
- Glint Gardnersonson18.28%
He's hilarious, adorable, and pretty useful in a variety of ways.
I didn't even realise he was a romance option until he kissed my charname. And my heart broke durring the closing chapter when he sorrowfully felt conflicted not quite believing what was happening. My heart broke a little leaving him behind knowing he had feelings for my charname.
He's masc for masc haha. As I say I didn't realise he was a homosexual character although the signs were there. Like how he says "With FLAIR!" and "That dwarf is amazing. If only she were a man."
And his battlecry of awesome: "Destruction! Ruin! Mayhem! Other synonyms for death!"
I've played through SOD twice and both times took Glint. First time because oooo new character and a thief. Second time because, evil playthrough and he is the only evil thief you can use (with the aide of helm of opposite alignment).
Overall, he's a great companion in terms of usability. He's chatty and optimistic, but his romance dialog also shows he has a heart and some depth. The only downside is it would another multi-class thief and good aligned character.
There's also the fact that, even if you don't like her, it would be nice to once, just once, tell her what you think of the crap she pulls in the final chapter.
M'Khiin would be interesting as I enjoyed her character, but the handwaving for how a goblin can get around Athkatla might be a bit much. I think she would bring some needed sanity to the cast of BG2 NPCs, though.
I would also be happy for Glint, though he does seem a bit Jan 2.0. But having a good aligned m/m romance would be good, and a non-Imoen good aligned thief wouldn't be bad.
I really couldn't be bothered about Voghlin, though.
after you escape irenicus's lair and imoen has suggested they sold/otherwise disposed of all your best gear, i found a kobold wearing the circlet i gave her in SoD and was like, "nooo..."
M'kiin is a close second. Glint bored me -- same way I felt about Rasaad. Not bad, not good just: *yawn*.
But I also like Corwin and Glint. In fact, I like M'Khiin, Corwin, and Glint better than all of the earlier EE companions (Dorn, Rasaad, Neera, and Hexxat).
I haven't tried Voghiln yet, but I'm glad that there is now a skald companion.
If I had to choose, I'd go with a shaman NPC with druid spells, of an unusual race, who has such an interesting personality. Would be superb to see BG2 characters' reactions on M’Khiin, and I mean not only party NPCs.
I wonder if Beamdog would be allowed to do something like that...
M'Khiin: "It's a fake. Here's the real one."
Dead Loved One: *Something encouraging* (Where applicable.)
Scion: "How'd you summon him/her so fast?"
M'Khiin: "Didn't. It was already here, screaming to be heard. You couldn't. Just helped a little."
Anyway, I've put it onto my todo list to watch out for that sentence and any context. Everytime she has said it before, it has been at odd times and has not been as obvious as you claim. I've thought it is something she says at random times to match her character. And maybe loading a savegame has had an influence on the randomness, as it's not one of the things she says when selecting her. It's also not as if Corwin and Safana would have a constant quarrel with eachother.