How to beat the game on legacy of bhaal?

Well i wanted to beat the game on legacy of bhaal for now, but since you are only able to create 1 character , i need help for it. Any advice which character i should create( guess either a berserker or a ranged warrior or rather a thief ? etc. Also who should i take with me. Should i rather be evil or good, since evil characters are usually better here(edwin etc) but then again i cant take minsc with me
. Anyways , would be grateful for any help. Especially for help regarding the companions i should take with me, since im pretty sure berserker must be one of the best classes for this task.

On top of the solo jester run, I once started a LoB+SCS run with that party, of which you can read here:, and it turned out the shaman's summons are a key to beat general LoB enemies. After that start I didn't have enough time for exactly the LoB+SCS run, as it requires *4 more time than a general run, but I'm sure such a party would be a success.
Cant seem to find the costum party function anymore, but used it once, is it gone now??
Shaman seems to be a good idea.