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Quick save is dead

I'm new here, but I'm familiar with EE. I had good time with BG1:EE and for last couple of weeks I've played BG2. Recently I discovered that UI was completely changed. For worse, I must add. Nevertheless I was going to play. But there is one bug, that completely ruined my playthrough and gave Beamdog special place on my 'black list'
I can't use quick save.
When I hit "Q" - the text confirmation appears, but nothing is saved. Is there any solution? Is there any chance to give me back my lovely old UI? Or at least could you tell me how to convert EE saves so they can work with original - not EE - game.

I'm using steam version with polish fan translation. Because you know - Polish version is the definitive version.


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    edited April 2016
    Just out of interest. Have you recently upgraded to Windows 10?

    [EDIT] Because that's a somewhat cryptic comment, if you have recently upgraded to Windows 10 then the issue is Windows related, not BG related. See below;
  • tokjotokjo Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2016
    Thanks for help, but it's not that problem - I have Win 10 for some time and I've played BG2:EE on it before 2.0 patch. Now: saves are visible, I can load them and I can save game when I go to the menu. I just can't make new quick save.
    After reinstalling, clearing override, deleting everything, and writing that magical commands in command line.
    I'm not happy with that. I didn't buy that broken - new UI - thing and I don't know what to do.

    Edit: I've found, that I can turn back my Steam version to 1.3. Thank God for Steam, but I'll never buy anything from Beamdog (pity that I already own everything but Siege of Dragonspear).
    Post edited by tokjo on
  • tokjotokjo Member Posts: 6
    MrGuse said:

    I've always loved the idea that a single bug could somehow make someone "never buy" something from a certain company ever again.

    Game worked fine -> Company tried to force changes -> Company failed and broke game -> I lost my trust to them.

    To me quite logical
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187
    Maybe try a re-install if nothing else works, maybe something didn't get copied/saved right?
  • VoldrenVoldren Member Posts: 4
    I know topic is quite old, but I had the same problem with BG2EE, and found out the reason behind it is the fan translation. With clean version of the game, quicksave works properly, but when I apply the translation - it's not working (though saving normally via game menu works even with the translation).
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    @mrGuse would you still buy that McDonald's burger if you had found an actual bug inside one? if a bug makes the game not enjoyable or unplayable, then how would that not affect your opinion of the company or likelihood of buying their future products. A number of people here defend beamdog even when they're clearly in the wrong - all three games are still extremely buggy from the 2.0 patch, not to mention the few very serious bugs we had to deal with in 1.3 for literally years. I love Baldurs Gate and I love that attention is being given, but we need to hold Beamdog to task here - they are a deeply flawed company. I would love to believe that everything will be fixed, and if they do so i will be the first to congratulate them and will be a deeply loyal customer for all future endeavors, but if not....welll.....
  • GhavGrimGhavGrim Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2016
    Alleycat didn't seem to have any bugs. Probably more than 25 years ago though.

    ...Still...that feeling when you went on a massive rant about a company ruining your game, only for it to turn out that you ruined it yourself by installing a mod that wasn't done quite right...

    Can't help but feel that DregothOfTyr didn't read the post before from Voldren...

    Edit: Also...long live the quick save.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    I have Windows 10, BGEE2.x, and NEVER had an issue with Quick Saves. Sounds like it's an issue on your end.
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    I'm not specifically referring to the OP, I was speaking more generally. And to suggest that there is absolutely no continuum between a completely bug-free piece of software and the very buggy SoD/ 2.0+ patches is entirely disingenuous. I have certainly played many games wherein I did not encounter a single bug during an entire playthrough, in fact I expect that to be the case when I purchase a game. With SoD, and the 2.0+ patches, I have encountered literally dozens of bugs that range from the annoying, to the frustrating, to the game-breaking variety, and I don't use any mods on this install. That's why I still have 1.3 installed without SoD on my desktop and only play the updated games on my laptop - it's just not ready for primetime, it still needs quite extensive testing and bug fixing. Are you really going to tell me that you haven't encountered any number of bugs since the release of SoD and the 2.0+ patches?
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    edited June 2016

    I'm not specifically referring to the OP, I was speaking more generally. And to suggest that there is absolutely no continuum between a completely bug-free piece of software and the very buggy SoD/ 2.0+ patches is entirely disingenuous. I have certainly played many games wherein I did not encounter a single bug during an entire playthrough, in fact I expect that to be the case when I purchase a game. With SoD, and the 2.0+ patches, I have encountered literally dozens of bugs that range from the annoying, to the frustrating, to the game-breaking variety, and I don't use any mods on this install. That's why I still have 1.3 installed without SoD on my desktop and only play the updated games on my laptop - it's just not ready for primetime, it still needs quite extensive testing and bug fixing. Are you really going to tell me that you haven't encountered any number of bugs since the release of SoD and the 2.0+ patches?

    I have encountered a few myself, but nothing that broke the game. Maybe I was lucky. I have followed the progress of bug fixing which honestly has been more transparently handled than any other game company I can recall with access for all.

    May I ask, how many playthroughs have you done with SoD and post 2.0 to have encountered dozens of bugs? It sounds like you have a lot more time to play than I do. :jealous:

    Have you entered bugs you found into redmine and had them not be addressed? I think some things got pushed back but I don't recall seeing anything that had gotten a response from a team member within a fairly short time.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    This makes me feel really lucky, I've been playing EE since first release and NEVER encountered a major bug.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited July 2016

    I have certainly played many games wherein I did not encounter a single bug during an entire playthrough, in fact I expect that to be the case when I purchase a game

    Just because you didn't notice bugs did NOT mean they didn't exist. In fact, I can guarantee that other users encountered bugs. Lucky you. You never did. Bug free software is NOT a reality, because software is designed by humans and tested by humans. Humans are not perfect.

    Also, no, 2.x is not is not as buggy as you claim. Not at all. I suspect you are exaggerating.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    edited July 2016
    None of the assertions I made were wild or completely laughable. Maybe I'm not lucky on this playthrough or something, but I have never played a game this buggy - I have encountered literally dozens of bugs in just a single playthrough, probably something like 20-30 - they range from NPCs disappearing to incorrect sounds in menus to bags of holding problems where if you click one item every other item of the same type is removed. Am I really just that unlucky where none of you have encountered this number of bugs?

    By the way, making the argument that because bugs will exist in any game that this level of bugginess is excusable is not logically sound. The amount of bugs one encounters could be expressed statistically whereby the relative bugginess is an individual's chance of encountering one or more bugs. Averaged over the population for the game, this becomes the total number of bugs encountered by the community. Therefore, bugginess can be seen as a continuum, from almost no/no bugs to literally unplayable. This game goes way too far towards the bug-heavy side of that continuum. It's really that simple, so please don't make that logically bereft argument again.

    There are degrees to these things. Saying that because every game has bugs, that a high level of bugs is excusable is an absurd statement - it's just making excuses. It's really disappointing too, because I actually really enjoyed SoD and quite like the way many of the UI improvements turned out, as well as some of the lifestyle changes. I just finished the game for the first time last night and really thought much of the criticism leveled against it was unfair - while some of the writing was a bit lackluster, much of it was quite good, while the art, encounters, level design, and many other aspects I thought were very high quality.

    There are just so many bugs! It's quite disappointing and I'm surprised that others aren't talking about this, but maybe I have just been really unlucky. For some reason I doubt it though.

    By the way, I agree that OP is ridiculous, I just took this opportunity to get up on my soapbox because I care deeply about the state of the EE's. Further, if Beamdog fixes the bugs here I will absolutely support them in any future endeavors. I really hope they do, because it will be very disappointing if they don't.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    I would say that your experience has been atypical from everything I have seen myself and read here. Maybe you are more observant while playing. Have you upgraded to the latest 2.3 version or are you still playing on 2.0? Remaining on 2.0 would exhibit more bugs for sure. Hundreds of things have been fixed since the initial 2.0 release.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @DregothofTyr I've never even heard of some of the things you are encountering happening. Are you using any mods? Maybe there is an issue with the installation. Maybe back up your saves and re-download?
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    I'm on 2.3, no mods. I'll try that, thanks.
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    I do tend to notice things, and to be fair most of the bugs are small things - a few however are larger and very annoying.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    If you can please report things you find to be problems with the latest versions then I for one will seriously appreciate it. I believe many other people here will too. Here is the format thread from the devs. It isn't really bad and doesn't take much longer than posting here. You do need to make an account on If you have any saves to attach where they can easily see the problem that really helps.
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    Yeah I started to report things but then I noticed so many I started to feel overwhelmed about it. I did a reinstall as you suggested, and even switched from standalone installer to Steam, and that seems to have helped a lot. It looks like updating via the standalone installer from 1.3 may have caused some issues, might be something to look into. it looks like that took care of a decent amount of the problem, though I still notice some of the issues persisting. I'll keep track this playthrough, thanks.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I'm glad that resolved some of the issues. Few things are more frustrating than not being able to enjoy a game because of problems that no one else seems to have.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    Long live Quick Save
  • Zendog7Zendog7 Member Posts: 31
    mf2112 said:

    Have you ever purchased a completely bug free piece of software or game? Please tell me the name so I might experience this feeling which I have never once seen in 25 years in the computer software industry. Thank you.
    I'm a precision engineer. If I supply a customer a part that does not work (eg: a hole just slightly out of position) then it is rejected by them and I do not get paid.
    Why has it always been ok for software/tech companies to sell products that have known faults?
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    edited July 2016
    Zendog7 said:

    I'm a precision engineer. If I supply a customer a part that does not work (eg: a hole just slightly out of position) then it is rejected by them and I do not get paid.
    Why has it always been ok for software/tech companies to sell products that have known faults?
    Software has never been held to that standard. (shrug)
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Zendog7 said:

    I'm a precision engineer. If I supply a customer a part that does not work (eg: a hole just slightly out of position) then it is rejected by them and I do not get paid.
    Why has it always been ok for software/tech companies to sell products that have known faults?
    Because it's so much harder to measure the "holes" and their position changes depending on what system you run the software on.
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    Yes - when you have the potential to run a piece of software on many different systems it is impossible to test every setup to ensure a bug-free launch. Oftentimes you will even find disclaimers in the Ts & Cs saying that they do not guarantee the software will work for you at all.

    Many tech companies will be fully aware of bugs at launch, and run through a risk analysis on when is the right time to launch. Development is very costly and can take a long time, delays are even more costly (with marketing/budgets/legal agreements all aiming on a certain release date), so the sooner you are getting revenue the better in many cases - and not meeting the deadlines can kill you. But so can the bugs... hence the risk analysis.

    Is this the right way for the consumer? No, but often it's a trade-off, and I think we'd see a LOT less creativity, tech stuff, and releases if companies were forced to ensure a bug free launch.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    Zendog7 said:

    I'm a precision engineer. If I supply a customer a part that does not work (eg: a hole just slightly out of position) then it is rejected by them and I do not get paid.
    Why has it always been ok for software/tech companies to sell products that have known faults?

    If you're a precision engineer, then the answer should be obvious to you. What are your parts for? Generally, 1 device, right? Software runs on multiple devices, with multiple settings, multiple environments. The sheer amount of variables involved is staggering. The idea of a "bug free launch" died the minute someone did programming on the analytical engine.

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